Chapter 44 Ally

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Lan Zhan checked the Jingshi, but it was empty, so predictably, his next stop was the Hanshi. No one answered when he knocked, so now he had to think hard about where his husband could be.

Wei Ying would not leave Cloud Recesses without telling him, that meant he was still here. SiZhui and JingYi had been in the library all day and had not seen him. Li XiWang was feeding the rabbits, also reported not seeing him.

If Wei Ying did not want to be found, then it would be difficult to know where he could be. Lan Zhan walked to the cold pond, hoping he was there.

Cold tendrils of fear curled around his heart when he found it empty. Where was Wei Ying?

The old fear, partner of desolation crept into his thoughts. He could not live without his husband, not anymore. When he looked back over those sixteen years, he wondered how he did it. SiZhui was the main reason, but he was grown up now. And Li XiWang was turning into a strong, independent young girl.

His thoughts spiralling into despair when he heard it.

The beautiful high melody of Chenqing, quiet at first, but as his feet started walking towards the sound, louder and louder, until his eyes found their goal.

Standing aloft a huge boulder, far up the mountain and away from all people, Wei Ying stood, playing their song. His black robes fluttering in the breeze, wild curls escaping from his pony tail, and that gorgeous red ribbon that Lan Zhan had kissed many a time. Sunlight reflected off his handsome cheeks, as he played, totally engrossed in his music. Lan Zhan could watch him forever.

He stopped playing and opened his silver eyes, immediately finding Lan Zhan. Wei Ying jumped off the boulder, tucking Chenqing back into his waist.

"Why are you crying?" Tenderly, he wiped his husband's face. "What's wrong?"

Lan Zhan's arms came around his body, holding him impossibly close. Wei Ying could feel him shaking and a wetness at his neck. He hugged him back, palms rubbing circles. They stood like that for a while.

Wei Ying knew his husband would speak when he was ready. So he closed his eyes and enjoyed this feeling.

"Couldn't find Wei Ying." The words were muffled into his neck.

Wei Ying took in a sharp breath. "Is that why you were upset? I'm so sorry!" He leaned back and kissed him, slowly and deeply.

"I didn't mean to worry you, I should've left a note or something."


Relief glowed in those golden eyes he loved so much.

"I'm sorry, I really am. And Lan Zhan, I promise you right now, I will never leave you, never by choice. Please believe me?"

Lan Zhan hugged him again. "Love Wei Ying. Cannot live without."

"Me too, me too." Wei Ying kissed his cheek. "I love you."

He took his hand and they walked slowly back towards the Jingshi.

A disciple came hurrying towards them, panic in his steps.

"Master Wei, Master Wei, there's someone at the gates to see you."

"Who is it?"

"I don't know. They wouldn't give their name. don't go alone." The disciple gave Lan Zhan a look before bowing and walking away quickly.

"Who could it be, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying stared after the messenger, wondering.

"Not alone. I will come." Lan Zhan strode forth, almost dragging Wei Ying behind him.

When they got to the gates, they saw the guards standing to attention, wary of the guest.

Lan Zhan shoved Wei Ying behind him, but Wei Ying caught a glimpse of the man and started tugging on his sleeve.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, it's alright! We know him!" He whispered, but still relieved he was not alone.

"I only want to talk. I mean no harm, but the situation is quite urgent." The man was saying to the guards.

His coarse, rasping voice reminded Wei Ying of another time, and a first meeting inside a bamboo shack.

"It's really alright. He's a friend!" Wei Ying called from behind his husband, Lan Zhan unwilling to let him move.

"Master Wei, it's a pleasure to meet you again." The soothsayer bowed, his eyes dancing with amusement. "I only need to talk to you, I don't have to enter, if they don't trust me."

"Nonsense." Wei Ying tugged on the hand in his. "Lan Zhan!" He hissed.

Reluctantly, Lan Zhan told the guards to let him in. He still looked the same, the greying cornrows braided close to his skull, leaving the rest of his hair flowing down his back. And that same piercing gaze.

"The Great Hall?" Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan.


They called for fresh tea once everyone was seated. Lan Zhan never stopped looking at the soothsayer, one hand holding Wei Ying's, and the other clasped around Bichen tightly.

"It's a long way for you to come and see us," Wei Ying ventured.

"Indeed. But if it were not absolutely necessary, I would not have." The soothsayer leaned back, appraising him.

"What can we do for you?" Wei Ying asked, politely.

"I need your help, if you agree." His shrewd gaze lingered.

"With what?"

"I need your friend's help. The demon." He clarified.

"Why?" Wei Ying was curious.

"I have not the time to explain right now. The matter is extremely urgent." The soothsayer started tapping his fingertips on the table.

This seemed to aggravate Lan Zhan, who started emanating hostility in waves.

"I can't answer for him, I hope you understand that." Wei Ying replied quickly, keeping an eye on his husband.

"Let's ask."

"Fine." Wei Ying thought of the demon.

He appeared instantly, tail swishing, and smiling one moment, until his eyes rested on their guest.

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