Chapter 60 Lets Just Live

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"...I' sorry..." I thought, kneeling down on the body that I had dragged earlier for the access card

But he's alive...

He'll be alright..

I grip my head and mutters to myself to leave me alone!

What just happened back there was just what it felt like when I woke up from being Perdita!?

I can't let this happen! Why is this happening to me!?

These are the people that Perdita sided with?!

"Do not disappoint me..."

"This would surely come in handy if you pass by any Atlas personnel that you can't handle on your current state..." The Doctor hands me a dinner invitation

"ofcourse you wouldn't be invited, you will roam around like the rat you are until you find the Winter Maiden, after that... Your services are finished." He says pushing me slightly off the room

I look at him at complete doubt.

"now run along."


Ruby? Ruby is here. Did she see the body on my room!?

Winter is also here!

with Weiss?

I can't take them on! I'll lose!

I'll lose real bad! What if Salem will hurt them more!?

If I don't listen they'll get hurt.

If I won't listen,

They'll get hurt.

Damn it!

Why am I so weak!?

Why can't Perdita just come back to fix her own problems!?

I sigh putting my hands together and apologetically looks at the body then open the door opening a scroll i was given by the doctor and walk out to see that the camera didn't move to follow me anymore,

Once I pass by a corner I accidentally bump into someone and before I fell I was caught by Oscar.

We just looked at each other and with my free hand i quickly pocket the scroll

"Hey... I thought you were resting so I came to check if you needed anything before we go..." He says while blushing and I stand up properly waving my arms nervously

"Nope! All good! I was just going to get some snacks and all haha!" I say and he smiles

It's harder than it seems to not sweat and internally panic but I do my best to just smile it off

"I'm.. glad to see you smile through all of this... " He says out of the blue

"Huh? What does that mean?" I ask him and he just realized and waves his hands

"I'm sorry I-" I cut him off

"By the way, who else is going tonight?" I ask him as he walks with me

"Uhmm.. The Ace Ops, The General, Winter too I believe... And then us with JNR, I'm sorry that you weren't invited, I'll bring some extra food for you if I can... " He says and I brush it off with a smile.

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