Chapter 13 Vows

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Wei Ying ran into the Great Hall, disregarding the rules on purpose for once, his eyes searching frantically for Lan Zhan.

He was in a meeting with the local merchants and farmers; the doors were closed. Wei Ying didn't want to interrupt but the message in his hands kept him pacing back and forth, heart beating out of control.

Where was she? Where was Li XiWang? No, he couldn't think like that. Otherwise there would be nothing that could stop him leaving Cloud Recesses right now, but he had to tell Lan Zhan first. They had promised together.

Excruciating minutes later, the doors opened and people began to leave slowly...he didn't want to push past but honestly, they were so relaxed...and he was not.

Lan Zhan frowned, looking at his feet. He thrust the letter into his hands, still pacing with agitation.

Lan Zhan scanned the paper and immediately came to hold him.

"Brother and Jiang Wanyin are returning to Cloud Recesses today, to complete their vows. Can we wait before taking any action?"

Wei Ying slumped against him, out of energy and feeling hopeless. "She's just a little girl, Lan Zhan. I-I feel as if I've failed her."

Lan Zhan held him tighter. "Wei Ying has not failed anyone. We don't know how bad the situation is yet."

"But she says it's not safe."

"We should make a plan. And we should tell Brother."

"Are you sure? I don't want to spoil their day." Wei Ying looked up into his eyes.

"Brother will want to know. So will Jiang Wanyin. It is better to tell them."

"We should tell my grandmother too. I'll bet she's going to be so angry with them." That thought made him smile a bit. "Okay, let's wait until after the ceremony."

"Should also let Uncle know." Lan Zhan let go of him, searching his face to make sure he was alright. "What is Wei Ying going to do now?"

"I'm not sure. I suppose I could go and tell Uncle, if you want," he hedged, clearly not wanting to.

"Then, Wei Ying can help." Lan Zhan pointed to the significant pile of official looking letters. "We need to sort through them before Brother arrives."

"Of course, I'll help." Wei Ying looked at the boring work and tried to mask his distaste. Paperwork was so boring.

An hour in, and he realised that this was really an attempt to occupy his mind. Lan Zhan didn't need his help, but at least it prevented him from sitting in the Jingshi and brooding.


Twilight painted the sky in hues of pinks and yellow, marking the end of the day with nature's pallet. The first stars were just coming out as Wei Ying went with Lan Zhan to the gates of Cloud Recesses to welcome their brothers.

He pasted a big and bright smile on his face in greeting, but Jiang Cheng took one look at him and scowled.

"What's wrong with you?" He said, pulling him into a hug.

"Nothing, nothing's wrong." Wei Ying tried to play it off, but neither of the newly weds were letting him get out of it.

"Brother Wei definitely has something on his mind." XiChen gave him a warm hug too. "Are you feeling well?"

"Yes, I'm fine." He turned to Jiang Cheng. "See? That's what a brother should say!"

"You're forgetting I know you. My husband is too innocent for his own good."

XiChen blushed adorably. Jiang Cheng kissed his cheek with a rare smile.

"Come Brother, Uncle and the elders are waiting for you." Lan Zhan said.

Jiang Cheng punched Wei Ying's shoulder lightly. "Fine, let's go. But you!" He pointed at him. "You need to spill straight after!"

They made their way to the Great Hall to greet them. After bowing, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying accompanied them to the place further up the mountain where XiChen and Lan Zhan's parents were buried. They lit the incense sticks and prostrated three times, saying their prayers.

Then it was back to the Great Hall for the tea ceremony and banquet. Uncle Qiren was surprisingly quite friendly to Jiang Cheng.

Wei Ying raised an eyebrow,  knowing he would understand.

Jiang Cheng smiled a smug smile, pointed at himself and mouthed 'sect leader'.

"No way! I softened him up for you!" Wei Ying whispered back indignantly.

Uncle Qiren cleared his throat noisily.


They had to change their robes for the banquet. XiChen led Jiang Cheng to the Hanshi, nerves making him blush more than normal.

He brought him to the centre of the room and opened the wooden chest with the lock. Jiang Cheng had been burning with curiosity ever since he had noticed it, from when he was recuperating after the last dealings with Mei Tong Xue.

XiChen took out an exquisite pair of scarlet robes. "These are for you. My husband," he added shyly. "There's something special about the work."

Jiang Cheng examined the lotus flowers and the cloud motifs, eyes widening in realisation. "Did you paint these yourself?"

XiChen blushed. "I didn't make them myself but I did all the decorations."

"Even this embroidery?" Jiang Cheng ran his fingertips over the delicate stitches.

"The paint has been enchanted to grant the wearer everlasting protection, same with the gold thread in the embroidery. " XiChen suddenly couldn't look at him then. "When you were taken...I couldn't bear it. I want...I want you to always be safe."

Jiang Cheng placed them carefully on the table and brought XiChen into a warm embrace. "I know that was a difficult time for us. And look, we got through it just fine." He kissed him deeply. "I will wear these with pride."

"I have another surprise, but you can't see it. Not yet anyway." He blushed furiously then.

Jiang Cheng  touched his hot cheek. "I like this colour on you."

XiChen hid his face against his chest for a second. Once he had composed himself, he stepped back.

"I can change behind the screen. Don't look!" He waggled his forefinger.

"Then you have five minutes. If I'm done before you, I'm coming to get you!" Jiang Cheng smiled wickedly.

XiChen swallowed the lump in this throat, feeling awfully hot, and started changing quickly.

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