Chapter 32 Motivation

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Wei Ying straightened Lan Zhan's robes before adjusting his own, and then holding hands, they came out from behind the bookshelves.

Nie Huaisang was coming today, and they always met him in the library. Of course, if they got there way too early, they had to keep themselves occupied somehow...

Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan a brilliant smile. "I must say, Lan Zhan. You have the best ideas."


They sat down at the table, looking too innocent, waiting for people to arrive.

Jiang Cheng and XiChen were first to arrive.

"You!" The former pointed at his brother. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

Lan Zhan put Bichen noisily on the table, challenging him with a glare.

"Threats won't work." He snapped at him, and then scowled at his brother. "I want to know what happened last night."

"I don't know what you mean." Wei Ying avoided looking at him. "Nothing happened."

"Don't lie to me." Jiang Cheng threw a brush at him, but it was intercepted by Bichen.

"Thank you." Wei Ying kissed his cheek, grinning.


"Don't change the subject!" Jiang Cheng yelled, and then because XiChen put a calming hand on his arm, "everyone is talking about it!" He whisper yelled.

"Talking about what?"

Jiang Cheng was seconds from hurling the table at him. He stood up, but XiChen was holding his hand. He kissed each finger until the rage ebbed away. A pink tongue slipped out and licked his knuckle, causing his knees to go weak. Reluctantly, he sat back down, his mind swimming in... something else.

The ensuing giggle from the irritating neighbour had his scowl return.

"Sect Leader Nie Huaisang is here and requesting permission to enter." A disciple announced.

"He may join us." XiChen told him, holding onto the hand he had just kissed, under the table. Jiang Cheng had a way of bringing out an exciting side of himself. He wondered if he would ever be as open as his younger brother, who didn't care who saw him, in showing his affection for his husband.

Sect Leader Nie Huaisang entered, predictably fanning himself.

"Why do you guys always call me?" He complained, looking at the happy people.

"You're the best." Wei Ying told him, surprised. "Who else could we call?"

"Have you got anything for us?" Jiang Cheng asked, getting to the point.

"As a matter of fact, yes." He replied with a sly smile.

"See?" Wei Ying said, triumphantly.

"After what happened to your daughter," he looked at Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, "I sent many spies out to gather whatever information they could find."

"Get to the point." Jiang Cheng stared daggers at him.

"I am, I am. So...they didn't all return. The ones that did, had to go into hiding." He continued to fan himself, watching their reactions.

"Why? What did they find out?" Wei Ying leaned closer to his husband and started playing with his fingers.

"That's just it. They were too scared to tell me anything of importance. And this is the only thing they brought back." He pulled out a blood splattered piece of parchment from his sleeve and handed it over to XiChen.

"What is this?" XiChen held up the torn paper, examining it.

"I don't know. But-" he held up a hand to silence an irritated Jiang Cheng. "If I was to take a guess, I'd wager it was a spell. Or a curse, I'm undecided."

XiChen dropped it in alarm.

"Let me see?" Wei Ying excited crawled to their table and brought the paper back to his so Lan Zhan could see too.

The characters were either incomplete, torn in half or obscured by dirt and dried blood. Wei Ying could barely make out what was written.

"We can get help from the other disciples." XiChen told him.

"In other news, isn't it wonderful how the clans got together with this orphanage project?" Huaisang continued. "It really is a credit to the Jin Sect for organising everything at such short notice."

Jiang Cheng smiled at the unusual praise for his nephew.

"I agree." XiChen replied. "What more noble cause could there be than looking after the next generation, and especially those who are less fortunate than ourselves."

"The streets of Qinghe have never been so... clean." Huaisang continued. "And the children are well looked after."

"How do you know?" Wei Ying asked him doubtfully.

"I visited the one in Qinghe. They have made an incredible investment in something that is necessary, yet for unknown reasons, not accomplished until now." Huaisang replied.

"That's due to the wonderful cooperation between the clans. It would not have been possible without the significant contributions from all the sects."

"True." Huaisang said. "But just throwing money at the problem wouldn't have been enough. I think the people in charge of looking after the kids are just as important."

"Why did you go ahead and visit?" Wei Ying gave up on the paper in front of him.

"To be honest," Huaisang paused while Jiang Cheng snorted in disbelief, "I thought it a bit suspicious at the speed of this plan, how quickly they managed to build and start running these orphanages in the first place. And then, they started cropping up everywhere."

"There's even one in Gusu." XiChen smiled.

"Lotus Pier was the second city to build one." Jiang Cheng said, proudly.

"Exactly. So you can imagine my concern." The fanning resumed.

"Did you find anything?" Wei Ying asked. Lan Zhan found his hand under the table and he sighed, contentedly.

"No." He grinned. "And trust me, I looked! There was nothing inappropriate. All the children were well kept, fed and clothed. They have beds to sleep in now and even classes have been arranged. It is truly a new start."

"Maybe we should visit the one in Gusu. On our way to Yilling." Wei Ying told Lan Zhan.


"I don't want to leave Li Xiwang." He admitted.

"Don't worry about her, Brother Wei." XiChen said, brightly. "We will do our best to let her not miss you."

Wei Ying smiled weakly at him.

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