Chapter 6 Crater Girl and Vomit Boy

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Hi please send medicine
Idk if is this sickness is giving me the energy to write but idk lmao

Perdita POV

I look up to see a blonde guy wearing jeans and an armor and he too looked sick, motion sickness probably " okay?" he asks again

"Yeah just didnt sleep well, what about you? you look sick, didn't you pack water for the ride? I asked then he chuckled nervously and sat next, he looked unprepared and nervous

"No i didnt think the ride to beacon would take long" he said and he felt a bit better because the bullhead starts to land and people came in but what stood out was a long haired blonde girl with someone wearing a red cape and short black hair with red ends, like mine.

My head then starts to hurt again and even my scars of my shoulder and arm but i hid it then faced the guy who sat next to me looking sick again "you know the trashbin is on the corner if you feel like it" i told him

"nope I can handle this...its nothing" he said while struggling and i giggled while moving a bit of distance just for sure

"your funny im Perdita Black looks like your gonna do some training so you wont puke while studying on beacon" i said

"Jaune Arc short sweet rolls of the tongue, ladies love it" he said and i smirk

"Oh really? Dude How many times did you practice that sentence" i jokingly said and we turn to a loud noise of the blonde girl hugging her sister

"Oh I cant believe my baby sister is coming to beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" she told her sister who is uncomfortable by the attention given to them "but im so proud of you!!" she continues

"really sis it was nothing" she told her sister shyly

"What do u mean it was incredible!" the blonde told her sister and me and Jaune looked at each other sweating drop at the scene

"Oh yeah i just noticed, no offense tho but arent you a little young to go to beacon?" Jaune asked and he was right not that my height was any like the other people around us other than the one wearing a red cape

"Yeah im actually 14 and i got a recommendation to come at Beacon, I was about to start with my big bro at Haven but...they were kinda full and Headmaster Ozpin said he had a spot" I said using the story cover up Cinder planned for me

" so you got moved for 3 years?! You must be special!" Jaune complimented me and i rub the back of my head pretending to be bashful

" so you got moved for 3 years?! You must be special!" Jaune complimented me and i rub the back of my head pretending to be bashful

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(a/n: she is by a little smaller than Ruby just bruh LOOK AT MY BEAN)

"no no its nothing really...i guess its just luck, what about yo--" then i was cut off by the News hologram play and i think i saw Jaune sigh in relief like he was thankful that i didnt continue my question so i decided to hide it

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