Chapter 40 Blueprints

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Jin Ling brought out a sheaf of rolled up papers.

"When any buildings, especially large structures want to be built, they have to ask for planning permission, if the land they want to develop is under the Jin Sect. These plans were approved by my elders."

He unrolled the papers and placed weights on the corners.

"Did you speak to anyone about the orphanage built here, in JinLinTai?" Wei Ying asked him, curiously.

"Not me personally. I believe they are friends of my elders." He scratched the back of his neck. "I was told to introduce them at the conference we held, so that they could receive help from the other clans."

Wei Ying turned his attention to the drawings in front of him. Lan Zhan was already examining them closely.

"Do you have any experience with this?" He waved at the papers.

"Mn. Helped rebuild Cloud Recesses."

"Ah." Wei Ying didn't want to bring up a painful time, so bent forward and looked properly.

They spent hours poring over the lines, checking the number of rooms and such, but there was no basement visible.

"I'm looking at all the doors." Wei Ying said, his finger on one in particular. "And this one... doesn't lead anywhere."

Lan Zhan came close enough that Wei Ying shut his eyes and breathed in the sandalwood scent. Instant calm.

Jin Ling was pulling on his sleeve. "Uncle Wei!"

He snapped out of his trance, not at all embarrassed.

"What is it?"

"Uncle Zhan said that's a room in the north east side, but it's nestled between rooms." He waited for his uncle to catch his train of thought.

"So it doesn't lead outside." Wei Ying tapped his nose.

"Exactly. If the entrance to the basement is anywhere, it'll be there."

"We have a few hours before nightfall. Let's eat something and rest up until it's time to leave." Wei Ying started rolling up the papers. "You know where to take us, right?" Looking at Lan Zhan.


"Uncle...I want to come with you." Jin Ling said, locking eyes. "If this is happening here too, I need to see it. Plus my elders will be easier to convince, if it comes to it."

"That's a good idea. I have enough talismans. You just have to be on your guard, when we get there."


They set out on swords when the moon was high in the sky. The orphanage was easy to find, as they followed Jin Ling's lead, and it was a large compound, visible from above.

They landed outside the gates and Wei Ying disabled the wards as before, placing the invisible talismans on himself and the other two. He followed Lan Zhan who knew exactly where to take them.

The corridors were empty, silence filled the air, with the only noise coming from their feet. This building had the same layout as the one in Yilling; it had the same feel to it. Maybe, Wei Ying thought, they were built by the same person.

Lan Zhan possessed strong eyesight, even in the dark. Wei Ying had stumbled a few times and then finally given up and held his hand. He felt so much better after that.

"Here." Lan Zhan stopped.

"Here?" Wei Ying looked at the plain door. "Are you sure?"


Wei Ying tried the door and it opened easily. He closed it behind them and lit up a talisman.

"This is..." He looked around. "A broom closet."

There were buckets and cleaning supplies scattered around. It definitely didn't look right.

Lan Zhan walked confidently to the eastern wall, moved the broom, and revealed the door.

"Oh. You were right." Wei Ying kissed his cheek happily.

It wasn't warded or locked, so Wei Ying opened it, peering into the darkness. He held a flame talisman in his hand.

"Follow me."

They crept down a long spiralling staircase, as quietly as they could, but it was made of metal and their boots thudded, a muffled noise that seemed to echo forever into the blackness.

A long corridor stretched out in front of them, closed rooms on the sides. Wei Ying tried a few but they were all locked. A dim light shone at the end and they made their way towards it.

The space opened up into a huge cavernous room. Beds were lined up around the edges and a strange machine sat in the middle. Wei Ying noticed that the beds all had wheels, which meant they could be moved to and from the contraption.

He went to look closer.

It was made out of metal, a circular flat shaped ring was attached to an arm that was maneuverable into different positions. It could be lowered to accommodate... anyone. The resounding question in his mind was, what did it do?

There was a switch on the side, and his finger hovered over it. He couldn't decide whether to do it.

"Don't." Jin Ling whispered. "If it makes a noise, we'll be compromised. And there's only one way in and one way out."

So he pulled out a piece of parchment and a brush, making a quick sketch of the machine.

"Someone will know what it is." He whispered to the questioning look aimed at him.

Lan Zhan came and stood next to him. "There's nothing else here."

"Alright, I'm nearly finished." He added the last strokes and put everything away in his pouch.

They left as as they had come, under a veil of stealth, moving silently until they were outside.

"I have to check one more thing." Wei Ying led them to the back of the compound, where the fields of crops were.

Sure enough, a long glass greenhouse stood to one side. He marched up to it and peered inside. Plants and foliage covered the panes so it was hard to see inside, but a familiar plant stood out.

"There!" Wei Ying smiled triumphantly. "That's what I was looking for."

He tried the door and it opened. Their security was terrible, if he was honest. He was in and out I seconds, taking a sample of the only one which interested him.

"Let's get out of here."

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