Chapter 20 Core

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Li XiWang held onto Wei Ying, her slight frame trembling.

"They...they weren't bad straight away." She said, eyes fixed on a distant point. "They didn't talk much either, but on that first day, they said they wanted to check if I was alright. So they took me to a doctor."

"A doctor?" Wei Ying caught Lan Zhan's eyes. Both were alarmed at this piece of news.

"But Wei ge-ge, I don't think he was one."

"Really? What makes you say that?" Wei Ying was scared of what she was going to say. Why did they take her somewhere like that?

"Well, Gramps is like a doctor, right? Only she has medicines and books on medicines and cures and everything." She motioned around the cave.


"Well that doctor guy had nothing like that. His house was empty, but they made me go inside and lie down on a table. He put his hand on my core."

Wei Ying tightened his hold. Talking about golden cores and doctors in one sentence, wouldn't lead to anything good. He had first hand experience with that.

"But then, something happened." She closed her eyes.


She shook her head. "I don't know but he got really excited. He gave those people a purse and they were really happy. Then they took me to another house, because they said we had to meet someone." Her voice became much quieter, and Wei Ying had to pay close attention in order to hear her correctly.

"Do you know what he looked like? What he sounded like?" He stroked her hair gently, reminding her he was there.

"No, he wore a long cape and I don't know about his voice. But he gave them a purse too. I was really hungry, so they took me to a restaurant. While we ate, they kept saying things about Qinghe and about other children, so I kind of knew they weren't my parents. Then I just wanted come home."

"So you spilled the water?" Wei Ying kissed her cheek. "Twice? I'm so proud of you. You found a way to send us a message. We got your letters, but it took me a half day to crack the code."

"Half a day?" Did I...did I make it too difficult?" She looked worriedly at him. "I didn't mean to but I was scared they would know what I was doing. I'm sorry, Wei ge-ge."

"Nonsense! You're so smart, I shall just have to do better."

She beamed at him then.

"So what happened next?"

"I gave my note to the waiter. I told him what you look like." She blushed.

"You did so well, Li XiWang. I think you're amazing." Wei Ying put every ounce of sincerity in his words. She needed to hear good things now, and he was going to make sure she was happy.

"We went to Qinghe after that. They stopped giving me food."

"What?" Wei Ying was shocked.

"They said I couldn't eat anything because of my core. But Wei ge-ge, I was really hungry." Tears pooled in her eyes.

"It is a parent's job to look after their children. But Li XiWang, any adult should be looking after children. If they're hungry, the parents should be bringing food. You did nothing wrong."

"I was so tired, I kept falling asleep, even during the day. Then at night, they gave me some noodles, but they tasted funny. I was so hungry, I didn't care. Wei ge-ge, I think there was something wrong with them because when I woke up, I was in a dark place. No light, no windows. And then my tummy hurt. Real bad."

"It's alright, little rabbit. You're doing so well. I love you. I will never let anyone hurt you ever again." Wei Ying kissed her forehead. "Do you trust me?"

She nodded. "More than anyone."

"Can you remember anything else?"

"No." She closed her eyes again, tired from reliving those memories.

"Don't worry. If you remember, you can tell us. It's okay if you don't, as well." Wei Ying went to place her on s bamboo mat at the side.

Her eyes were already shut, but she hugged him with her skinny arms. "I love Wei ge-ge and Zhan ge-ge too."

Wei Ying felt a lump the size of a large apple in his throat. He covered her with a blanket and let her sleep.

Then he stood up and went to Lan Zhan.

"I need a hug."

Lan Zhan enveloped him securely, wrapping those big white sleeves to shield him from the world.

"What are we going to do, Lan Zhan?" The words were hushed, yet full of pain.

"Find fake doctor. Make him pay." The seriousness of his husband made Wei Ying smile.

Then just as suddenly, Wei Ying pulled away. "Oh no! Lan Zhan, I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner! We have to find my grandmother." He grabbed Lan Zhan's hand and raced out of the cave.

Luckily, she was making her way towards them anyway. Her smile vanished when she saw the panic on Wei Ying's face.

"What's wrong? Li Xiwang?"

"No, she's fine. But Grandmother, what about the other children? You said so many parents had turned up! What if...what if they're fake too?"

Baoshen Sanren went pale. "No! It can't be!"

"But what if it is?" Wei Ying couldn't stop shaking. "You need to make a list. And we need to find them."

"You're right." Baoshen Sanren stood taller, deciding he was right. She strode into the cave to begin.

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