Chapter 2 Ready

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Lan Zhan watched Wei Ying finish three jars of Emperor's smile and pick up the fourth one.

"Wei Ying should drink water." He pushed a cup towards him.

"I'm fine, my love. This is nothing." But he smiled and downed the plain water before finishing the last jar. "We'll have to stock up. I don't think there's much left."

"Wei Ying could drink less."

He snorted. "And the sun could rise in the west..."

"We leave tomorrow at sunrise. Wei Ying should be happy."

"I am happy." Wei Ying insisted. "Just four jars won't give me a hangover. You worry too much. And are you really serious about leaving that early?"



"We should sleep now."

Wei Ying looked reluctantly to the bed. He was tired, and the thought of sleeping was fine, but recently, he had been having a hard time staying asleep. Plus whenever he woke, there was that residual pain in his shoulder blades. He wasn't sure if it was the bed, or something wrong with his position, or bad posture...maybe a trip to the healer wouldn't be a bad idea.

"What is Wei Ying thinking about?"

"Huh?" He hadn't noticed Lan Zhan watching him. "Oh, definitely getting up so early! It isn't even that my grandmother lives that far, you know."

Lan Zhan clearly didn't believe him, but Wei Ying was glad that he didn't pursue it.


Moonlight drifted in through the open window and onto their faces. Wei Ying blinked awake and groaned internally.  He had hoped the drinking would have aided his sleep but no, it was the middle of the night and sleep, treacherous maiden that she was, had left him. Or man, he thought with a smile, given his preferences. He looked over at his husband.

Lan Zhan had magical beauty, there were no other words for it. And with the luminous light, he glowed like the famous jade he was named after. Wei Ying never failed to shiver with delight whenever he was looking at him. How was he so lucky?

Careful not to disturb him, he climbed over his sleeping form and opened the door as silently as he could. He missed Wen Ning. His soul brother used to stand outside, ever the guardian, and a comforting presence, but now he was busy with his own life. Not that he would refuse if Wei Ying asked him, but there was no need for extra security any more.

In that, Wei Ying was glad. The past year had been filled with one thing after another,  so it was good to relax. He had missed the simple domestic life of a married person, especially when that person was Lan Zhan.

He rubbed his sore back against the post in an attempt to alleviate the pain.

"Does it hurt?" A concerned Hui Gai appeared suddenly.

Wei Ying suppressed the reflexive urge to scream and tried to calm his racing heart.

"Not at all," he lied.

"You forget, Master Wei, I have been inside you. I know what you are thinking." Red eyes gleamed, oblivious to what he was implying.

Wei Ying made a face. "That sounds wrong on so many levels. And don't let Lan Zhan hear you say that!"

At the mention of his husband,  Hui Gai became serious. "You should tell him."

"I will. If it gets worse. Lan Zhan is so busy nowadays, I don't want to trouble him unnecessarily." Wei Ying smiled at him. "How do you feel about meeting my grandmother?"

He visibly shuddered.

"She's not that bad, you know. And I'll bet she's going to find you fascinating." He stood up. "Let's go visit the bunnies."

Hui Gai didn't stand up with him.

"What?" Wei Ying turned when he didn't follow.

"Won't they...won't they be afraid? Of me?" He looked down.

"Are you going to eat them?"

Hui Gai looked horrified.

"Well, then. Come on." He led the way.

The bunnies were friendly enough,  sniffing around both of them with their cute little pink noses twitching inquisitively, but Wei Ying thought it was hilarious that the demon was scared of the fluff balls. He stood on his scaly toes, shifting out of the way every time they came close, until Wei Ying picked one up and plopped it into his shaky hands.

"Don't squeeze it too much and you'll be fine," Wei Ying told him with a smile.

They played with the bunnies until faint light appeared in between the mountain peaks. Wei Ying yawned and stood up.

"I should go back. Lan Zhan will worry if I'm not there when he wakes up."

The demon also stood up and vanished, and Wei Ying felt the shift in weight around his neck, in the onyx ring. "Thank you for your company,  my friend." He patted it gently and it vibrated softly in response.

He was not a second too late; he just got into bed when his husband opened his amber eyes.

"Where did Wei Ying go?" He asked, blinking away the sleep.

Nothing got past him.

"Bathroom." Wei Ying smiled brightly and leaned over to kiss him. "I'm hungry."

"Mn. Will get breakfast." The Jade got up immediately.


They left Cloud Recesses soon after that, on Bichen. Lan Zhan didn't like him travelling on Suibian, and if Wei Ying was honest, neither did he. Being thrown off a sword once was one too many times, besides, this way he could hug his husband all the way there. His favourite thing to do was bite his cold red ears, they felt velvety soft and the taste was uniquely Lan Zhan. And of course, he was well aware of the effect this had on the other.

The oak trees welcomed them and they walked hand in hand up the mountain to where his grandmother waited.

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