Chapter 41 Intruders

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They reached Koi Tower in the early hours of the morning, the sky still dark, speckled with starry bursts.

Wei Ying felt bone tired. He was being carried by Lan Zhan on Bichen; Jin Ling on Suihua. The courtyard was empty, just guards at the gates, who bowed upon seeing them. They were just about to retire to their rooms, when a guard ran towards them.

Even in the dim light, Jin Ling could see the dark blood pouring from a wound on his stomach. He ran towards him, catching him as he collapsed.

"Who did this?"

"Attack...on the...prisoner...assassins!"

Jin Ling called for help, nodding to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan to go ahead, while he waited for someone to help the man.

Lan Zhan had already unsheathed Bichen again, running towards the dungeons, Wei Ying just steps behind. The commotion got louder as they approached, shouts and metallic clangs of weapons clashing.

The three people in their way were cut down like a hot knife through butter, and then they descended...into utter chaos.

They were surrounded by fighting, guards against black clothed attackers.

"I'll go check on the prisoner!" Wei Ying shouted at Lan Zhan who nodded, whilst slicing an aggressor in half.

Wei Ying ran as fast as he could, dodging hostile swordsmen, jumping over bodies and hoping their prisoner was alright.

He got to the door of the cell and found it open. His heart sinking even as he rushed inside.

The assassin's back was towards him, talking to the man in the chair.

"I swear on the glory of Suanni, I didn't tell them anything!" The man cried out.

"Stop right there!" Wei Ying shouted.

But the assassin wordlessly slashed the throat of the sitting man.

Wei Ying was too shocked to do anything, watching the life force ebb out of his body, a look of betrayal in his eyes as he died.

"I'm sorry!" But Wei Ying could do nothing as he slumped into the chair.

Anger grew in a hot wave as he looked at the remaining man standing in front of him.

"You didn't have to kill him!" Wei Ying told him.

The scent of sandalwood informed him of Lan Zhan's presence.

The man laughed. It was the twisted sound of someone who had no choice. He bared his teeth and bit into his finger.

"No!" Wei Ying shouted, running to him, Lan Zhan pushing him behind him.

But they were too late.

Wei Ying fell on his knees at the man's side, his body just as lifeless as the other.

"Why?" He whispered.

He was not really aware of anything else after that. In his mind was that last scene on repeat, the look in their eyes as the two people died again and again.


Lan Zhan picked him up and took him out of that cell. He met Jin Ling on the way out. He was accompanied by a troop of soldiers.

"Uncle Wei? What happened?" He ran towards Lan Zhan.

"Not injured." Lan Zhan didn't stop, but carried on walking to their room.

He set Wei Ying down on the bed, covering him with a blanket and called for hot, sweet tea.

Wei Ying's body was beginning to shake and tremble, so Lan Zhan started transferring spiritual energy. When the tea arrived, he held his body upright and made him drink.

Slowly, his disorientation began to clear. His eyes widened and he saw Lan Zhan for the first time.

Silently, he climbed into his lap. Strong arms held him close, a hand stroking his hair. He had no words, just an unending sorrow.

"Not Wei Ying's fault." The deep voice echoed, vibrations against his ear.

"Doesn't make it any better." Wei Ying whispered.

"Rest now." Lan Zhan began humming their song, slower and deeper than it's normal melody, lulling him into sleep.

The effort of staying up nearly a full day and night, coupled with their activities, and the rush of adrenaline came crashing down on both of them. Lan Zhan lay down, pulling Wei Ying into his body and they slept.


Wei Ying woke up before his husband. He stayed where he was, safe, sheltered and warm. It was a nice place to be. Nothing could touch him here.

Lan Zhan blinked awake, and looked for him, pulling him closer.

"I'm alright now." Wei Ying said quietly, against his neck.

"Mn." Relief laced the sound.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." He shuddered, taking in a long breath. "I...I didn't-"

"No need. I am here."

They stayed that way until Jin Ling came to call them for breakfast.

Wei Ying was much quieter throughout. He felt as if he was floating in a fuzzy cloud that nothing could penetrate, a private place away from everything.

He sat as close as he could to Lan Zhan, comforted by his warmth. A coldness had seeped into his bones that just wouldn't go away.

"What will you do now?" Jin Ling asked. He spoke to Lan Zhan but they both knew it was directed to his Uncle Wei.

"I want to go home."

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