Chapter 55 Fixing What Was Changed

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"O-ow..." I moved my arms to feel the ground? Why am I on the floor?

Am I back home? Its so bright....

My other arm felt numb and coughed, feeling dry on my mouth, then I opened my eyes, squinting of being on a White room,

Did I pass out? It's not as white as the mysterious thing that I had Yang and the others go through.

"Believe in yourself that you can! Please if you can't then they will be in danger!" I remember Jessica tell me and I got scared

I was so scared yet I kept pushing on the wall, I don't want that to happen to Yang! Or anyone!

"Auhg-!" I feel straight through and then I was back in the white room and I rushed to the other end!

Im out of breath! How far was this going to go!

"Perdita? Perdita where are you!?" I hear Yang call out making me stop on my tracks, I couldn't see her but I can atleast hear where she is.

"Y-yang? Yang! Where are you?!" Which way are you?!" I look around me and all I see is nothing

"Perdita! Damnit! Where is she?! How could she have gone far?!" I hear Yang again and I move forward to her voice

"N-no Yang I'm here! Yang!" I gasp when I felt the wall end finally

"Yang wait..." I say pushing against it feeling my hand push through and suddenly pulled me out and into a hug

"What were you doing in there?! You had me worried sick! What if something happened to you again and I-" I just listened to Yang whos worried while I sighed in relief

"You guys are okay..." I say hugging my big sister back

"Rose, this is no time to be playing like a child!" Damian crossed his arms looking at me and I quickly got up

"I can get us out of here! I don't actually know how to explain it but- a guy named Jaune and A girl smaller than me named Jessica believes that I can!" I say looking at Yang

"Jaune? How did you get from here to Vale?" Yang asks me and Blake checked the wall that I went through and listened through it

"There's nothing but a pack of Grimms through that wall..." Weiss points out

"You just gotta believe me..." I saw getting up and touch my semblance to Blake who phased her head through and came back completely stunned

".....she's saying the truth..." Blake nodded and went through the wall and I quickly ran to tap on everyone with my semblance to get through

"Hurry!" I tell Damian while I look back to the door where Grimms are loudly knocked on and noticed I was now the last one

"W-wait for me!" I push on the wall with my semblance and I fell on Damian

"Are you two alright?!" Diana helps us both up while the others looked around the white room

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