Chapter 52 Progress

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The soothsayer stared doubtfully at the densely packed oak trees.

"Here? Are you sure?" He turned back to face the demon and the hundreds of pairs of young eyes.

"Yes. The Grandmaster should have received a message by now. And I have a letter from my friend. If you will excuse me for a few moments..." Hui Gai vanished.

He had spent the last ten minutes working out how to skirt past the wards, now he could only hope that the welcome he received would be of the peaceful kind, at least long enough that the letter could be read.


She was already waiting for him. And what a picture she presented!

Her white robes flowed around her, excited by the mountain winds to swirl elegantly as if part of her form. Her jet black hair danced around her shoulders, the embodiment of power, and in her hands, the silver whip sparkled full of energy.

"You dare to trespass?" Her soft voice belied the threat evident in her cold black eyes.

Hui Gai immediately bowed, and then held out the letter.

She showed no interest in it, and made no move forward.

"Please! Grandmaster, and Grandmother of my friend, I come in peace."

She snorted.

This was not going well.

"Did my friend not send a message? We rescued-" he tried to say, but she held a hand out to stop him.

"He did. I want to know more." She walked towards him then, flicking the whip into the palm of her other hand. Little silver sparkles flashed upon each contact.

"Please read this. Your grandson wrote it for me two days ago." He held out the letter again.

She waved the whip and the piece of parchment drifted out of his hand and floated in front of her. Her quick eyes scanned the characters, an eyebrow raised, and was that a flash of amusement in her eyes?

Hui Gai was sure that was the part about not killing him.

There was a commotion behind them and the sounds of running feet. Hui Gai turned to look and could've wept with relief.

"Sorry we're late!" Wei Ying artfully placed himself between his grandmother and his friend. "Did you get my message, Grandmother? Have you been well? We have a surprise for you!" Wei Ying rambled on anxiously until his voice died out from the nerves induced by his grandmother's glare.

"Just what did you say to her?" He whispered in a side glance at the demon.

"Do I know? Maybe she woke up like that!" He hissed back, agitated.

"Show me these children." She started walking briskly towards the oak trees.

"Stay behind us." Wei Ying told Hui Gai as Lan Zhan resumed his position next to him, holding his hand tightly.

They followed her past the oak trees opening to see the children. The youngest ones were frightened enough to hold onto the soothsayer. He carefully extracted himself and bowed.

"Immortal one, it is my honour to finally make your acquaintance."

She ignored him to take in the faces of the children. A few of them came forward by themselves.

"Yong Lee! Zhang Jing! Feng Cao!" She called out names and more children came forward.

She looked at Wei Ying, and he was shocked to see tears in her eyes.

"Grandma?" He came to stand beside her.

"You found them! You found my children!" She hugged him close. "I didn't think I would ever see them again!"

He patted her arm. "They have been hurt." He whispered, watching her emotions change into something volatile. He could see the thoughts running through her mind, knew exactly when she made her decision seconds later.

"All of you, you too," she glared at the soothsayer, "come with me."

She led them to the cherry grove and waved the whip. The familiar white tent appeared, same as before.

"Does this place look bigger, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying sniffed the air, appreciating the sweet scent of fresh blossoms wafting around them.

"Mn. Pretty."

Wei Ying turned, surprised by the additional word. Lan Zhan was staring at him, a golden fire coming to life as he watched. He bravely stood his ground as the jade approached, stopping just a hair's breadth away. A warm palm gently held his face, and Wei Ying was powerless to look away.

"Is this really the time for that?" His grandmother threw them a look of irritation.

"Later, I promise." Wei Ying quickly kissed his cheek as they separated reluctantly.

They followed her already retreating form to the cave.

"I will need to examine each child. We need to determine exactly what's wrong with them and find a cure, carry out treatment." She made a verbal list whilst gathering ingredients.

"Umm, Grandmother?" Wei Ying interrupted her thoughts.

"What?" She took a deep breath and stopped.

"I have a request for the children. I want to know exactly what happened to them." He waited for her to process what he was saying.

"Will they agree?" She looked doubtful.

"What if we ask the older ones? If we can make them understand that this is imperative, they might be willing." Wei Ying looked at her hopefully.

"Alright. But if they say no, you are not to push." She warned.

"I would never!" He protested.

She thrust a sheaf of papers at him and writing supplies.

"Go and make a list of all their names and ages. You can ask them while you're doing that."

Wei Ying beamed at her. "Thank you, Grandma." He walked out of the cave holding hands with his husband.

Hui Gai looked uncertainly after them, wondering what he should do.

"Make yourself useful!" The Grandmaster started piling items into his arms. He was too scared to disagree.

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