Chapter 10 Wedding

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Finally the big day was here. XiChen and the company from Gusu arrived early in the morning, travelling by swords. Uncle Qiren had expressly forbidden XiChen to wear his red robes on the way, so Jiang Cheng was keeping them safe.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying waited on the Pier to greet them when they arrived. JingYi landed first, wrinkling his nose.

"Something smells fishy!" He exclaimed.

"What do you expect? It's a pier, people fish!" Wei Ying beamed at him.

When XiChen landed, he launched himself into his arms. "I missed you so much, XiChen-Ge!"

He patted his back. "It's only been one week, Brother Wei."

"And Lan Zhan was right, that's a week too long! Come on, everyone is waiting for you, especially my brother!" He grinned at the reddening ears.


"How is Brother feeling?" Lan Zhan refrained from hugging. It was now an understanding between them, but nothing could stop a determined Wei Ying.

"I'm...actually excited," he realised, smiling.

"Then let's go!" Wei Ying took his hand and led him into a newly decorated Lotus Pier.

Purple, red and gold bunting woven with purple lotuses hung all around, red and gold drapes of silk fluttering in the soft breezes from the lakes. Happy excitement reflected in the faces of all they met, bowing to welcome him. XiChen tried not to cry.

Wei Ying took him straight to a guest room.

"I know you normally would stay in my brother's room, but that's not happening today."

He pointed to the robes on the bed. "Would you like some help?"

"Father, we are here." SiZhui stepped forward. "If you would like to take care of sect leader Jiang, that would be fine."

"Look at my SiZhui, all grown up." Wei Ying kissed his forehead. "Thank you, I'll go and check on him now."

Lan Zhan came with him to Jiang Cheng's room. Wei Ying was especially glad because if Jiang Cheng expected him to do his hair, he had another thing coming...

Jiang Cheng was pacing, nervous energy coming off him in waves.

"Do you want to play something for him? To calm him down?" Wei Ying whispered to Lan Zhan.


Wei Ying was surprised. "Why not?"

"I don't think Jiang Wanyin will accept."

"Oh." Wei Ying thought hard. "Should I try to hug him?"

Lan Zhan shrugged as if to say, he's your brother...

Wei Ying took a deep breath and approached with caution.

"Jiang Cheng-"

Jiang Cheng pulled him into a desperate embrace. "How did you do it?"

"Huh? And I can't breathe..."

Jiang Cheng ignored the clatter of Bichen thrown on the floor. "How did you get married, twice and not pass out from nerves?"

"Better let me go first," he pointedly glanced towards his husband who was seconds away from physically separating them.

Jiang Cheng pushed him away and resumed pacing. "What if he changes his mind?"

"Don't be stupid!" Scoffed Wei Ying. "I bet he's just as nervous as you. Do you want a drink?"

"Yes! No! I don't know! Stop asking me questions!"

"Shall we knock him out?" Wei Ying joked to Lan Zhan but then had to hold him back when he tried to. "Kidding!" He hissed, rolling his eyes. These Lans had truly missed out on their childhoods.

Luckily, a disciple came and informed them that XiChen was ready.

They met outside the Ancestral room. Jiang Cheng offered his hand, and the moment he touched XiChen, his heart finally began beating softly. His breathing calmed and he was able to smile with genuine warmth.

"Welcome to Lotus Pier." He whispered.

XiChen kissed his cheek. "Thank you for accepting me."

Neither wore veils as tradition dictated, preferring to create a new experience. They bowed three times, said their prayers and remembered the three important people who couldn't be there today.

Jiang Cheng could not stop the steady flow of tears. XiChen wiped them away carefully. "Your parents and your sister would be so proud of you. I am also proud. You are such a brave man, how could they not be?"

"But Huan, I've made so many mistakes..."

"Hush now." XiChen said, kindness overflowing with his love. "Show me a single human being who has not made a mistake? Today, you don't have to worry about that. I am here."

Jiang Cheng took a deep, cleansing breath. He said one last prayer and then stood up with his husband.

They returned to Swords Hall for the tea ceremony. Jiang Cheng had had this new teaset made especially for this occasion. Red porcelain cups decorated with both the lotus and cloud emblems of both sects adorned each piece, gold rims enhancing their beauty. XiChen smiled when he saw them.

"I have a gift for you." Jiang Cheng gave him a lacquered box, also embellished with lotuses and clouds.

XiChen traced the pattern lovingly. "Is this really happening? I'm scared that I'll wake up and it's a dream."

Jiang Cheng kissed him then, deeply, sweetly, filled with love.

"Open the box, my love."

XiChen slid the cover off and gasped. "Where did you find these?" He was looking at a set of jade handled paint brushes, engraved with the tiny emblem of both sects.

"I made them." Jiang Cheng replied, proudly.

"But how? I didn't know you could." He looked into the face of the man he loved so much. "When?"

"You're not the only one with skills! I learned too." He smiled, a little smugly.

"Since when?" XiChen demanded, in awe.

"Since the first time we kissed."

"You've known since then?"

Jiang Cheng nodded. "I...I am a cautious man. But I threw all that away when I met you. I love you, Huan."

"You sweet, sweet man! I love you too."

They both ignored the sudden bawling behind them.

"Look, Lan Zhan! They're so happy....and...I'm so happy!"

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