Chapter 69 Elucidation

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People were staring at him and he started to feel self conscious. Wei Ying smiled awkwardly.

"It makes sense. Look," he pulled out the stained parchment and showed it to them, "we all agreed that this was some sort of summoning spell, right?"

They nodded.

"So if the thing that was stolen is a vessel, that means it can be used to summon, and I'm guessing here, but I think they want to summon Suanni. Given their devotion to him and all." He bounced back to Jin Ling and planted another kiss on his temple. "Thank you."

Jin Ling felt too embarrassed to speak, but at the same time, he was so proud that finally, he had helped his Uncle Wei. It was a nice feeling.

"The only thing is, to perform a spell of that magnitude requires vast amounts of spiritual energy. We know they're taking it from children and storing it somehow, but we don't know how much they have, whether it's enough and if it is, then what their next step is." Wei Ying thought as he spoke, his audience as caught up in this as he was.

"I would imagine, given their penchant for drama, that they will want to perform some sort of ceremony, that's what we have to be on the lookout for." He continued to pace, thinking hard.

"Do you think they can?" Jiang Cheng asked, looking worried now.

"Huh?" Wei Ying stopped walking and looked at him, a little dazed.

"Do you think they can actually summon Suanni? Don't you remember what your grandmother and Uncle Qiren said about it? That's why I'm asking."

"Well, I'm not sure. Isn't it supposed to be a mythical creature? So it may not exist at all, but you're right. We should prepare, just in case." Wei Ying sighed.

This whole thing was bizarre. How could you prepare for something you had no idea of, only vague recollections to go on? They had no idea what this creature would be like, on the off chance that it could actually be summoned in the first place.

For the first time, Wei Ying wished he could be right, that Suanni did not really exist, and therefore could not be summoned. At all.

"We need to push the sect leaders into a decision now." He looked at XiChen. "Any delays could result in us losing the advantage, if we have one at all."

XiChen nodded. "I'll send out messenger butterflies right away." He and Jiang Cheng left.

"Is there anything else I need to do, Uncle?" Jin Ling asked. He was still basking in the after glow of attention.

"No, just wait until everyone is ready. But you have already helped so much." Wei Ying beamed at him. "I never would have guessed that small and terribly ugly thing was so important to them. Do you think it's that powerful? Enough to summon a beast?"

"It's ancient. None of the elders helping us catalogue the artifacts had any further information on it." Jin Ling frowned. "Uncle Wei?"

"Hmm?" Wei Ying looked at him properly.

Jin Ling had grown taller in the last few years. His face, one that should be free of worry, looked tired, paler than normal. The baby fat had left, leaving him looking more refined, older. Wei Ying felt a pang of nostalgia; if only his Shijie could see her son now.

"What will you do, if they do summon it?"

The question hung in the air.

Wei Ying did not know how to answer, but when he looked into the eyes of the younger man, he saw doubt and fear. And if he knew anything at all, it was that his nephew needed reassurance right now. So he smiled as brightly as he could.

"We have a lot of good things going for us. Even if they managed it, which I doubt," he put emphasis on that last word, "we have Shen Ling and his mate. We have Hui Gai, for what that's worth, and we have our own courage. The right thing to do will present itself at the right time, all we can do is be ready. Now, have you eaten yet?"

Wei Ying flung an arm around his shoulders and put away all seriousness, just wanting to be with his nephew as an ordinary uncle for now. He walked him to the kitchens, chattering away.

Lan Zhan watched them, walking behind and feeling proud of his husband. Not only had he managed to think up a plan, in mere seconds, but he made the young man feel safe by downplaying their situation.

Panic in all its forms was a waste of time; it did not help any situation and served to paralyze the sufferer into inaction. His Wei Ying was a natural born leader, and yet he knew that was the last thing he'd want to be. Wei Ying was as selfless as he was intelligent, no one could beat him.


Wei Ying was sitting on the deck outside the Jingshi, waiting for Lan Zhan to return from speaking to with his brother.

Hui Gai, he thought, and the demon was sitting next to him. He smiled, that sharp toothy smile, moonlight glinting off his teeth, eyes redder than rubies.

"Hello, my friend." Wei Ying smiled back. "I've missed you."

"And I, you. Why did you call me?" He picked up his tail, rubbing a thumb along the edge of the spike.

"No reason. I just wanted to see you. And kind of keep you in the loop." Wei Ying sighed and leaned back, closing his eyes. "You know what's going on, right?"


"Do you know if the Suanni actually exists?" Wei Ying opened an eye to watch him.

The demon shrugged. "Those matters for not concern me. Most of my life...I was in service to a most vile being. I had no time or energy to do much else."

"Could you find out?" Wei Ying asked, hopefully.

"Do you want me to?" He raised a brow.

"No, not really. I don't think it will make much difference, to be honest. Either it will come or it won't. Knowing if it exists is by the by." He sighed again.

"What's wrong, Young Master?" Hui Gai asked, softly.

"I don't really know." Wei Ying whispered. "I feel all kinds of anxious, and I hate waiting. I just want it to be over with. And I can't tell anyone all this, because they look to me for answers."

"You can always talk to me, you know?" Hui Gai patted his arm. Then he suddenly looked around, grinned mischievously and vanished, leaving his 'good night' hanging in the air.

A small smile played upon his lips as Wei Ying stood up to greet his husband.

"I missed you!" He kissed him dramatically, beaming at what he carried in his hands. "Let's have a drink."

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