Chapter 37 Espionage

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Lan Zhan checked the boy's pulse twice while they waited for the Grandmaster to return.

"I think we should go back to that orphanage in Yiling." Wei said, quietly.


"Maybe at night, when there are no guards, or at least less guards around. There was definitely something not right about the extra people in the infirmary." Wei Ying stood up and stretched.

Lan Zhan couldn't stop looking at him, this magnet for his eyes. It was a pull he could not resist, did not want to. He watched his husband come closer, the familiar hunger in his eyes, he knew was reflected in his own.

Wei Ying put his arms around his neck and kissed him.

"You know, it's getting harder and harder to be alone together." He whispered against his lips.


"We need a solution for this."

"What does Wei Ying suggest?"

"Well, technically, we don't actually need a bed, right?"


Tight arms wrapped around him.


"Breakfast time!" A loud and too cheerful voice announced, as his grandmother walked into the cave.

They split apart like a pea pod. Wei Ying was redder than the sun kissed blushes on the peaches outside, same shade as someone's ears.

"So Grandmother, I was thinking, we will have to go back." Wei Ying covered, wondering how much she had heard.

"I knew you would." She waved a hand and their breakfast appeared, complete with table and seating mats.

"Tonight." Wei Ying shovelled the food into his mouth, Lan Zhan stopping just to wipe his mouth now and then.

"Make sure you're not seen. We need evidence before we can take it further."

"I have talismans especially for this!" Wei Ying replied, gleefully. But his thoughts turned serious. "Lan Zhan, what did you think of Auntie Shin Zhou? Do you think she's in on it? Or innocent?"

"Not sure."

"Hmm. Me either. We'll just have to see."

"I will start treatment today." Baoshen Sanren stared at the little boy still asleep on the ledge.

"He'll be fine." Wei Ying said, gently.

The rest of the day was spent lazing around - Wei Ying - and making plans - Lan Zhan. Evening stars scattered in the gradually darkening sky as they left the sanctuary of the mountain and flew into town.

Yiling was especially beautiful at night. The streets were empty and a calmness lay over the land. They landed just outside of the orphanage, waiting until the last lights were out. Wei Ying slapped a talisman on himself and Lan Zhan.

"No one can see us now." He whispered.


The wards around the building must have been placed by amateurs and were easily broken. Wei Ying replaced them immediately so as not to raise suspicion.

The grounds were eerily silent, no children present except for the echoing sounds of their joyful mirth. They crept along the sides of the main building, not wanting to cast unnecessary shadows. Wei Ying made a mental note to remember and fix this.

There was nobody around. Wei Ying was in two minds about this; on the one hand, he was happy that they did not run into anyone, but then, where were they?

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