Chapter 45 Mission

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Hui Gai licked his lips, a red tongue flicking in and out. His red eyes stared at the soothsayer for a long while before turning to Wei Ying.

"Hui Gai, you can say no if you don't want to help him, but-" Wei Ying started speaking, only to be interrupted by the guest.

" will be in your best interest to help. You want to make amends, right?" The soothsayer stared right back at him.

"What do you want?" Hui Gai's eyes flashed with a mixture of annoyance and apathy.

"I have a task for you, only you, and we have a destination to get to before sundown." He sipped his tea, contemplatively. "I have already wasted too much time here."

"I'm not going without a full explanation." He stood resolutely.

"Honestly speaking, it will take too much time to tell you everything, but I can promise you it has something to do with what you're investigating right now." He stood up. "If you do not accompany me this very minute, I'm afraid many lives may be lost."

"Young Master, what do you think?" Hui Gai looked at Wei Ying, eyes suddenly full of trust.

Wei Ying did not want to let him go.

"I would say no, but what if he's right?" Wei Ying deliberated. He turned to the soothsayer and said, "will his life be at risk? Then absolutely not."

"I will vouch for his life. There will be no immediate threat. Besides, I'm sure he can defend himself quite well."

"Do you want to?" Wei Ying asked the demon.

"Not particularly. But he did help me to meet you." He thought for a moment. "If the little girl needs me, I will abandon your task, without question. That is my condition."

"Agreed." The soothsayer walked towards the door.

"I want to tell her, before I leave with you."

"We don't have the time." His tone was full of impatience.

"Listen up, old man. I'm not leaving without talking to her first. Remember, you want something from me, not the other way around." His tail swished angrily.

"Fine. I'll wait by the gates." The soothsayer left, escorted by a disciple.

"Hui Gai, you don't have to do this because of me, you know that, right?" Wei Ying went to him. "You don't owe me anything, and...and I know you don't believe me, but it's what I think."

"Don't worry, Young Master, nobody can make me do anything I don't want to." He grinned a sharp toothy smile and vanished.


Li Xiwang was just coming out of the library when the demon fell into step with her.

"What do you want?" She asked curiously, not blinking at his sudden appearance.

"I have to leave, for a short while. But I will be back."

She stopped walking. "Do you want to go, or are you being forced to?"


"My father can help you!" She grabbed his hand to take him to wherever Wei Ying was.

He dug his heels in.

"He has already given me a choice."

"So you're going." She turned around.

"Don't look at me like that. I've already said yes, but I need you to know, if you call me, I'll come. Straight away." He couldn't look at her.

She was suddenly hugging him. "Be careful. And you better come back!"


Hui Gai met the soothsayer outside the gates. He'd just left a tearful Wei Ying, so he was already muttering under his breath.

"Where are we going?" He growled.

"Just one stop to make and then we can be on our way." The soothsayer pulled out a transportation talisman.

Seconds later, they were inside a room in an inn, in Gusu. A little boy was sitting at the table, eating a meal.

"This is Jun Song. He is our guide." He looked at the child. "Have you finished?"

The boy stood up, nodding.

"He's just a kid! Why involve him?" Hui Gai was not happy.

"You'll see." He held the boy's hand and grabbed a hissing demon, activating another talisman.

This one deposited them on the outskirts of a quiet village. They were standing in the middle of a field, a barn standing on one side. The sun was just setting beyond the mountains, casting an orange glow over the ripe fields.

"Come." The soothsayer led them furtively to the door, opening it and pushing them inside.

"You're not going to tell me anything?" Hui Gai protested.

"It's not safe outside." Was the answer he received.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could make out the shape of beds lining the walls. Each one was occupied with a body. Just the sound of their breathing filled the air, but it felt strangely vacant.

"What's going on?" He whispered.

"You don't have to whisper. They can't hear you anyway. You may as well shout, if it helped." He replied, sadly.

The soothsayer lit a flame talisman, so he could see properly. The bodies were all of children, fast asleep.

"Sleeping? Can't we just wake them up?" He muttered.

"Not sleeping. They are trapped in another realm. Here, you would say they were in a coma."

"So how do you want me to help?" Hui Gai looked sharply at the old man.

"I heard you were able to save the little girl in Gusu. I need you to do the same for these children. We only have a few hours, before people will come to dispose of them."

"Dispose? Are you serious?" The demon was simultaneously disgusted and angry.

"Really, there's no time to waste. If you're here, you have to help." For the first time, the old man looked desperate.

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