Chapter 27 Music

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Given that music cultivation played a huge part in the legacy of the GusuLan Sect, their musical studies building - yes, building, not room - was ostentatiously well equipped.

Guqins, flutes, pipas, guzhengs, erhus and dizis were carefully displayed all along the walls. There was a special section for written musical scores (different than the ones in the library), plus a work room where repairs were made.

The Lans were serious about their speciality.

Wei Ying held little Li XiWang's hand as they walked past each instrument, hoping she would feel close to something, but she showed no signs of preference yet.

XiChen had asked Wei Ying to help her choose so that after her naming ceremony, she could be presented with her own spiritual instrument.

"Little rabbit, do you like any of them?" Wei Ying asked her again, hoping for a different answer.

"I told you, I like all of them." She said, determination like steel in her eyes.

Wei Ying was duly cautioned. He remembered XiChen's expectant face and tried again. "What about the flute? That's my one. And you know, Zhan ge-ge plays the guqin. What about that?"

"Can you pick more than one? As your spiritual instrument?" She asked him. The question was asked intensely.

"Um, I think it's wise to play one, and then see." He hedged.

"But Wei ge-ge, I can play all of them." She looked so sincerely at him, he felt ashamed of not believing her.

"Okay, then the best thing to do is play all of them now. Then, if you find you like any of them more, above all the others, that can be your special spiritual instrument. How's that?" He kind of wished Lan Zhan was here, but he had meetings scheduled.

Li XiWang let go of his hand and picked up a flute. Wei Ying really wanted her to be able to play it well, but she was only eight years old, so he placed the bar quite low, and prepared to tolerate whatever she played.

But instead of sharp and flat notes played haphazardly, she played a beautiful melody. When she finished, she looked at Wei Ying, who had his mouth open in shock.

"I forgot!" She exclaimed. "Here." She grabbed his hand and placed in on her shoulder. Then she began to play all over again.

But Wei Ying couldn't concentrate on the sound anymore...he was fascinated by the beautiful butterflies floating around him. They varied in colours and sizes, an assortment of patterns decorating their wings, but the truly amazing thing was how they moved in harmony.

Wei Ying held his palm aloft, and a single insect landed gracefully in the middle.

"You are amazing." He told her.

She finished the song and grabbed another instrument, beaming at him the whole time.

Each instrument she picked, showed different things, all floating in a kaleidoscope of colour, until she played a guqin.

A multitude of brightly dancing bubbles surrounded them; whenever Wei Ying touched one, it exploded into colourful puffs of smoke. Wei Ying was in awe of her.

"Can you play WangXian?" He breathed.

"But...can I?" She asked, timidly. "Zhan ge-ge made that especially for you."

"I think he would make an exception for you. Go on. I'll handle him if he doesn't like it." Wei Ying encouraged her, wondering what it would sound like if someone else played it.

She began to play.

The notes filled the room, joy and love infused with each string plucked. Wei Ying closed his eyes, hearing the melody playing inside his heart. Each beat of his resonated with each note played.

He felt warm arms come around him, holding him close, the beloved sandalwood scent filling his lungs.

When she finished playing, she had tears in her eyes. Wei Ying was surprised to find his own face wet, even more when he turned and found Lan Zhan's eyes moist.

"Our daughter is talented." He said in a low voice.

"Exceptionally." Wei Ying grinned back.

"I've decided. I want to have a guqin as my spiritual instrument." She declared. "And...and I have something else to ask you." Her voice took on a nervous, uncertain tone.

Wei Ying came closer and sat down next to her.

"What is it, little rabbit?"

"Why is SiZhui allowed to call you both his fathers?"

Wei Ying did not know what to say. "Umm, what do you mean?"

"Well, why can't I? You said we are a family. I want to know." She was looking at them with a mixture of confusion, earnestness and doubt.

Lan Zhan came and sat next to her. He lifted her up to sit in his lap and took her hands.

"We would like that very much. We would be honoured." His face was full of sincerity and love.

Wei Ying couldn't stop his tears. He was wiping them away with both hands and getting nowhere.

Li Xiwang flung her arms around Lan Zhan and burst into tears.

"I-I thought you didn't love me as much as SiZhui. Because he was first."

"How can you say that?!" Wei Ying cried, also hugging them both. "We thought, out of respect for your other parents, that you didn't want to."

"Did not know." Lan Zhan agreed. "Will change from now."

"Okay." She hiccuped. "I want to write a song for you both too." She pointed at Lan Zhan. "And you're going to help me. Father."

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