Chapter 11 News

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Jin Ling had made it to the wedding with seconds to spare. Unexpected events had delayed his leaving JinLinTai on time, and he only hoped his Uncle Cheng would not notice, or ask him why. He would soon be on his honeymoon and Jin Ling had no wish to disturb them further. He was hoping he would get a chance to talk privately with his Uncle Wei instead.

He entered Swords Hall just as they finished the tea ceremony. His Uncle Wei was wrapped in a tight embrace by his husband, so Jin Ling would have to wait, maybe until after the banquet.

He went forward as calmly as he could and congratulated the newly weds.

"When did you get here?" Jiang Cheng asked, slight impatience colouring his words.

"A while ago," he hedged, smiling sincerely. "You both look wonderful."

Thankfully, tables were being organised and food being served replaced the unwanted attention and Jin Ling was able to escape.

Of course, being able to catch his Uncle Wei alone was a feat in itself. He was far too popular with everyone, always ready with a friendly word or two. Jin Ling decided he was like the moon, and all the other people were like stars, gravitating towards him, even against their will.

Wei Ying was feeling pleasantly tipsy, not enough that he couldn't think clearly, but a pleasant buzz filled his veins. He went around the hall, chatting with the guests, those that weren't too afraid to talk to him, and toasting everyone else.

Jin Ling waited patiently until he arrived at his table.

"Uncle, I need to talk to you. Privately." He whispered.

"Now?" Wei Ying looked around the hall. "People will notice if we leave now. Can it wait until tomorrow morning? We are supposed to leave early, but come and find me before then."

Jin Ling nodded, feeling relieved. There was something so comforting about his Uncle Wei, different to his Uncle Cheng. Uncle Wei felt like a comforting blanket, ready to take away his troubles; Uncle Cheng...was Uncle Cheng.

And if nothing could be done until the next day, there was no sense in letting good food and wine go to waste, he thought.


Lan Zhan liked Wei Ying when he was drunk. Wei Ying was perfect in every way, but drunk Wei Ying was particularly adorable. When walking became too much, Lan Zhan carried him to their room, happy because he no longer had to share.

Wei Ying's arms came around his neck and he kissed his husband sloppily. "You're so wonderful!" He beamed. "I love you very much."

"I love you more." Lan Zhan helped him disrobe as they got ready to sleep.

"Dance with me, my love." Wei Ying swayed to whatever music was playing in his head.

Lan Zhan steadied him and swayed slowly with him, smiling when the younger one abandoned standing on his own, leaning fully into his husband.

"It was a nice wedding, wasn't it?" He murmured, closing his eyes.


"Did you have fun?"

"Mn. Always fun with Wei Ying."

Wei Ying kissed his neck happily, sighing before he fell asleep completely.


The next morning, the sun was up and shining way too early for Wei Ying. Lan Zhan made him drink two cups of water before allowing him to eat anything solid.

Jin Ling interrupted their breakfast time.

"Why were you so late, Jin Ling? I'm guessing it's connected to what you wanted to talk about?" Wei Ying finished eating.

"Yes, Uncle. I don't want to bother Uncle Cheng with this now, but I thought you should know. Our treasury in JinLinTai was breached last night."

"Really? Did you catch the culprits?"

Lan Zhan pushed a cup of tea at him. He pushed it back.

"No, whoever it was, was too quick. And they must have had inside help, because they knew things no outsiders would know."

"Such as?" Wei Ying glared at the hand edging the cup back in his direction.

"Well, they only managed to get inside the guard room, but they broke the wards and injured the men on duty outside. I think they would have attempted to reach the actual treasury if they weren't discovered."

"Do you know what they were after?" Wei Ying openly scowled at his husband and drank the tea, putting the cup down too hard on the table.

"The treasury has many things, it's impossible to guess what they wanted." Jin Ling eyed the second cup of tea put in front of his uncle.

"Any idea who they were?" Wei Ying pointedly ignored what his husband was doing.

"No. I just thought you should know." Tired of the battle of wills on the table, Jin Ling took the second cup and emptied it.

Both men glared at him.

"Well, I suppose that's it, then. I should go."

"Mn." Was said with more force than necessary.


XiChen and Jiang Cheng were going to spend their honeymoon away from both Lotus Pier and Cloud Recesses,  with Jin Ling looking after the former and Lan Zhan, the latter. This was why they returned later that day to Cloud Recesses.

A disgruntled and reluctant Wei Ying was dragged to the infirmary.

"I'm okay, Lan Zhan. It doesn't even hurt any more, just itches. Lan Zhaaan!"

Lan Zhan ignored him.

The assistant walked fast to fetch his superior, upon seeing Lan Zhan enter. It was agreed that they would try yet another new plant based concoction. Wei Ying was willing to bet it would definitely taste worse than its predecessor.

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