Chapter 66 Tally

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After their unscheduled meeting, XiChen took Jiang Cheng with him to inform Uncle Qiren about Wei Ying's return, and Lan Zhan packed the children off to school.

He was just closing the door of the Jingshi when Wei Ying saw his chance and pounced.

"So now we're alone..." he said, after kissing him for a full minute.


"And I was thinking," more kisses, "that there's other things we could be doing..."

Lan Zhan picked him up, their lips never parting and carried him. Wei Ying was too caught up in the kiss to notice where he was being taken; he shrugged off his robes, just about to full on attack, when he found himself immersed in hot water.

"Lan Zhaaan!" He wailed, as said man proceeded to wash him thoroughly. He sighed when those long, calloused fingers scratched his head, washing his long hair and massaging his scalp.

"You don't have to do this, you know," he murmured, opening an eye to watch his husband.

"Mn. Want to. Love Wei Ying." He smiled a little.

Wei Ying kissed him back softly. "I missed you so much!"

"Mn. Looking for Wei Ying, everyday. "

Sadness pooled in his eyes. Quietly, he let Lan Zhan take care of him, because they both needed this.

Just as they were finishing, a disciple knocked on the door to pass on a message that Uncle Qiren wanted to see them.

Lan Zhan helped him dress and then they set off, hand in hand to see him.

XiChen opened the door for them when they knocked, looking immensely grateful. Wei Ying looked at him curiously before entering the room and facing an incredibly frosty atmosphere.

Baoshen Sanren, his grandmother, was sipping hot tea, staring at Uncle Qiren who was doing the same, their eyes locked in a pissing contest.

Wei Ying stepped back, unconsciously. Jiang Cheng was sat in the corner, not daring to move, and feeling as if he was the least liked in the room. He threw daggers at Wei Ying when he caught his eye, willing him to get him out of this situation.

"Grandmother!" Wei Ying said, a little too loudly.

She gave him a cold stare back, and he was ever so glad Lan Zhan was still holding his hand.

"Where were you?" She demanded.

"That's what we've come to explain." Wei Ying pulled Lan Zhan down next to him and spent the following twenty minutes telling them everything.

"I don't think you should delay any further," she told XiChen, calmer now. "I gave the testimonies to that demon."

"Yes, I found them on my desk, a few days ago." XiChen bowed, not mentioning that it was on the day she took them apart for having lost her grandson. "I'll ask Nie Huaisang to come."

"I have another question." Wei Ying looked at his grandmother. "Do I have a sister?"

"No. Why do you ask?" She said, staring at him.

He looked triumphantly around the room. "I told you I didn't believe her."

"Believe who?" His grandmother asked, sharply.

"A young lady, who called herself Wei Chang Zu, claimed to be Brother Wei's sister." XiChen explained.

"Don't be ridiculous. I hope you didn't entertain her in the least?"

She was met with silence.

"I don't believe it. Do I have to stay here and hold your hand for the rest of your life?" She asked, sternly. "How could you fall for such a scam?"

"I told them." Wei Ying defended himself in a small voice.

"The fault is mine." XiChen admitted, looking ashamed. "I convinced Brother Wei that he should give her a chance."

She frowned at Uncle Qiren, who had the good grace to look flustered.

"Is this what we have to expect from clan leaders now? Really? I expected better." She stood. "Well, where is she? I'd like to meet her. Now."

XiChen stood up too. "About that, she has gone back to her home town."

"Ha! More good news!" The Grandmaster said, sarcastically.

"She's gone? Did she say why?" Wei Ying was relieved but worried at the same time.

"She claimed her wedding. that we know..." XiChen said, apologetically.

"Well, I'm happy I don't have to deal with her anymore!" Wei Ying grinned at him, patting his hand across the table. "But if she was lying, what was the reason? I find it hard to believe she just made a mistake."

"What was she doing here, to start with?" His grandmother had a tone. "Is it not enough that you all let her lie to you, but you let her live here! In Cloud Recesses?" She pinched her nose, trying to stay calm. "Alright. Just tell me you at least limited her interaction with everyone else, right?"


"I do not believe you people!" She fumed. "My grandchildren live here too, and you exposed them to her. I have a good mind to take them away from you."

"But Grandmother, please. It won't happen again! They'll be more careful from now on. Right?" Wei Ying nudged XiChen.

"Definitely. We will increase security and the wards."

"Closing the door after the horse has bolted. Well done." She scoffed. "If I hear anything pertaining to safe keeping of my children," she pointed at Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, "this includes them, I will take it as a personal insult. Do you understand?"

Uncle Qiren stood up and bowed low, surprising everyone. "Madam, it will not happen again. You have my word."

She rolled her eyes at that.


Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were sitting in the library. Wei Ying was studying the piece of parchment that was full of numbers, mumbling to himself. He stared at it hard, before standing up so suddenly,  he almost knocked over the table over.

Lan Zhan looked at him in alarm. "Wei Ying?"

"Oh, my! I can't believe I didn't see it before!" He whispered, eyes full of horror.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan stood too, taking his hand and rubbing it soothingly.

"This...this tally? XiChen-Ge said it's an account, right? To say what supplies they need?" He was vibrating with shock.


"Well, what if...what if this is a calculation of how much spiritual energy they need?" He pointed to the next column.  "And this is the number of children they need?"

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