Chapter 77 Snare

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Lan Zhan stifled a yawn. He was great at this, no expression on his face, just listening to one person after another. He could care less about what they were saying, but he was representing his brother and the Lan sect, so he had to at least pretend he was interested.

Something blue caught his eye, and he was up and running out of there before his brain had registered anything else.

It was the blue flame from his ring, the ring that Wei Ying had given him. The one that warned him his love was in danger.


Wei Ying felt the first stab in his back, followed by a precision escalation of many more, designed to incapacitate. His steps faltered, sinking to his knees when he felt the same blade, dripping with his own blood, at his neck. The pain came seconds later, but he sealed his lips closed. He could only be grateful that his children hadn't seen anything.

"How dare you survive?" Malice and hatred laced her words, as she hissed in his ear. "You killed my master!"

He vaguely heard a scream and his heart sank. His little girl shouldn't have to see something like this, ever.

"I should just end it now," she hummed, "but this can be so much more interesting." She laughed, her shrill voice felt like ants crawling up his spine.

"I can make them watch me slit your throat and then kill them too!" The fake sister cackled.

"How?" He whispered.

"How am I here?" She spat out. "I left when the roof came down. But you! YOU! You took everything from me!"

Wei Ying struggled to free himself, but his strength was ebbing away like the blood pouring from his wounds.

"She does not deserve to live. Her existence will prove fatal." Her poisonous words seeped into his head.

What did she mean? She wasn't...she couldn't be talking about Li XiWang, could she?

"Hui Gai! HUI GAI!" Li XiWang was screaming.

Wei Ying couldn't open his eyes anymore. He slumped to the ground, feeling a strange heat at his throat and all along the right side of his body. Then everything went black.


The moment Wei Ying collapsed, Hui Gai had held out his palm and burned the crazy woman, not before Bichen had sliced her head off.

Lan Zhan ran past the demon to Wei Ying, who was lying in a pool of his own blood. Horrified, he picked him up and ran back towards the healers.

They cut away his robes to reveal around twenty separate stab wounds, luckily none were deep enough to be serious. Yet Wei Ying had lost a lot of blood.

Lan Zhan kept a steady surge of spiritual energy transfer while the healers worked fast to cauterise the wounds to prevent infections and further blood loss.

He could hear Li XiWang crying outside, and if only he could be in two places at once, because right now, his heart was shattering into tiny pieces. His mind just could not accept what had happened? How? How could this be?

Wei Ying had left the Jingshi happy, alive and well, on his way to visit Wen Ning. Wei Ying should always be happy. It wasn't fair that he was lying there, unconscious because of another attack.

Slowly, rage began creeping along his veins, instead of the desperate sadness to see his husband in such a state. That vile woman was dead, ashes scattered to the four winds, but if he could kill her a thousand times more, it wouldn't be enough.

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