Chapter 34 Location

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Lan Zhan surreptitiously watched Wei Ying, looking for signs that he was still upset by leaving Cloud Recesses. Fortunately, he seemed much better after crying it all out.

They had said goodbye to the children in the morning, SiZhui stoic and dependable as ever, Li XiWang holding her Uncle XiChen's hand and waving happily, still a little worried about her emotional father.

Wei Ying was good, even though he was affected by knowing he would miss the children, he kept it from showing as much.

Lan Zhan was relieved. It was faster to travel on Bichen, so Wei Ying was holding onto his waist right now, drowsily humming. The sound, right next to his ear, coupled with the hot breath now and then, and the effects of having his husband so close, was making Lan Zhan places.

There was nothing he could do about it, not until they reached Yiling at least. It would be highly unprofessional to stop mid-way... wouldn't it? He forced himself to control his thoughts. Children! He thought, trying to concentrate. That was why they were here.

He had memorized the list of names that Baoshen Sanren had given them. It was quite a disturbing feeling, and he would never let Wei Ying know how worried he really was. He remembered how angry he had felt, when they'd found Li XiWang unconscious. As more was revealed about her condition, he had felt an uncontrollable rage at these people.

And the ensuing helplessness was something he never wanted to feel again. It reminded him of another time, sixteen years ago when he had been unable to help the one person he lived for. This rage would help him to complete the mission; finding these children and making sure they were unharmed was a priority.

They reached Yiling by late afternoon. It was raining heavily, so they decided to seek shelter first.

Lan Zhan took them to an inn in the centre of town; it would be good for talking to the local people and asking around. They asked for hot food and a bath to be sent up to their room.

Wei Ying stood by the window, watching the rain.

"I didn't like the rain when I was a child." He said, absentmindedly.

Lan Zhan wrapped his arms around him from behind, emanating warmth.

"Mn. Prefer snow."

Wei Ying shivered at the thought. He turned to face his husband within the circle of muscle and put his arms around his neck.

Their eyes locked, gold clashing with silver, and suddenly, Lan Zhan couldn't wait anymore. Their lips collided in a frenzy of want, biting and licking until Wei Ying pulled away.

"Our food will be here any minute."

Lan Zhan was confused, still feeling the after effects.


"I mean," Wei Ying clarified, removing his clothes. "How fast can you be?"

Lan Zhan showed him exactly what he could do.


The rain did not let up until the morning, when the sun finally shone out from behind the clouds. During breakfast, which they decided to eat in the common dining room, they heard lots of gossip pertaining to the local happenings in Yiling. Lan Zhan raised a brow when they heard about a new orphanage in town.

Wei Ying called over the waiter.

"We are looking for my nephew," he lied. "His parents died recently and we don't know where he could be."

"Oh, that's easy." He told them. "You should try that new place. It's an orphanage that looks after all children without a home. He's sure to be there."

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