Chapter 8 Comfort

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Wei Ying was gathering their things in preparation for leaving Koi Tower. Lan Zhan had stepped out to speak with his brother before they set out, as XiChen was staying with Jiang Cheng for a bit longer. Wei Ying secretly thought his husband had other reasons to leave early, but he was glad. JinLinTai made him uneasy in so many ways that leaving it sooner was a blessing.

He picked up Chenqing and turned, only to almost bump into Hui Gai. The demon looked awfully pleased for some reason. Wei Ying had noticed that he always tried to visit when Lan Zhan wasn't there.

"You look happy," he said, red eyes gleaming with interest.

"So do you!" Wei Ying stared at him intently, trying to figure out why.

He snapped his fingers and there was a shriek outside the room, followed by a splash.

"You...-" Wei Ying tried to say, putting all the pieces together in his head.

"I didn't kill anyone." He stated, checking out the nails on his right hand, tail swishing in defiance.

"I thought you wanted to make amends?" Wei Ying retorted with a smile.

"This doesn't count. Or you could say that people are getting the results of their actions. I prefer not to wait until their next lives." He vanished.

Lan Zhan entered. "Wei Ying is ready?"

He bounced to the door and kissed his nose. "Absolutely. Let's get out of here."


The trip going home to Gusu was uneventful. Wei Ying found that if he closed his eyes and drank in the sandalwood scent of his husband, it was quite bearable to fly on Bichen.

The moment his feet touched the ground in Cloud Recesses, Wei Ying was whisked away to the healer's quarters.

"Tell them." Lan Zhan stood in front of him, a shaking assistant behind him.

"You don't have to stay." Wei Ying began, but Lan Zhan growled. Growled!

"Okay, fine!" Wei Ying looked at the helpless man standing behind his husband. "Please could you give me something to help me sleep at night?"


"And, what?" Wei Ying looked up stubbornly.

"Back pain."

"Lan Zhaaan! That's gone now!" He whined.

Lan Zhan just stared hard at him.

"Okay, please could you also give me something for a mysterious pain that only occurs when I wake up in the morning but at no other time?" He stared back sullenly.

The assistant handed him potion packets. "D-drink this before you go to bed." He high tailed it out of there.


On their way to the Great Hall, a disciple handed Wei Ying a letter.

"Do you mind if I go back to the Jingshi?" Wei Ying looked at the envelope with unreserved excitement.

"Mn. Wait."

Lan Zhan pulled him back to kiss him gently. Wei Ying melted.

"What was that for?" He asked, dreamily.

"Will miss Wei Ying." He turned and left.

Wei Ying floated to their room, snapping to attention when he found himself alone. He sat down at the table and poured himself a cup of tea. Then he ripped open the envelope and began to read.

Li XiWang wrote that she was happy, settling into her new life with her parents and that she helped her mother everyday.  She told him there was no need to worry, she was doing fine.

Wei Ying read it one more time, to check if that was all she wished to say. Other than the wrong date in the corner, there was nothing which stood out as alarming. Maybe his grandmother was right; these were really her parents and everything would be fine.

He left it on the table for Lan Zhan to read when he returned, finished his tea and went to go and play with the rabbits.


He'd fallen asleep with the fluffy balls of warmth covering him. It was early evening when he made his way to the Great Hall in search of his husband. He met a worried looking XiChen when he got there.

"What's up?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"Uncle wants a meeting."

"Oh, right. It's nothing to worry about." Wei Ying patted his arm casually.

But XiChen still looked worried. "I think uncle heard about the conference."

Wei Ying stared blankly back at him.

"You know...what Jiang Cheng did." His ears burned red.

Wei Ying laughed and slapped his arm. "You know, for a minute, I thought there was something the matter!"

"There is! How shall I explain myself?" He started breathing faster. "What shall I say?"

"Wait, wait." Wei Ying stopped laughing, realising that XiChen was taking this far more seriously. "Okay, you need to calm yourself first. Breathe slowly, deeply." He waited until XiChen stopped shaking. "How do you know he knows?"

"He must know."

"So you don't know for sure? That's good. XiChen-Ge, I can give you lessons on how to be shameless!" Wei Ying took him to sit under the Great magnolia tree. "First off, you don't mention it unless he asks."

XiChen nodded, listening carefully.

"Secondly, you could pretend you don't know what he's talking about, if he does say something, but I think honesty is the best way. Just say it like it happened and you'll be fine."

XiChen looked horrified.

"If you really end up talking about it and it makes you uncomfortable, just fill him in on the most outrageous thing you can think of. As a diversion." Wei Ying gave him an encouraging smile. "It's really not that serious and I think you're worrying for nothing."

"But I don't want to lie," he swallowed with difficulty.

"You don't have to. I heard the most insane news while we there." Wei Ying proceeded to tell him everything he'd heard, courtesy of Nie Huaisang amongst others. By the end of that conversation, XiChen was a lot more confident and happier.

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