Chapter 68 Clandestine

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Waiting was difficult for everyone. Wei Ying was messing around with talismans, thinking about what would happen.  The way he saw things, two events could occur that would launch a domino effect. One, the bad people would make a move and they - the good guys, would retaliate as soon as their spies informed them. Two, the sect leaders could stop faffing about and actually organise a concentrated attack, simultaneously shutting down their operation.

If he was honest, he wanted the second option to go ahead, preferably without delay. The sect leaders, however, were far too busy arguing, to get anything done.

All the while, little children were being hurt. He slammed his hand down in frustration, just as the door of the Jingshi opened. Lan Zhan came to him immediately and examined his hand, frowning.

"Er, sorry, I didn't mean to do that," he hedged, trying to get his hand back, with absolutely no luck.

Lan Zhan watched him with hooded eyes, while he kissed it better. Their eyes locked. It was an explosion of desire and longing as their lips found each other, until Wei Ying laughed.

Lan Zhan sat back in confusion. At his questioning gaze, Wei Ying kissed him again.

"Sorry, I was just amazed at how little it takes from you to turn me on. To be fair, it's whenever you look at me." He grinned.

"Mn. Same for me."

Lan Zhan had a smile reserved just for him. Wei Ying used to watch him, wondering if he ever smiled like that for anybody else, and the answer was a satisfying no. There were other things, perhaps little, perhaps unnoticeable to anybody else, like the way he would catch Lan Zhan looking at him. The way he always opened his arms, as he did now.

Wei Ying obediently climbed into his lap. The strong and famous Lan strength held him in place, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"What is Wei Ying thinking about?"

He loved listening to his voice, a deep baritone echoing through his chest into Wei Ying's ear, comforting him. He loved the unique scent of sandalwood and Lan Zhan, different to how his XiChen-Ge smelled, not so nice. The delightful way his ears would turn pink, like the blush on a ripe apple, the way he cared so much about him.

"I was thinking about the children, the ones in danger from the bad people. But then, as soon as you walked in, I could only think about you."

Lan Zhan kissed his temple. His Wei Ying was so precious, without any guile or artiface, just open and loving and his. He loved the way life shone from his eyes, the natural curiosity which led to genius, the way he lived his life so fully, and without apology. Wei Ying burned brightly like a fire, red hot and unquenchable.

"What are you thinking about?" Mirth filled silver eyes stared back at him.

He could drown in their beauty.

"Wei Ying. Am always thinking about Wei Ying."

He blushed and kissed his cheek. "I love you so much. Nothing else matters to me, as much as you."

"Mn. Same. Cannot live without Wei Ying."

"Jiang Cheng is coming. I wonder what he wants." Wei reluctantly got up and opened the door just as his brother was going to knock.

He stepped back in surprise. "You didn't..."

"I did. But I actually gave you some time to get here, so you wouldn't feel foolish." Wei Ying beamed at the stupefied look on his face. "What do you want?"

"Our nephew is here. I thought you might want to talk to him."

Wei Ying squealed in delight. "Really? Where is he?" He turned back to Lan Zhan who had already grabbed Bichen. He smiled broadly, knowing he didn't have to say anything.

He grabbed his husband's hand and tried not to run to the Great Hall. Lan Zhan hid his smile, loving the carefree man who was his husband. He had missed this. Missed him.

"Uncle Wei!" Jin Ling came and hugged him.

Wei Ying held him a little longer, relishing the faint traces of his sister's scent, coming from the little boy.

"And what about me? Did you think of only one uncle when you were coming here?" Jiang Cheng couldn't help himself.

"Don't whine! I'll give him to you in a minute." Wei Ying retorted.

Lan Zhan angled his body so that Wei Ying wasn't easily seen.

Jiang Cheng scowled at him. XiChen came in and ended up taming the beast. One touch and Jiang Cheng was all soft smiles and sighing. It was Jin Ling who rolled his eyes now.

After greetings and bows were exchanged, Wei Ying sat him down and poured him some tea.

"Any news from JinLinTai?" He asked.

"We've put men on twenty four hour watch on the orphanage in town. And we're ready for the ambush whenever you are. Just give us the sign, and we're there."

"That's good. I think we're just waiting on some of the other sects." Wei Ying patted his arm. "Also, I don't think you have to worry about your treasury being robbed any time soon. They found what they were looking for here."

"Really, Uncle? What was it?" Jin Ling looked genuinely interested.

"Do you remember that ugly silver thing we picked up, the one you said we could have for our wedding present?" Wei couldn't stop smiling now.

Jin Ling nodded.

"Well, it's gone." Wei Ying told him all about his fake sister and the following events which had taken place, including his wings. "Don't tell anyone about those yet," he cautioned. "It might be a temporary thing, and we don't want the masses clamouring to see them."

"Mn." Lan Zhan had a tone.

"About that artifact, Uncle Wei. Do you know it has a secret?" Jin Ling divulged, his eyes shining.

"No. What is it?"

"It's an ancient summoning vessel. If you know the spell, you can pretty much summon anything."

Wei Ying stared at him for a full minute before kissing his forehead loudly and then jumping up and down.

"What's wrong with you!?" Jiang Cheng scowled.

"Don't you see, my dear brother?" Wei Ying danced up to him and kissed both his cheeks happily.

Jiang Cheng pushed him away in annoyance. "No. What is it?"

"Our beautiful and very smart nephew just solved the riddle of what the bad guys want to do! And I'm so happy!"

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