Chapter 63 Shock

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Wei Ying knew he was having a panic attack. The shock of being flung from solid ground into the open air, plus whatever was going on with his back, the excruciating pain as something ripped from his body. He couldn't breathe, heartbeat out of control, plus the fact that he was still falling and the stress of everything made him...let go. He vaguely registered landing on something soft and incredibly warm, before everything went black.

When he opened his eyes, he was in an unfamiliar place. Soft, warm things were nestled around him, keeping his body in a cocoon of safety. He closed his eyes again from exhaustion, but his arm stretched out, hand exploring where he was. He could feel...branches? They were woven intricately, surrounding him like a nest. He did open his eyes fully, then. He turned over onto his back but nearly let out a scream, quickly returning to lie on his stomach.

The flapping of wings nearby, had him trying to get up. He managed to raise his body so he was resting on his limbs, but the effort of this had him collapsing again.

"Young Master, you need to rest. Your body is changing, but you are safe."

He recognised the voice. Shen Ling 's deep tones relaxed him enough that he fell asleep again, dreaming of happier times.


Hui Gai went to find the person he was most afraid of, the person who he did his best to avoid. Lan WangJi gave off hostile vibes like no other, and Hui Gai was certain it was better to give the man a wide berth. However, this was an emergency.

Lan Zhan was walking through the trees, eyes unseeing. He could not stop his spiralling thoughts, led by despair. Was this punishment for how he had treated Wei Ying in the past? It was always part of his secret regrets, the way he had felt upon seeing this beautiful boy, the way he smiled sincerely with an open heart to encompass the whole world. How quickly this soul was attracted to him, how he would look for him everyday when he was not around.

He was a little ashamed to note that he was glad Wei Ying was a mischievous boy, always getting into trouble because that meant punishments. Those, he was in charge of, and because that meant he could spend more time with this wonderful person. He could look at him when the other did not know, soothing the empty places of his heart. He did not regret falling in love with Wei Ying - how could he? No, his biggest regret was not telling him the truth.

And could he have dealt with it any better? Definitely. He should have told him that he loved him, told him he would do anything for him, that his life was no longer his own. But Wei Ying had died, two times without knowing.

His heart stuttered even as the tears fell.

Hui Gai appeared in front of him, shocking him enough to unsheath Bichen. The sword was at the throat of the trembling demon before either of them realised.

"M-master! It is I, Hui Gai. Do you not remember me?" His red eyes showed concern and sadness.

Disappointment clouded his features as Lan Zhan silently put his weapon away and walked away.

"Please, I want to help. Let you find him." Hui Gai stepped forward, but stopped.

Lan Zhan let out a sob, shoulders shaking with grief. "I failed him. Again. Useless."

Hui Gai did walk up to him then. He put a hand on his shoulder, trying to offer comfort.

"He's still alive. And that's good, because it means we can find him. Right?"

Lan Zhan focused on his words. Finally, he nodded.

"Now tell me everything."


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