Chapter 9 Expeditious

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Wei Ying laid their table, making sure he had gotten Lan Zhan's favourite dishes, obviously not made by himself, and then tapped his nose, thoughtfully. Tonight was going to be a difficult conversation and if there was something that could work in his favour, then he should certainly do it.

The door of the Jingshi slid open, so now he was out of time. He smiled a really big smile, took Bichen from his master and placed a bowl of warm water in front of Lan Zhan when he sat down.

They ate in silence, Lan Zhan looking at him now and again, but Wei Ying just smiled back.

When Lan Zhan put down his chopsticks, Wei Ying smiled again and arranged himself on his husband's lap. Lan Zhan welcomed him with a sweet, if short, kiss.

"What does Wei Ying want?"

Wei Ying spluttered in disbelief. How did he know?

"Do I have to have a reason to spoil my husband?" He replied with fake bravado. "But you're right, I do want to ask you for a favour." Unfortunately, his husband was too smart...

He sighed, knowing Lan Zhan wouldn't like what he was going to suggest. "Okay, promise to hear me out before you say no?"


"Fine. So you know Jiang Cheng and XiChen-Ge's wedding is in two weeks now?" He kissed the delicious looking jaw in front of him. "Well, I promised Jiang Cheng that I'd help him with the wedding preparations because he's rubbish at things like that."


"So can I go to Lotus Pier tomorrow?" He looked up into golden eyes hopefully.

Lan Zhan cupped his face and kissed him deeply. "No."

"Thank-! Wait, what did you say?" Wei Ying was shocked. Lan Zhan never denied him anything.

"No. I have to help Brother."

"You don't have to come. You can help your brother and I'll help mine. Problem sorted."

Such a look of pain flashed in his eyes, Wei Ying was momentarily confused. He placed a hand on his cheek. "Lan Zhan?"

He held him tighter, hiding his face.

"Lan Zhan,  it's only a couple of weeks..."

"No. I cannot."

Wei Ying waited until he could hear the heartbeat at his ear slow down.

"Okay, then what do you suggest?"

"We help Brother first, finish in one week. Then we can go to Lotus Pier, help Jiang Wanyin." He looked excited for the first time since the start of this conversation.

"And you think we can do that? Will it be enough time?"

"Mn. Will make it work."

So that was that.


In the morning, Wei Ying wrote an answering letter to Li XiWang and got on with the task of decorating Cloud Recesses. The wedding of the clan leader was no small event.

Red bunting was hung from all corners, and the Hanshi was transformed into a red and gold mini palace. An air of excited anticipation grew as the days passed, until there was only one week to go.

True to his word, Lan Zhan worked all hours to fit in two weeks worth of chores into the one, dedicated to accompanying Wei Ying to Lotus Pier.

Wei Ying was secretly relieved; if not for the fact that he had told his brother that he would come, he much preferred going with Lan Zhan too. He had been stressing about leaving him from the beginning, but if they both felt the same way, there was nothing wrong with going together.

XiChen was sorry to see them leave.

"I will have to come alone." He said.

"Nonsense!" Wei Ying exclaimed, brightly. "How could we do that to you? SiZhui has already agreed to accompany you with JingYi."

The healer came rushing towards Lan Zhan, handing him a box they were to take with them. The potion Wei Ying normally drank was losing its edge so they were going to try something new. Lan Zhan had taken to asking him a ton of questions every time he woke up now, adamant that he should not suffer unnecessarily. It was working quite well too, the pain was now equal parts itchy as well.


Lotus Pier would always be a welcome sight, Wei Ying thought, when they landed. As they walked past all the friendly street vendors and fast food stalls, Wei Ying couldn't help but think something was missing, but it was difficult to know what. They were here for a wedding though, so he put it out of his mind.

Jiang Cheng was on the training grounds, putting the younger disciples through their paces. Wei Ying raced up to him excitedly, not pausing through his own plans of what he wanted Lotus Pier to look like.

Jiang Cheng physically picked him up and put him on the sidelines.

"In a minute."

Wei Ying didn't mind at all, pulling out all his plans on parchment, ready to show him when he was ready. There would be two ceremonies as both parties were sect leaders. Wei Ying could not wait, he was so excited.

Jin Ling was arriving the following day and Wei Ying wanted to show him all his ideas for the fireworks he had designed for after the wedding banquet. But as his gaze landed on the viewing platform on the side, he was reminded of days gone by.

Hours training in the heat of the summer sun, the threat of Zidian ever present while they sweated through their sword formations. Madam Yu in all her glory, fierce and unrelenting, shouting drill sequences at them until they were memorised. Jiang Fengmian trying to protect him, bringing gifts and sweet haws to lessen the pain of abandonment. And Shijie. Her sweet voice as she would call them for mealtimes, always smiling.

"Wei Ying? Wei Ying!"

He was brought out of his reverie by callused fingers gently wiping his face. He blinked and saw Lan Zhan staring at his face, worried.

"Oh, um, I guess I got carried away." Wei Ying stood up and wiped his own face properly. "I'm okay."

"Why the hell is he crying now?" Jiang Cheng sauntered up to them.

Lan Zhan blocked his view and hugged him.

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