Chapter 58 Concealed

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Jiang Cheng sauntered towards the Hanshi, thinking up ways he would surprise his husband while waiting for him. The room was dark when he let himself in, so he kept it that way and wandered to the bed.

Flowers, he thought, were always appreciated. What kind of flowers did Huan like? It wouldn't do to pick lotuses because, well, those were his favourite flowers.

A noise from behind the infamous screen in the corner had him whipping out Zidian.

"Who's there-"

There was a crash and the screen fell over, revealing a disheveled Wei WuXian, who shrieked upon seeing the purple lightening.

Jiang Cheng let out a scream just as loudly as both stumbled to get out of the way.

Wei Ying realised that it was Jiang Cheng standing in front of him and he started giggling; Jiang Cheng had not recovered, and shouted to mask his fright.

"What the hell are you doing in our room? Why were you hiding?" He yelled.

"Shhh! Please be quiet!" Wei Ying tried to stop laughing, but now his belly was hurting and he had tears leaking from his eyes.

"Have to...hide...from...her!" He wheezed, still erupting with little giggles.

Jiang Cheng recalled Zidian and grabbed his shoulders.

"Calm down first." He wiped his face. "Now tell me, who are you hiding from?"

"Wei Chang Zu. I think she's looking for me." He was out of breath now.

"And you're hiding because...?" Jiang Cheng frowned at him. "And why here?"

"This is the only safe place! She's found me everywhere else, and this is my last resort." He wheezed in a deep breath.

A female voice was heard outside, and Wei Ying put a finger on his lips, scrambling up as quietly as he could.

The door opened and XiChen walked in, saying, "don't worry, my dear. I'm sure he hasn't left Cloud Recesses."

He was followed by a young lady that Jiang Cheng guessed was Wei Ying's "sister".

"There you are, Brother Wei!" XiChen beamed at him. "Wei Chang Zu was just asking me about your whereabouts."

"Oh, ah, I just came to talk to my brother." Wei Ying covered, pleading with his eyes to his brother.

"Well, I guess that makes you my brother as well." Wei Chang Zu said, smiling brightly.

"Uh, I suppose so." Jiang Cheng was flustered. "Didn't you say you were meeting her, like right now?" Jiang Cheng glared at his brother.

Wei Ying scowled back at him, but schooled his features into a kind of acceptance. Sighing, he took her arm.

"Let's go." He kicked Jiang Cheng's ankle on the way out.

"Why, you little sh-" Jiang Cheng shouted, but a hand on his arm had him shutting up.


SiZhui and Li Xiwang were waiting for them at the gates. The little girl held both their hands, walking in between them and smiling up at both whenever their eyes met. Wei Ying marveled at her youthful innocence, completely accepting her aunt as a member of their family.

He wished some of that good nature would rub off onto him; it would make their interactions so much easier.

SiZhui walked on ahead, smiling and turning towards them now and again, otherwise leading the way. The boy was relaxed, enjoying the warmth of the summer sun on his face, and the company of his family.

They were going to spend some time in the markets of Caiyi. His aunt had expressed a desire to become familiar with their favourite haunts, and Wei Ying had grudgingly agreed, the alternative being just the children to be her guides. He would never allow that.

Caiyi town was a bustling hive of activity. One festival or another was going to happen and people needed to prepare. Red lanterns hung from galleries and strung along wires between the two sides of the main street.

Vendors called out to the famous cultivator and his family, offering free tastes and samples of their wares, welcoming the little group with exaggerated praises and offers of discounts.

They slowly wandered all the stalls, looking at toys which none of the children liked but caught the interest of the biggest child. Wei Ying play fought with SiZhui, using wooden swords made for little bodies and shorter arms.

He found himself lagging behind, watching Wei Chang Zu laughing with his daughter and pointing out pretty dresses, whispering to each other and cracking up. For the first time, he wondered if he and Lan Zhan were enough, as parents. Was his daughter suffering by not having another female role model, someone who could teach her things only another woman knew.

They were casually walking back up the mountain towards Cloud Recesses, when a group of bloody people met them.

They looked terrified, clothes tattered and frayed, panic on their faces.

"Master Cultivator! Please, you have to help us!" They stopped to catch their breath, holding each other for support.

"What's wrong?" Wei Ying came forward, his hand on Chenqing.

"Demon Naga! We've never seen one so big! Her body is easily the width of three trees, but she is agile as a panther. Just the scent of her venom dripping caused some of our men to pass out in a coma." The man speaking, passed out, amid cries from his fellows.

"One of you, come with me." Wei Ying ordered. He looked at SiZhui. "Take Li Xiwang and my sister back to Cloud Recesses and tell Lan Zhan." He pulled him closer. "And stay there!"

SiZhui caught his eye and understood what he meant. "Yes father." He bowed and grabbed the other two, racing towards the gates.

Wei Ying picked the fittest looking man out of the crowd of eight, and told the others to wait where they were. He knew SiZhui would send help.

"Let's go!" Wei Ying ran after the man.

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