Chapter 59 Snake

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The young man was faster than he looked, bobbing and weaving through the dense undergrowth, dodging the closely packed trees. On more than one occasion, Wei Ying just about managed to stop himself running into painfully hard obstacles.

He completely lost his bearings, and had no idea of his whereabouts, and then he lost his guide as well. Nevermind, he thought. They'd described the snake demon as something powerful and strong, wide as three tree trunks. Surely it would be hard to miss?

A strange smell accosted his nostrils, faint traces of earthiness coupled with...musk? He couldn't really describe it, except to say that it wasn't pleasant. Maybe he was getting closer. The smell thickened, toxic and heavy, mingling with the cold low sitting clouds. Wei Ying shivered.

He slowed down considerably, mindful of the mists that seemed to part for his body, and yet were such a visual hindrance. He held his hand out in front of his face and was unsurprised at not being able to see it.

Noises of all the little animals abruptly vanished and he was left with only the sound of his own breathing. His movements became slower, sluggish as if he was wading through quicksand. Was this the effects of the venomous snake? Or was he dealing with something else too?

He was fully aware that all animals, regardless of their size, accepted the hierarchy of being in the vicinity of larger predators, hence the suspicious silence, and since he was not the threat, that could only mean one thing.

It was close.


Lan Zhan was leaving the library when he saw his son aiming for him. He looked unnaturally panicked, Li XiWang holding his hand and mirroring his expression. Hadn't they left with Wei Ying and his sister earlier? He hurried towards him.

"Wei Ying?"

"We were coming back when a group of men met us. They had been attacked by a Demon Naga. Father asked me to call you." SiZhui was out of breath. "Also, we need to help the injured, there are about seven of them."

"I will deal with it." Lan Zhan told him. "Take your sister to the Jingshi and stay there. Where is Wei Chang Zu?"

"Guest quarters."

Lan Zhan gave him a nod of approval and a light nudge.

"Father, please be safe." SiZhui quickly hugged him.

"Mn. Don't worry." Lan Zhan took off towards the gates. He gave instructions to the guards, including notifying his brother,  and then he mounted Bichen as soon as he was able.


Wei Ying felt confused. Why was he here again? Thinking hard, his fingers brushed against something cold and scaley. It was fragile too, breaking off in his fingers. Was this snake skin? It must be something big, he thought, following the shape through touch. He walked on and on, until one sound had him stopping in his tracks.

It was unmistakable hissing.

Now what? He was having trouble thinking. The jade pendant on Chenqing clinked with the one around his waist.


He lifted the cold metal to his lips and began to play. The notes drifted away from his body, only to echo and sound as if they were closer. The melody hung in the air, and he wished for it to reach...who? Why was he here? Shivering and alone in this cold and dark place? He wanted...he wanted...what?

His thoughts began to disappear; he felt as if he was trying to catch them, like bubbles on a windy day. And why was he so cold?

Maybe...maybe if he climbed a tree? But why? Nothing made sense anymore. He just wanted to lie down somewhere and close his eyes. He was so tired, and the ground looked so inviting...yes. That's what he was going to do.

But wait! Was that why he had come here? Wei Ying thought he was forgetting something very important...

The fogginess outside his body was seeping into his mind. He forgot why he was there, he forgot about the snake and then, he forgot that it was close.


Lan Zhan jumped off Bichen as soon as he saw the group of men.

"Thank goodness, you have come!" They told him, tearfully. "One man has already gone to tackle the beast, but it is not the job for one person!"

"Help is coming." He told them, and ran in the direction they pointed.

The fog became thicker and denser; Lan Zhan stopped breathing the normal way and used his meditation skills to hold his breath. The air was putrid, reeking of earthy musk and animal, the scent stinging his nose and making his eyes water. How would he find Wei Ying in this?

Bichen shed a pale blue light in front of him, warning him of obstacles. Trees suddenly appeared and vanished just as quickly. Whatever was causing this...this polluted air, was indeed, very powerful.

When going forward became next to impossible, Lan Zhan summoned WangJi. The guqin shone in the pale light of the stars, lending a magical quality to the night. He sent forth waves of spiritual energy, that battled with the opaque threat in front of him, and he was able to clear the air minutely, enough so that he could see a few feet ahead.

And then he heard it. Chenqing resounded in the night, heeding its master's call. But the notes...Lan Zhan paused. Why did they sound different? What was wrong? Was Wei Ying in danger? He looked at his ring and was ashamed to see that he had not noticed the blue flame it was emanating. It wasn't clear, and that comforted him, but Lan Zhan needed to find Wei Ying, as soon as possible.


Wei Ying dragged his feet with great difficulty. He was using all of his concentration to lift one foot and then the other. His eyes kept closing of their own accord and he wanted nothing more than to lie down and forget about everything. Just one more step, he told himself, just one more.

The air lifted suddenly and he raised his head, listening intently. Music...echoes...the memory of something precious. Long silky black strands, golden eyes blazing Who was that? Were they important? Why was it so hard to think?

Wei Ying stumbled forward into a strange clearing. A man came running towards him, crying out when he banged into his body. He got up, shouting, "run, run! It's right behind us!"

He untangled himself from the shocked man and raced deeper into the thickness, vanishing from sight. Wei Ying carried on walking forward, his progress slow and unhurried.

Out of the thick smoky haze, a head raised itself up and stared at this newcomer, so unafraid, confidently walking into its trap.


Lan Zhan didn't want to give in to the panic bubbling up in his chest, threatening to choke him. WangJi was doing a good job, but what was the point if the object of his desire remained invisible?

He trudged forwards, noting the effect of this mysterious fog upon his limbs and his mind. It was trying to undermine his progress, but Lan Zhan refused to give in. Wei Ying was here, somewhere...

A slithering sound alerted him to the fact that he wasn't alone, but the sound travelled far ahead of him. Lan Zhan quickened his pace, praying that his husband was alright.


Wei Ying felt as if he was being watched. The feeling creeped under his skin, a clammy sensation of unwanted attention. He looked around furtively, trying to find the source.

He felt the wind rushing around his body before he felt the strike. A wall of pure muscle punched his chest and sending him flying. His back collided with a tree, jarring his bones and making him cry out in pain. He slumped at its base, too weak to stand up again.

He heard laughter and then a voice, right next to his ear.

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