Chapter 73 Sung Yatsen

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Another massive array was drawn on the ground, but their attention was wholly captured by the gigantic statue in the middle. This was obviously the temple of Suanni.

The statue was high, almost reaching the roof of the cavern. Its eyes reflected the torches on the walls making them flicker to life. Huge elongated and curved canines hung over his mouth, a fierce expression on his face. He had the body of a lion, yet he had the tiniest wings on his back. He was ferocious looking, definitely not a pretty sight.

Some of the disciples with them, cowered at him, too frightened to move forward. Wei Ying began looking around him, one thought making him worried.

There was only one way in, and one way out of here.

The walls were decorated with pictures, and he realised that they had spent a lot of time renovating this temple. Murals covered every empty surface. Where there was even an inch of space, red writing in an ancient script was visible. He moved closer to inspect and was revolted by the stench of stale blood. He couldn't quite believe it.

While they were looking around, Wei Ying had seen from the corners of his eyes, people dressed in unfamiliar robes bringing things in. First was a huge basin filled with water. Then, they brought in those machines. The same one he had hurriedly sketched, the same machine that sucked out the precious blue energy from innocent young babes.

He had a bad feeling.

"You wanted to know why we were harvesting spiritual energy? Here's your answer." The stranger gestured to the statue and the encompassing space. "Tonight, it is the the full moon of this month. It is a special night, because here, we will make our last offering to summon our master, our Lord, our Saviour."

Lan Zhan unsheathed Bichen straight away, and Wei Ying heard Zidian crackling behind him.

Soldiers stormed in through the the only entrance, all wielding swords.

Oh no. Wei Ying thought. This was a trap.

Before he could turn around, he felt the cold sharpness of a blade at his throat.

"Remember me, Brother?" A too familiar female voice whispered in his ear.

Lan Zhan heard it too and whipped around, Bichen ready to slice and defend.

Wei Ying saw his fear. How he hated this woman.

Lan Zhan kept his eyes on the fake sister and advanced. She stopped him with her words.

"Ah, ah, ah! I wouldn't do that. All it takes is a slip of my hand..." she smiled cruelly, doing just that.

Wei Ying gasped, both at the shock on his husband's face and the sharp pain he felt at his neck. He saw Lan Zhan watch the trickle of blood as it made its way into his clothes. He had never been so glad for his preferred red robes as he was right now.

"Stop!" Lan Zhan glared at her, not moving an inch now.

"Put away your weapons." The stranger told XiChen. "We are only...interested in one person. The rest of you must wait over there." His soldiers surrounded all the Lan clan disciples and Jiang Cheng.

Lan Zhan did not move. "Let him go. Now!"

"Why would I do that?" She laughed, long and shrill. "You were all so good until now, doing exactly what we wanted. You can be good for a little while longer, no?" Her voice turned spiteful. "Put away your sword, or I shall do more than just nick him with mine!"

Wei Ying felt the bite of steel slice fractionally deeper.

There were cries from the people already incapacitated by the soldiers. Wei Ying willed himself not to look at his brother. Instead, he focused on Lan Zhan. Murder raged in his eyes.

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