Chapter 21 Focus

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Li Xiwang slept until late morning. Wei Ying didn't want to wake her, but they had a lot to do today.

Her thin arms came around his neck and she smiled sleepily. Wei Ying felt a pang in his chest grateful that she was safe and here.

"Breakfast time." He helped her rise and wiped her face and hands with a wash cloth gently.

She was quieter today and Wei Ying blamed himself for her subdued mood. They were not out of the woods either, because he would have to ask her more difficult questions today.

"Wei ge-ge, what happened to those people?" She finished eating and put down her chopsticks, staring intently at him.

Wei Ying knew who she was talking about, and nothing made this easier. What to say?

"When we found you, you were unconscious. Your Gramps tried to talk to them, but," he swallowed, wondering how to say the next words. "They ate something and that made them die."

Her big eyes glazed over. He opened his arms and she came willingly.

"Wei ge-ge, is it it bad if I don't feel sad about that?" She whispered next to his ear. She held her breath waiting for him to answer.

"You don't have to feel bad. If you want, you don't have to think about them at all. Alright?" He kissed her forehead and smiled at her. "That's why we are here. If anything troubles you, you must come and tell us. We can deal with it together."

"Together." She echoed.

"Mn. Together." Lan Zhan, who normally would have remained quiet, added his voice.

"So, I have to ask you something hard. Is that okay?" Wei Ying positioned her so she could look at him and he held her hands.

"You can ask me anything."

Her expression was so full of trust, it made Wei Ying feel the responsibility of being a parent even more.

"You can say no, before I ask you. It's alright to be scared." He made sure she understood that first. When she nodded, then he continued. "We think there might be other kids like you. Other children who might not have anyone to look out for them. So we were thinking, we should do our best to find them."

Her grip tightened on his hands.

"You don't have to come with us, but we are going to try and find the doctor. The one you were taken to first." Wei Ying waited for her to process what he was saying.

"I can show you where he is." Her voice faltered, but became stronger slowly. "I know where he lives."

"Are you sure, little rabbit? You could just draw us a map." Wei Ying held her close again, not wanting to pressure her.

"I am sure." She sounded calmer. "You'll be with me?"


"Then I can do it. We should help."

"That's my girl!"


They left the mountain later that day. Lan Zhan took them on Bichen; it was Li XiWang's first time on a sword whilst awake. At first she was scared, but Wei Ying held her firmly, reassuring her with kind, encouraging words. Soon, she felt brave enough to stretch out her skinny arms to the sky, laughing with exhilaration.

Wei Ying was proud of her as she gave them precise directions to the doctor's house.

"Stay behind me." Wei Ying told her. "Don't let go." He held out his hand.

She nodded, serious.

Lan Zhan knocked on the door. The house itself looked quite ordinary and well kept.

A man opened the door, looking confused when he saw the two men, but realization dawned upon seeing the little girl. He tried to close the door, but Lan Zhan was too fast, bursting in against his weak attempt.

He unsheathed Bichen.

The man backed away and every step he took back, Lan Zhan followed, until the wall prevented the man from moving.

"W-what do you want?" He stuttered, watching them.

"What did you do to her?" Wei Ying demanded. "Why did those people bring her here?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" He cowered as Bichen cold edge grazed his neck.

"Don't lie to us. Who were those people who brought her here?" Wei Ying wanted to up the severity of his questioning, but he was fully conscious of the little hand in his.

"You'll never find out from me!" He shouted, suddenly pushing Bichen away. "In the name of Suanni, I sacrifice myself!" He bit down in his finger where a ring they hadn't noticed was. Like before, his eyes rolled back and he collapsed, frothing at his mouth.

Wei Ying cried out and shielded Li Xiwang from seeing all of it. She held his wrist on the hand covering her eyes, shaking.

"Keep your eyes closed, alright? I'm going to pick you up. Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying did as he said.

When they were outside, he handed over the little girl to his husband.

"I'm going back inside. We need to check if there's anything that can give us more information."

Lan Zhan held the girl gently. "Be careful."

Wei Ying nodded and went inside.

Li Xiwang was right, the house was quite bare, and devoid of anything related to medicine or health care. The body was still twitching as Wei Ying patted him down. He found a piece of parchment that he tucked into his own robes, and then he examined the ring.

It looked like it was made from antique silver. The lid of the case containing whatever they used to poison themselves, was engraved with a curious creature. It resembled a lion...but there was something disturbingly familiar about it. Wei Ying decided to take it with him, carefully not to touch the inside. He put it inside the spiritual pouch and continued looking around.

The rest of the house yielded nothing useful, so he was just about to come outside when he heard shouting. He opened the door to find about thirty people surrounding Lan Zhan, swords and knives out.

"Give her up! It's no use! We outnumber you!" The leader shouted over-confidently.


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