Chapter 1 Conference

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They had been back from seeing Wei Ying's grandmother for a few days now, when Uncle Qiren asked to see Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. XiChen was already there, sipping his tea.

Uncle Qiren watched them carefully while more tea was poured. Wei Ying wondered why he could never escape that feeling of nervous tension when in the same room as him, even though their relationship was so much better now, so he put those feelings away and beamed with positivity to everyone there.

"There is to be a Cultivation conference held in JinLinTai, in two weeks time." XiChen announced.

"I would like the two of you to represent Cloud Recesses, when the time comes." Uncle stroked his beard.

"We have to go and see grandmother again next week." Wei Ying said, politely.

"You have just returned from seeing her." Uncle sipped more tea.

XiChen poured more for everyone.

"Well, a young disciple of hers is being collected by her parents and she requested one last visit. We can go on to see Jin Ling on our way back." Wei Ying reached for Lan Zhan's hand under the table.

"I'm sure that will work out just fine." XiChen, ever the best diplomat, interjected before Uncle could protest.

"What is the conference about, Uncle?" Lan Zhan asked. "And does Brother not want to go?"

"Your brother is busy with preparations for his wedding." snapped Uncle, frowning at the empty teapot. "And it's about time you helped him out with duties such as this. As you know," he looked at Wei Ying then, "clan duties are many and varied. It is best not to become...distracted."

"Of course." Lan Zhan bowed.

Wei Ying knew it was a subtle dig at himself but chose to ignore it and smiled at him.

"Uncle, it would be our pleasure. It's always nice to travel and it's on the way." The hand around his tightened, but when he glanced at Lan Zhan, the Jade was staring at his Uncle.

"Good, then that's settled. Did you have anything else to add?" XiChen got up to fetch more tea.

Lan Zhan pulled Wei Ying up, and they bowed.

"If that is all..." Lan Zhan looked at his brother, who smiled.

"Yes, you may go."

Wei Ying had barely blinked when they were outside and walking fast to the Jingshi.

"Umm...Lan Zhan? Is something wrong?" Wei Ying had to run to keep up with his husband.

As if realising this, Lan Zhan slowed down and sighed. If Wei Ying had not been paying attention, he would have missed it. He tugged on the death grip on his hand, stopping him.

"Tell me."

"Uncle thinks I have been neglecting our clan." Lan Zhan looked down.

"Ah. So he thinks it's my fault?" Wei Ying guessed.

Lan Zhan pulled him into a hug so quickly, he was dazed for a moment.

"Uncle does not understand. Wei Ying is loved." He buried his face in Wei Ying's neck.

Wei Ying knew he only did this when he was distressed, although no-one would know just from looking at him. Lan Zhan took not showing any emotion to a whole new level. So he patted his back.

"Silly fuddy duddy. Don't you know? It's not a choice of Wei Ying or clan duties. Can't we do both?" When he was met with silence, he held him tighter. "Lan don't need to worry about this."

Lan Zhan pulled away just to look into his eyes for confirmation.

"I'm serious. I love you and you love me. Right?" Wei Ying kissed his cheek.


"Anything else is extra that we can deal with. Together." He gave him a blinding smile.

"Mn. Together." Then, without warning, he pulled Wei Ying along, faster than before.

"Wait, where are you taking me?" Wei Ying panicked.

"Jingshi. Need Wei Ying."

"Oh. Wait, now?" As he realised the Jade's intentions, it was too late.

Lan Zhan yanked him into their room, closed the door and muffled all protests with his mouth.


Later, much later, Wei Ying was walking past the stables and saw JingYi. The boy was normally quite active and always running around, doing errands and such, so Wei Ying was surprised to see him kicking a stone around aimlessly. He sighed now and again, looking at the place where the marquis had stood, temporary home to the dragon family.

"JingYi? What are you doing out here?" He walked up to him and put an arm around his shoulders.

"N-nothing. I've got to get back." He tried to manoeuvre himself out of the half embrace, but Wei Ying tightened his arm.

"What's going on? You can tell me." Wei Ying softened his tone.

"I...I just miss my babies." He said, hiding his face.

"Aww, I knew you'd get attached!" Wei Ying grinned at him. "I meant to tell you, I think you did a great job. Some day, you'll make a really good parent."

The boy blushed a deep red and squirmed his way out, running away as fast as he could to Wei Ying's laughter.

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