Chapter 49 Encounter

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Hui Gai whispered to the remaining forty odd children.

"Stay down and don't make a noise."

They looked at him with big eyes, frightened and clutching each other close. Hui Gai looked at the grasses around them, glad that they rose higher than the tallest child sitting down. Perhaps they would be lucky, and survive this night without a fight.

He could smell the scent of around twenty different people. He heard them opening the door and then the faintest footsteps.

The sudden outcry broke the silence of the night, shouts and then a flurry of activity.

"Old man, you're out of time!" Hui Gai tugged on his robes.

The soothsayer snapped out of his meditation, pulled out a talisman and was about to activate it.

"If I do this now, you will have to defend the rest and yourself. Are you capable?"

"Of course." Hui Gai just wanted to get rid of him now. The less children traumatized, the better, he was thinking.

"It might take me a while to recover but I promise you, I will return."

"Counting on it, old man. Now go!" Hui Gai all but shoved him away.

The resulting flash alerted the other people, and the shouting became louder as they got closer.

"No matter what happens, stay here. Keep your eyes closed and do not stand up! Understand?"

He waited until they all consented.

In just seconds, he stood up, tail swishing, looking at the enemy. His mind refused to call them anything else, these lowlifes so willing to hurt these kids. He watched the surprise when they saw him, the fear and then the hate. Oh, he was going to have some fun, now.

"Who are you?" One of them yelled, brandishing a sword.

"I do not care to answer." He stared back, red eyes gleaming.

"What have you done with the...the children?" Another asked.

"I have a few questions of my own." He looked at the first speaker. "What are you doing to the kids? Why are you here?"

"That's none of your business!" The first man yelled. "They're ours, give them back!"


"Where are they?" The second speaker drew closer.

Hui Gai couldn't have that.

He grinned at the man, white pointy teeth shining in the dark.

"I ate them." He declared.

He held his hand out, palm facing the hostiles and before they could utter a single sound, they were burned into ashes.

No screams, no protests, no sound.

Hui Gai made sure no one was left alive, before letting the children stand up.

"It smells bad." One kid said, holding his nose.

"I bet." Hui Gai replied with a smirk. "Dirty people will do that."


The soothsayer kept his promise, returning for them a few hours later. They had no further trouble, but the children were hungry and thirsty. Hui Gai was glad when they found themselves at the inn, the one where they had arrived to pick up Jun Song.

"Once they've eaten, what are you doing to do?" Hui Gai whispered to the old man.

"I don't know. I did not think beyond reaching them. Do you have any ideas?" He looked hopefully at the demon.

"As a matter of fact, I do." Hui Gai said. "But I think we should stick together and travel by foot. The person I'm thinking of, is not going to welcome me."

"Very well. We should set out in the morning." The soothsayer sat down to meditate again.

"I need to see my friend tonight. I'll come back in the morning. Wait for me." Hui Gai told him before leaving.

"Wait, Demon?" The soothsayer stopped him.

"What?" His red lips curled.

"Thank you. You did well."

Hui Gai shrugged and vanished.


Cloud Recesses was quiet in the morning. Hui Gai waited until the sunlight danced across the mountain range, whispering above the pines. He was too aware that his friend had trouble sleeping, and he did not want to get on the wrong side of his husband.

So he sat high up in the Great magnolia tree, swinging his legs and swishing his tail, waiting for the only two people he liked, to wake up.

He heard the little girl's voice first, when she woke and spoke to her father. Hui Gai's superb hearing meant he could even hear her sigh.

"Is father alright?" She asked.


Why wouldn't he be? Hui Gai wondered, sitting up straight.

"What happened? You both were fine when you left last night, but when you came back..." The sounds of cloth moving...

Hui Gai guessed that Lan Zhan had picked up his friend.

"We met someone. And we don't know what they want."


Yes, who? Who wanted to cause trouble for his friend? Hui Gai crawled closer along the branch, tense.

"A lady who claims to be his sister."

Hui Gai nearly lost his balance.


Hui Gai tried to remember if his friend had mentioned her before.

"Does father not believe her? Could she be lying?" The child was curious, in a good way.

"Mn. We will see what your father wants to do. Let's let him sleep some more."

"Goody! Do you think we can make him pancakes? Will that make him happy?" The little girl's excitement was contagious.

Please say yes, Hui Gai thought. He needed to speak with Wei Ying sooner rather than later.

"Mn. Shall we go together?"

They walked out of the Jingshi into the sunlight. Hui Gai dared not to breath, lest he give himself away. The moment they were out of sight, he jumped down and entered the room.

Wei Ying was sleeping in the bed, so Hui Gai decided to give him a few minutes. He looked around the Jingshi, noting their simple way of life. He spotted something interesting in the corner and was about to take a look when a voice stopped him.

"Hui Gai? You're back!" Wei Ying sat up, blinking and trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes.

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