Chapter 45 Mercy From The Protector

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"There was a lonely girl named... Salem..." Ruby was shocked enough that everything around her had disappeared, but also hearing and seeing things manifested through Jin really is magic

Perdita groans as she is being shown the form of Ozma from the past

"I already know all of this! Get me out of here!" Perdita grips her hands in anger as the scene went on

'If only I could get the lamp while they watch this play on I could atleast get away using Yang's bike, whatever is in there it should be enough to get me to Argus then I'll figure things out from there...' she thought

"You know...I can hear your thoughts Young really are a thinker are you?" Jin appears beside Perdita

"I can hear all of your thoughts or what is within them...While that is a smart idea, I dont believe that you know the full story of ...well You...." Jin says and Perdita takes out the knife she had and the Genie could only laugh

"While they are watching everything playthrough...would you like to use the last question?" Perdita scoffed at the question

"Salem will be needing that, I'll be taking you to her the sooner we're done here... I can't believe those idiots really trashed the train, but without them it won't be easy getting into Atlas... So I advise you to sit back, wouldn't you want to see what the future holds?" Perdita says and Jin humms in impressed

"Humanity really did a number on themselves these days..." Jin says and disappeared in all blue smoke as things around Perdita began to change

"What?" Perdita asks in confusion


"For the other case where we shall move then...Will the return of Sangria Rose be a possibility?" Jin says showing everyone again to each other but Perdita who was completely far away that they look back to

To Perdita seeing this she runs towards them with anger to her eyes, not showing red but in...desperation...

With the closer she ran towards them the more her appearance changed into a younger version of herself,

Her red ends extended, her body bruised and covered in bandages, tears flowing from her eyes,

"She had already multiple occasions..." Ruby gasped when Sangria tripped in front of her, but in attempt of catching her, the illusion of her sister simply went pass her

Then Sangria look back at Ruby in horror, crying, and pulling herself back while looking at the person behind Ruby

"Sangria..." Yang talks to her sister and Ruby turns around to see the original looking furiously at her younger version

" simply held back..." Jin says and Ruby was pushed aside by Sangria who ran to her younger self attempting to choke the illusion or kill it in different ways she knew

"DAMNIT!! DAMNIT ALL!! JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HEAD!!! GET OUT OF MY-" Yang went to stop Perdita but then everything around her had disappeared again

Then she began to fall....

From the Sky!

But she wasn't hurt at all, then she sees that she was in a forest with multiple broken trees,

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