Chapter 35 Challenge

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XiChen loved Li XiWang, he really did, but the little girl was giving him premature white hairs.

"I'll prove it to you." She was saying to his husband. "Uncle Cheng, I would like to make a wager with you."

"Gambling is prohibited in Cloud Recesses." XiChen reminded her.

She stomped her foot. "It's for fun. Nothing serious. Besides," she whispered something in her Uncle XiChen's ear.

"Oh. I see. Very well, then." XiChen looked at Jiang Cheng and mouthed, 'sorry'.

"I bet I can beat you, just with my spiritual instrument against Zidian." She stated, firmly.

"I am not fighting a little girl, much less, my niece!" Jiang Cheng shouted.

"If you're too chicken, that's fine. I'll just tell my father when they come back. You'll never hear the end of it, then." She saw the indecision on his face and crowed.

"What's the bet?" Jiang Cheng reluctantly gave in.

"If I win, you have to make lotus and rib soup for my father." She smelled victory. "For a year."

"That's too long!" He scowled back. "One month."

"Nine, and you can deliver fresh lotus pods for a month when they're in season." She crossed her arms.

Hui Gai appeared. "Little rabbit, are you sure?"

She frowned at him. "Go away! You're making me look weak!" She beckoned him closer and whispered in his ear.

He smiled that too white smile and high fived her before disappearing, giving Jiang Cheng a sly smile as he vanished.

"Just what are you telling these people?!" Jiang Cheng threw up his arms. "Fine! Whatever! But I'm telling your father everything!"

"I'm not scared." She held out her hand. "Nine o'clock sharp tomorrow morning. "Don't be late."


Li Xiwang reached the training ground early. SiZhui came with her, holding her guqin, Yu NuWang. She hadn't told anyone, but somehow word had spread, and the training ground was already crowded. They parted to make way for her.

She saw that Jiang Cheng had not arrived yet, so she sat in a lotus position and began to meditate, smiling at the irony of the name.

She heard the electric crackle first, and opened her eyes. Jiang Cheng had Zidian out, his face reflecting the purple shine.

"Ready to lose? I won't go easy on you, just because we're family." He let Zidian looser, experimenting with the range.

"I don't expect you to. In order for this to work, we have to compete as equals." She stood up and took her instrument in hand. "Ready?"

"Whenever you are." Jiang Cheng stood firm.

He raised his hand, Zidian poised to attack, but even before he could release the whip, Li Xiwang expelled a powerful strum from Yu NuWang, constantly playing. The notes formed a silver barrier around Jiang Cheng, growing closer and closer, until they wrapped around his body. The confinement induced Zidian to retract, fizzling back into the ring.

Li Xiwang continued playing, but she searched for her uncle XiChen.

He clapped his hands and said, "I think you have won." He turned to his furious red faced husband. "Do you concede?"

"What do you think? I can't move!" He shouted.

"I want to hear the words." Li Xiwang said, eyes shining brightly.

"Fine. Fine! You win." Jiang Cheng's face resembled Zidian in colour.

She released him with a smile. "See? I told you."

Jiang Cheng stomped off.

XiChen sighed, watching him go. There would have to be extra efforts to make up with his husband tonight.


Li Xiwang sat on the deck outside the Jingshi, waiting for SiZhui to come. They were going to visit the bunnies together and he had gone to fetch carrots for them.

She didn't like being inside alone; it reminded her of when those people had taken her away from Gramps and her father Wei. But things were so much better now. She loved her new family more and more, everyday, and unbelievably, they loved her right back.

Cloud Recesses was a lovely place to live. She loved the mountain air, the sweet smell of the waterfalls and even the cold pond, although both her fathers had forbidden her to go there on her own.

She firmly believed that this was her second chance and she would use it wisely. Her love for her father Wei was like that; unexpected and deep.

She didn't know what happened when she first saw him. He had come to visit with Gramps, but was fatally injured. She remembered watching him sleeping, her other father falling asleep watching him. She had been drawn to his face, his features soft and beautiful, and she knew she would love him forever. Gramps was the only one who understood, and didn't try to stop her.

SiZhui came towards her, a basket of carrots and celery in his hand, and he held out his other hand for her.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked, smiling softly.

"Our parents. Myself. Cloud Recesses." She sighed, but kept her smile. "I feel as if I still have to earn my place here." She admitted.

"Why?" He was genuinely curious.

"Maybe because I wasn't born here, and maybe because I want to make my parents proud. I feel like I shouldn't sit still."

He gave her hand a squeeze. "Perhaps you are over thinking things. Why can't you just accept that you live here now, and there are people who love you, regardless of what you do or don't do."

"I'm trying. But it's hard. I'm scared that if I don't do my best, all this will be taken away from me."

SiZhui dropped the basket and knelt on the ground, taking her small frame into his arms. She trembled and allowed her tears to fall, while he patted her back.

"No one can take anything away from you. I am here. Our fathers are here, and they love us. You just have to believe in it."

When he thought she was calm enough, he wiped away her tears.

"Come. The bunnies are waiting for you."

She put her small hand in his and let him take her to them.

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