Chapter 36 Defence

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Lan Zhan immediately started the transference of spiritual energy to the young, unconscious boy on the bed.

"What are you doing?!" Auntie Shin Zhou shouted.

She alerted several staff members who came running.

"Bichen!" Wei Ying shouted, standing in front of his husband. The sword flew into his hand.

He whirled it once, twice to get a feel for the weight, and was surprised to feel it if it was.... happy.

"Stop doing that, you could be harming him!" Auntie Shin Zhou said again, now a little calmer.

"That's not true." Wei Ying maintained his posture.

He missed this, the honest fight. Just a man and his sword - he sniggered at the double meaning - ready to defend, ready to fight.

Lan Zhan cleared his hoarse throat, impossibly turned on by the sight of Wei Ying standing in front of him with Bichen in his hand. He looked so hot!

Concentrate! He reprimanded himself and stared at the child, whose eyes were beginning to flutter open. Just a few minutes more...and...

"Where am I?" The child tried to sit up.

Lan Zhan placed a stack of pillows behind him and smiled gently.

"Only answer yes or no, understand?" He whispered, his voice so low, only the child would hear.

"Do you recognize us?" He asked, aloud.

"Yes. Ge-ge came to visit me." The boy mumbled.

Lan Zhan shook his head imperceptibly. The boy looked ashamed.

"So as your last remaining relatives, are you willing to come with us?" Lan Zhan continued, hoping the boy would cooperate this time.


"I want to ask him!" Auntie Shin Zhou called out.

"You can ask him from there." Wei Ying replied, shifting his body so she could see the boy on the bed is.

Bichen vibrated, the tremors reaching into his core. Wei Ying could feel something happening and it wasn't...bad.

"Are they forcing you to go with them?" Auntie Shin Zhou asked.

Wei Ying thought she felt genuinely worried about him.

"No." The boy replied, keeping his eyes on her.

"Do you really know them?" She tried again.


She had no answer to that.

Lan Zhan picked up the boy.

"Let's go." He told Wei Ying.

"Back up." Wei Ying told Auntie Shin Zhou. "We are leaving with him, and you can't stop us."

She glared at him. "What you're doing isn't right."

"I don't care to argue with you. This is happening. Now step back." Wei Ying twirled Bichen experimentally, just to scare her.

It worked as she moved away, arms out to stop her helpers.

Lan Zhan continued to walk out of the compound, Wei Ying at his back facing the threat.

"Once we're past the gates, let's switch." Wei Ying told Lan Zhan in a low voice.


The moment they got outside, Wei Ying tossed Bichen to his owner and grabbed the child. Seconds later, they were airborne, Lan Zhan holding Wei Ying, who held the boy. He had passed out again.

"Let's take him straight to my grandmother." Wei Ying said, looking at the little boy.

His lashes curled on his soft cheeks, sleeping soundly.

"There's something wrong with his core." Lan Zhan told him. "I wasn't even sure that transferring energy would help."

"Don't worry, Grandmother will know what to do."

Nobody was pursuing them, so Wei Ying felt much better.

"Aren't you glad we tried out the whole Bichen wielding thing beforehand?" He grinned at his husband.

"Wei" Lan Zhan fixed him with a smouldering look.

Wei Ying kissed his cheek. "Later, I promise."


In no time at all, they reached the oak trees. Just past the Cherry Grove, Baoshen Sanren was running towards them.

"What happened?"

"We found one of your kids!" Wei Ying called out.

She reached them then, and immediately checked his pulse.


"In an orphanage."

She glared at them. "Follow me."

Lan Zhan took the boy out of Wei Ying's arms and ran behind the Grandmaster. She took them directly to the cave. Laying the boy down on the ledge, she began to transfer energy as Lan Zhan had done. When she was satisfied that he was only sleeping, she stepped away.

"How could I have been so gullible, as to let him go? With strangers?" She whispered all this, pacing furiously. "I can't believe it."

"You weren't to know, Grandmother." Wei Ying told her.

"But I should have! knew something was wrong. How could I not be able to see?"

"Don't worry. We got him back." Wei Ying tried to reassure her.

"His know how powerful it was. But something is wrong with it now. It's exactly like what happened to Li XiWang."

"You can cure him, right?"

"That's not the point!" She snapped. "This shouldn't have happened in the first place." She took in a deep cleansing breath, and wiped her face. "You're right. I'm sorry. I should be thanking you. What am I doing? I'm all over the place right now." She finally looked at them both. "You should rest here for tonight."

She waved a hand and the bamboo mat appeared. "Hungry?"

They shook their heads.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow morning. Get some rest."

Wei Ying yawned. Lan Zhan took his hand and made him lie down on the mat, holding him close.

"I'm glad he's safe now, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying whispered, eyes already closing.


"We did something good today."


"Goodnight, my love." Wei Ying yawned once more and drifted into sleep.

Lan Zhan stared at his husband and thanked his lucky stars, that this beautiful man was his.

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