Chapter 75 Recovery

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XiChen watched his baby brother leave, carrying Wei Ying in his arms. Jiang Cheng came and stood beside him.

"WangJi will take care of him, Wanyin. You don't have to worry. Let's wrap things up here first, then we can go." XiChen looked at him for confirmation.

Jiang Cheng was still trying to keep from crying.

XiChen wrapped his arms around his husband. Relief had them both leaning on each other.

"I...I didn't think he could come out of that alive." Jiang Cheng admitted. "I love my brother."

"He knows. And you can tell him that soon." XiChen pulled back to look into those amethyst eyes, still wet.

Jiang Cheng nodded, standing straighter. "What needs to be done?"

"Most of the children have been taken to Cloud Recesses, transport has to be arranged for those still here. The captured people aiding that foolish man have to be securely detained, until we find a way to punish them fairly. That will probably be decided with the rest of the clans." XiChen took a breath.

Jiang Cheng smirked and took his hand. "Wow! Was that just off the top of your head?"

XiChen blushed.

"Have I ever told you, you are a great leader. I think that's what you were born to do." He leaned closer, whispering into his ear. "I love it when you give orders. That commanding tone, the way you speak," he mock shivered, "does something to me."

XiChen blushed deeper. "'t...really? Just that?"

"Just that." Jiang Cheng winked at him. XiChen thought he would turn into a puddle right there.

A disciple came towards them, bowing quickly.

"Zewu-Jun, there are messages coming in from all the clans. They want to know what to do next."

XiChen smiled confidently. "Here, tell them to prepare for an emergency meeting. It should be held at JinLinTai, so first message to their elders and Jin Ling...."

He continued to outline plans while Jiang Cheng watched him, nothing but love and admiration in his eyes.


Lan Zhan carried Wei Ying straight to the infirmary. The healers were waiting; he reminded himself to thank his brother later. XiChen must have sent a butterfly ahead to warn them.

Wei Ying had passed out, only whimpering in pain when they disinfected his cuts, both in his palm and his neck. Thankfully, neither needed stitches. Lan Zhan couldn't bear sitting by his side doing nothing so he aided them, dressing the wounds himself.

When he was finally satisfied, he picked up his husband and took him to the Jingshi. Exhaustion caught up with him too, so he made Wei Ying comfortable and lay down next to him, curling naturally around him.


XiChen knocked on the door of the Jingshi the next day. They had just got back from organising the aftermath of the happenings at the orphanage; Jiang Cheng had returned to Lotus Pier and XiChen would be joining him soon, but he wanted to check in with WangJi before he left.

A still tired looking Lan Zhan opened the door. XiChen hugged him immediately upon entering, smiling with relief.

"How are you feeling, Didi?"


"And Brother Wei?" He let go of him to go to the bed.

"He hasn't woken up yet." Lan Zhan still looked worried.

XiChen took his temperature and checked his pulse. "He seems to be alright. What did the healers say?"

They had asked him to leave them alone, politely and in nicer words, but his brother didn't need to know that.


Apparently, that was enough.

"Keep me informed of his progress." XiChen stood up.

"Brother is going somewhere?" Lan Zhan raised a brow.

"Yes, back to Lotus Pier first and then onto JinLinTai. We are holding an emergency meeting, to discuss what's to be done now. Do you want to attend?"

"No." His answer was firm and immediate, his gaze on the one lying in their bed.

"Very well, then. I'll see you when I get back."

Lan Zhan closed the door behind him and returned to his patient. He kissed his brow and resumed playing their song on Wangji.


Li XiWang knew it was forbidden, but she didn't know what else to do. Her father had remained asleep for three days now, and the demon was displaying an unusually unhelpful trait. He refused to enter his mind, saying it was an invasion of privacy, only to be used when no other method would work.

The soft fur tickled against her skin, making her want to laugh out loud. She muffled a giggle as she got closer to the Jingshi, nerves getting the best of her as she giddily opened the door. She went straight to the bed and deposited her haul.

Two fluffy rabbits, one black and the other white, hopped over to the familiar man lying in the middle. Their little pink noses twitched in delight as they snuggled closer.

Li XiWang beamed at the cute picture they made, eternally grateful that her other father wasn't back yet. She had waited for him to leave before carrying out her plan, hurrying to the rabbits and returning quickly.

She had read that animals, dogs in particular, were naturally comfort givers, although given this father's fear of them, that might have worked better, but rabbits were the next best thing.

They snuffled closer, one burrowing into the crook of his neck, while the other settled for his armpit.

Wei Ying felt something shifting near him, something soft and warm and incredibly fluffy. It wasn't...Lan Zhan?

He sat up alarmed, but had to smile when he saw the two little bodies. At the foot of the bed, his daughter was sleeping, curled into a ball. He stood up carefully so as not to wake her, covering her with his blanket, and then picked up the bunnies.

He was sure his bright daughter would have thought of bringing them, but they needed to go back, and he needed to stretch his legs, and also, where was Lan Zhan?

Time to go and find out.

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