Chapter 76 Comfort

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Wei Ying dropped off the rabbits, laughing when the others crowded around him, expecting food.

"Sorry, little ones, I'll bring some later." He waved goodbye and was returning, when he saw Lan Zhan running towards him.

Within seconds he was enveloped in a bone crushing hug.

"Lan Zhan, I was just coming to find you." His voice was muffled against the hard chest. At first he thought he was shaking but upon further testing, it was Lan Zhan, tremors shuddering through his body. "Lan Zhan, my love. What is it?"

"I went to bring food. You were gone!" His tone was more than accusatory.

Wei Ying leaned back and kissed his tears away. "Fuddy duddy, I just went to put the rabbits back."

"What rabbits?" He looked adorably confused.

Wei Ying took his arm and began walking them back to the Jingshi. "Well, promise you won't tell off our daughter?"

He looked horrified. "Never."

"Good. I think she thought the rabbits would...I don't know, wake me up? It worked, you have to admit it." Wei Ying grinned up at him.

Lan Zhan was never ready for that smile. He stared, captivated. Wei Ying blushed and kissed his cheek. Lan Zhan's fingers lightly traced over the bandage on his neck. Wei Ying watched the myriad of emotions welling up in his eyes. His thumbs brushed away the tears hastily. He hated it when Lan Zhan cried. Lan Zhan took his palm and kissed the cut, now almost healed. It had left a scar.

"My love." Wei Ying stared into his golden eyes, so full of sorrow. "I'm really alright now. We don't have to think about any of that. I'm right here. You're right here, with me."

"Mn. Love Wei Ying."

Wei Ying leaned up and kissed him deeply. "As I love you. Now let's get something to eat. I'm starving!"


Li XiWang ran to hug both her fathers, excited to see Wei Ying awake. He picked her up and whirled her around, making her giggle with bursts of laughter. Lan Zhan had a real smile on his face watching them, as he set the table. The door opened and SiZhui and JingYi both entered, smiles on their faces as they realised that Wei Ying was awake. He gently put down his daughter and hugged both boys.

"How are you feeling, father?" SiZhui asked him, leading him to the table.

"Hungry!" He exclaimed, laughing. He pulled JingYi to sit next to him, while Li XiWang snuck onto his lap.

Lan Zhan kept piling food onto his plate when he saw him feeding the little girl more than putting it into his own mouth. When he finished, Wei Ying looked around at them all.

"I missed this," he admitted.

"We missed you." SiZhui said, smiling softly.

"It was too quiet." JingYi grinned cheekily at him.


Outside the Jingshi, the sound of wings flapping came to them. Alarmed, Wei Ying put his daughter down, with a look at his son. SiZhui understood immediately and pushed her behind him.

Wei Ying opened the door.

Shen Ling stood in front of him, glaring at the Great magnolia tree hindering his freedom. When he noticed Wei Ying, he bowed deeply.

"Young Master, I have a message for you from our ancestor. He wishes to meet you one last time, if you are willing."

Wei Ying bowed back. He looked at Lan Zhan, who nodded at him, smiling. Just a lip twitching.

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