Chapter 56 Uncertainty

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Lan Zhan was still sleeping when Wei Ying slipped out of the Jingshi. He really needed to talk to XiChen-Ge right now. He knocked on the door of the Hanshi nervously.

"Brother Wei! Come in." His XiChen-Ge always had a smile for him. "What can I do for you?"

"I know you're busy, but I have a favour to ask." Wei Ying stared at the table in front of him.

XiChen poured him a cup of tea. "Anything for you." He replied kindly.

"Well, I promised Lan Zhan that I would make a decision about... about, you know, the lady." He sighed deeply. "I don't know what to do. But when we go to see her, please...can you come with us?"

"It would be my pleasure."

Wei Ying came around the table and hugged him.

"Get off my husband!" A possessively jealous voice shouted. The door was open and Jiang Cheng was scowling at him.

"He's my XiChen-Ge first!" Wei Ying replied, hotly and not letting go.

"Right then, I'm going to hug your husband. Right now!"

"Good luck with that!" Wei Ying laughed and let go of a smiling Brother in bond.

Jiang Cheng thought about it and changed his mind. "Maybe another time. Why are you here so early anyway?"

"Umm, I needed to talk to XiChen-Ge. I'd like him to come with us. When we go know." Wei Ying looked uncertain again.

Jiang Cheng felt a pang of sympathy for him.

"Your sister?"

"If she's that. You know, I just can't think of her like that."

"But you wanted him to come with you." He had a tone.

"Umm, yes?" Wei Ying stared at him, wondering what his problem was.

"So what about me?"


"I said, what about me?" He rolled his eyes.

"What about you?" Wei Ying asked, blankly.

"So, let me get this straight. You'd rather ask him, who you've only known for X amount of years, rather than me, who YOU'VE KNOWN FOR MOST OF YOUR LIFE..." He shouted the last part.

"Oh. Well, yeah. He won't lose it like you do." Wei Ying beamed at him. "And I trust his opinion."


Wei Ying edged towards the door while Jiang Cheng was appearing to have an apoplectic coronary. He waved at XiChen and left, leaving him to deal with his husband.


Wei Ying clutched Lan Zhan's hand, still nervous.

"She's just a person. Nothing to worry about. You don't even have to acknowledge her as a relation." XiChen soothed.


Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan and felt a little better.

"Let's get this over with."

She was nowhere to be seen around the common areas of the inn, so they asked a waiter to call her down to meet them.

She was still dressed in simple robes, and smiled when she saw Wei Ying.

They sat down and XiChen ordered tea for himself and his brother, and wine for the other two.

The silence weighed down on Wei Ying, until he couldn't lift his head. XiChen took pity on him and started the conversation.

"What is your name?" He asked politely.

"Wei Chang Zu."

"May I ask you, and I don't mean to be rude, but why do think you are Wei Ying's sister?"

Wei Ying was so glad he had asked XiChen to be there. These were all the questions he wanted to know the answers to, but didn't know how to ask. When he'd told Lan Zhan about including his brother at this meeting, Lan Zhan had kissed him silly, relieved that if anything, he wouldn't be the one doing the talking.

"I don't think it, I know it. But don't get me wrong, Ge-ge. I don't expect you to remember me." She smiled and it was tinged with sorrow.

"What do you remember about our parents, then?" Wei Ying finally asked. He didn't mean to sound accusatory, but she winced anyway.

"Nothing much." She replied innocently. "I ran away. I don't remember anything except vague memories of you, well, an older brother."

"Could it be you're wanting it to be your name? I don't see how a two year old would be able to remember correctly." Wei Ying desperately wanted her to admit it.

"Look, I can go away. You never have to hear from me again. I don't want anything from you either." She stood up. "I don't have any proof, I just...I just thought, because I don't have any other family, that you would be a little bit more welcoming. It's fine." She turned away, eyes watering.

"Wait!" XiChen stopped her. "Can you please give him some time? I'm sure you can appreciate that it's a bit of a shock."

"No, I don't think so. I have been waiting for over a week now. I also have other... commitments."

Wei Ying was actually happy that she was walking away. But XiChen turned to him, a disappointed look in his eyes.

"Brother Wei, don't you want to stop her?"

Doubt played around in his mind.

"What if she's not lying? She's already said she doesn't want anything from you. Perhaps you're being too cautious?" XiChen patted his hand.

Wei Ying turned to Lan Zhan. "What do you think I should do?"

"Brother is right. You will blame yourself if you don't have this time with her."

He stood up. "Wait! Wei Chang Zu! Wait!" He called out.

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