Chapter 48 Sister

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Wei Ying stepped back as soon as she said who she was. Lan Zhan turned to look at him; whatever he saw, had him shoving Wei Ying behind him, standing to face the gate.

He studied her from behind a strong back, grateful for the extra protection. Her long ebony hair hung like a waterfall to her waist, and she had a bright, open face. Identical silver orbs shined in amusement back at him. Did she look like himself?

If he was honest, he couldn't tell. If they stood side by side, he thought they might look similar. Could she be mistaken?

"You don't remember me at all, do you?" Her melodious voice drifted towards him.

His first instinct was to deny everything.

"Wei Ying does not have to do this now." Lan Zhan said, only so he could hear.

"Of course, you won't blame us for asking you for proof." XiChen said. He was smiling but his voice was utterly serious.

"I don't have papers or anything, really." She smiled back in a friendly way. "I do understand. I also would not trust anybody suddenly turning up and saying they are a blood relative."

"How old?" Wei Ying whispered.

"What?" She moved forward, but the wards on the gate prevented her from coming closer.

"Age." Lan Zhan repeated, clearly.

"I'm two years younger than my brother." She smiled sadly. "I knew this might be difficult for you, so on the way, I thought it might be better for you, if I stay in Caiyi town for a few days." She handed a card to the guard. "I'll be staying here for three nights. If you decide not to come and see me, I understand."

They watched her walk away.

"What do you think about her?" XiChen asked.

"Later, Brother." Lan Zhan took Wei Ying towards the Jingshi. "We can talk tomorrow."

Back in the Jingshi, the children were waiting for them to return so they could all eat together. Lan Zhan sat him down and wiped his hands with a hot cloth, putting chopsticks in his hand and pushed a bowl of rice in front of him.

He shook his head at both children who stared at him, looking for answers.

Wei Ying was desperately thinking back to when he was a child. He was ashamed to realise that he couldn't even remember what his parents looked like. Their faces were hazy, as if he was looking at them through cloudy glass. Did he really have a sister? Why couldn't he remember her?

He was only four or five years old when Jiang Fengmian found him looking for food on the streets of Yiling. Did he abandon his sister? Why wasn't she with him?

His head began to hurt. He looked around the table to find the dishes cleared away and the children absent. He looked at Lan Zhan who was studying him.

"SiZhui has gone back to his room. Li Xiwang is sleeping now." He glanced over at the screen on the side. Then he held his arms open.

Wei Ying scurried to him, finding an ocean of comfort.

"Wei Ying does not have to meet her." Lan Zhan told him.

Strong arms held him safely. He listened to the constant heart beating, the sound providing immeasurable warmth.

"I don't know what to think." He admitted. "Until now, I was sure, without a doubt, that I did not have a sister, other than Shijie." He sighed softly. "Is it bad if I don't want anything to do with her?"

"No. Wei Ying must be happy."

"I don't want to think about it." Huge silver eyes gazed deep into golden ones, full of uncertainty.

Lan Zhan didn't like it. He held his face gently and kissed him.

"I-I'm scared. What if I left her behind? And...if she's really my sister, why hasn't she found me before? Why now?" He closed his eyes. "My head hurts."

Lan Zhan began humming their song, slow and gently, the vibrations soothing his agitation. His breathing deepened and he fell asleep. Lan Zhan picked him up and set him down to sleep, covering him with a blanket.

Then he went to see his brother.


"I don't believe her!" Jiang Cheng was shouting from the other side of the door.

Lan Zhan had to knock twice, loud enough to make the door shake on the second try.

XiChen opened the door, looking incredibly grateful when he saw his brother.

"Didi, come in. How is Brother Wei?"

Lan Zhan entered to find Jiang Cheng pacing furiously. Their food sat untouched on the table.

"Eat first." He told them, sitting down.

Jiang Cheng reluctantly sat next to his husband.

"What do you think about it?" Jiang Cheng demanded.

"No talking while eating." Lan Zhan reprimanded, not really wishing to talk to him.

"Didi, we don't have such rules here, in the Hanshi." XiChen smiled shyly. "It's better."

"I think she's lying." Jiang Cheng continued, around a mouthful of rice.

"Not our decision." Lan Zhan replied, looking only at his brother.

XiChen quickly finished eating so they could talk.

"How does Brother Wei feel about her? Whatever he decides, we will support him fully. I hope he knows that." XiChen patted his hand.

"Will tell Wei Ying tomorrow. Wei Ying is sleeping."

"Why is he sleeping? He should be dealing with this problem! He should tell her to go back to wherever she came from." Jiang Cheng continued, angrily. "Of course she's lying."

"He will deal with it tomorrow." Lan Zhan told him firmly. "But what does Brother think?"

"It's difficult to believe her." XiChen smiled sadly. "But if it's true, Brother Wei will feel worse if he turns her away now. And if she leaves, it may become harder to find her. Perhaps he might be willing to give her a chance?"

"Mn." Lan Zhan stood up to go.

"Don't worry, Didi. Everything will work out just fine." XiChen hugged him suddenly.


"Let's see what Brother Wei decides tomorrow. If he wants to see her, he doesn't have to go alone."


Lan Zhan left, feeling much better.

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