Chapter 31 Respect

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Wei Ying held his breath, shivering when he felt the warmth of the creature as it got closer. He was facing the juniors and saw the fear on their faces.

"It's alright," he whispered, not at all sure that it was.

Why had it stopped in the middle of its attack? Why?

He peeked over his shoulder, only to see right into its left eye. He could see himself reflected in the yellow shine, apprehension and fear on his own face.

It stared at him silently. Wei Ying was too aware of everything. The finest hairs on it's nostrils, the smell of earthiness emanating from it's body, a mix of soil, sweat and animal; petrichor floating in between, its bright yellow eyes assessing him. And the whimpers of the children in front of him.

He turned so his back faced them, and then heard their gasps.

The beast rose to it's full height.

"Who are you?"

Wei Ying could hear it in his mind.

"My name is Wei WuXian. I belong to...Lan Zhan." He finished, intending to name the clan, but it changed at the last second.

The beast bowed. "We are kin."

Wei Ying thought hard about why it thought that. The confusion on his face must have showed, because the beast snorted.

"I will leave this place. No conflict." It turned around and was walking away, before Wei Ying realized.

"Wait!" He called out, ignoring the shriek from behind. "Who are you? And why did you say that?"

The beast rumbled to a stop. "When the time comes, you will understand."

With that cryptic message, it spread its wings and flew up into the sky. Wei Ying watched it go, feeling a terrible sense of regret.

"Father? What happened to your back?"

"Why does it look like this?"

"It is....beautiful."

Wei Ying couldn't answer, still thinking about what had happened. He picked up his robes but they were in tatters, so held them in his hand.

"Let's go home."


Lan Zhan was waiting for them at the gates. His ring had shone with the blue flame, igniting his own fears as he raced out of the Jingshi, but then just as abruptly, it had gone out and he didn't know what to think. Panic had him clutching Bichen while he waited, anxiety gnawing on his mind.

He was shocked to see the state of Wei Ying, running towards him even before they got to the gate. Completely ignoring the juniors, he checked Wei Ying for injuries before wrapping him in a death grip.

Wei Ying was shattered. The adrenaline buzz had worn off on the way back to Cloud Recesses and now he did not even have the energy to lift his arms.

Lan Zhan picked him up effortlessly, his mood only slightly better at finding his husband unharmed. He had been getting a bath ready for him, an extra aid to promote sleep, when he'd left.

So now, upon entering the Jingshi, he placed Wei Ying on their bed and removed the rest of his clothes. Wei Ying was clutching his robes so tightly, Lan Zhan had to open his fingers one by one. His husband could not stop shaking.

Lan Zhan checked that their daughter was still asleep behind the screen, and then carried Wei Ying to the tub.

"Aahh!" Wei Ying moaned when the hot water touched his body. His head lolled to the side, eyes closed and an expression of pure bliss crossed his features.

Lan Zhan washed his body with a cloth before massaging his head and washing his hair.

"What happened tonight?" He asked, burning with the need to know, but trying to hold himself back.

"You know what, Lan Zhan," he mumbled, "I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly that." He sighed and felt into a deep sleep.

Lan Zhan stared at him for a good few minutes. It would have to wait until the morning. He dried his husband off, dressed him his night robes and got into bed with him, wrapping him in a cocoon of warmth.


Lan Zhan woke to find Wei Ying resting on his chest, silver eyes watching him. He grabbed Wei Ying's wrist and checked his pulse, and then his temperature. Wei Ying endured in silence.

"I'm sorry I worried you yesterday." He whispered.

Lan Zhan looked away. If he had to face what he was feeling, he didn't want to do it here.

Wei Ying kissed his jaw, little soft pecks, feeling his shape with those plump red lips, until Lan Zhan couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed his face and kissed him hard, flipping their bodies so their positions were reversed. He kissed his way down a very bare chest, but when the moans got too loud, he stopped.


"I can't help it." Wei Ying blushed. "Silence me!" He kissed him back noisily. "Go on. I'm ready."

"Mn." All too willingly.


Later on, dressed and sitting at their table, Wei Ying told him all about the night hunt. The tattered robes were in front of them, shredded beyond repair. Wei Ying shuddered, thinking about the claws that had done it. Just a hair's breadth away could've killed him.

Lan Zhan couldn't bear looking at them any more. He grabbed the slivers of fabric and tossed them in the bin. When he sat down again, Wei Ying made himself comfortable in his lap. Arms around each other, they needed this.

"I had to protect the children."

The words seemed to hang in the air, neither willing to say anything more.


Breakfast time was always fun. Li XiWang made it that way, Wei Ying realized it, without breaking any rules. Her young inquisitive mind had so many questions, and he delightfully wondered if he would ever tire from it. Right now, he had a question if his own.

"Lan Zhan? Do you think Bichen would come if I asked?"




Wei Ying held out his hand and concentrated. The sword flew into his palm, unsheathed and ready.

"That's so cool!" Li XiWang shouted.

"Isn't it?" Wei Ying beamed at her. "Why do you think that is?" He leaned forward.

"We are part of each other. I am you and you are me. Bichen will protect you as myself." Lan Zhan sipped his tea, proudly. "I cannot live without you."

Wei Ying kissed the sword.

Lan Zhan spewed out the tea.

They both stared at each other, gazes smouldering, and then looked at the little girl, covered in tea.

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