Chapter 80 Worry

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Jiang Cheng paced the entire length of the Hanshi, wondering what his husband would say. Nerves grew steadily stronger, the longer he waited. He had requested Huan's favourite dishes to be prepared; they were getting colder with the delay. He had also prepared a gift, and now he was just waiting.

The door slid open, and XiChen entered, looking tireder than normal. He stopped to kiss his cheek in greeting before looking at the table in surprise.

"Wanyin, what's all this?" He looked to him, then.

"Ah, I just thought...I wanted to do something nice for you. That's all." Jiang Cheng helped him take his outer robes off. "Let's eat, and then we can talk."

XiChen looked at him some more then, wondering what he wanted to talk about. Maybe Brother Wei had something to do with this. He sat down obediently, taking the time to serve his husband while they ate. The silence was beginning to feel strange; they certainly weren't this quiet with each other before. XiChen didn't like it.

His mind began to drift, thinking up possible reasons why Jiang Cheng would want to talk to him, although he wanted to welcome it. Too soon, his chopsticks came up empty and their dinner was over.

Reluctantly, he looked up to find amethyst eyes searing into his. He gasped at the level of emotions he saw, all of them directed at him. He stood up and went to sit next to the man who hadn't taken his eyes off him once. A purple fire burned deeply within their depths, and he couldn't help feeling overcome with a matching passion. Of course, he had to kiss the man.

When they broke apart, Jiang Cheng rested his forehead against his ribbon.

"I...I need to tell you something." He closed his eyes.

He was clearly suffering, and XiChen didn't know how to make it better, but a lifetime of learning how to comfort his baby brother came in handy now. He pulled Jiang Cheng closer, until no space remained between them.

"I love you. Whatever is bothering you, we can fix it. Please tell me what you're thinking."

"I have been having doubts-"

XiChen's eyes had widened in disbelief, but Jiang Cheng hurried to correct himself.

"Not about us, I'm not sure how to explain. Hear me out?"

XiChen nodded, watching him intently.

"I don't want to go back to Lotus Pier unless you're with me. If I wasn't sect leader, I'd have no problem living here. In fact, in all honesty, I don't care where we live. But I can't live there without you. You are my home. Do you understand what I'm saying?" He looked deeply into honey coloured eyes. The he took out a small wooden box and gave it to him. "Open it."

"What is it?" He looked for clues on his husband's face and found none, so he slipped open the catch.

Inside, nestled within folds of purple velvet, there was a key. Its head was carved into the shape of a lotus, eight petals intricately carved. He looked up, questions in his eyes.

"It's the key to Lotus Pier. I want you to have it."

XiChen wordlessly held his face and kissed him hard. "You are my home too. I don't mind living in Lotus Pier if you have to. I'm yours."

"There's more." Jiang Cheng looked embarrassed.

"You can tell me anything. I will never judge you for what you are feeling. How you feel, what you are going through, everything is important to me." XiChen hoped whatever he saw in his eyes was enough to convince him of his sincerity.

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng closed his eyes and opened his heart. "For a long time now, I've been feeling disconnected, from everything, as if I didn't quite belong. When I was in Lotus Pier, I kept feeling as if something or someone was missing. Until now, I thought I was missing my parents, A-Jie and Wei WuXian, but...but I was wrong. I miss them not being there, but I missed you more. I don't want to miss you. Ever." He opened his eyes and the purple fire was back. "Do you get me?" He demanded, and then, not waiting for an answer, he fused their lips together.

XiChen tasted saltiness and he knew Jiang Cheng was crying, but he understood more than anything, that Jiang Cheng needed this more. It had taken this proud man so much courage to confess his inner most thoughts; and how could he be denied?

"You don't have to be alone, ever." XiChen vowed, when they broke apart. He held Jiang Cheng closer while he cried, knowing it was the result of his emotions building up. With nowhere else to go, they came out like this, in a torrent, wild and unrestrained.

He felt humbled that such a normally strong man could show him how he felt, his weakest thoughts on display, and that he was the honorary recipient. Could he love him more? The answer was yes.


Lan Zhan watched a preoccupied Wei Ying tear into vegetables with gusto and then not put a single bite into his mouth. He had lost his appetite at least a week ago, because nothing got past the Jade when it came to looking after the notorious Wei Ying, who was just the worst when it came to his own health.

He noted the dark circles under his eyes, the otherwise paler complexion and the way his shoulders were sunken, as if defeated. He tried to look happy, but Lan Zhan could tell.

When they finished eating, Lan Zhan stared at him to get his attention, and upon receiving it, held open his arms. Wei Ying never let these moments go, so in a flash, he was returning the warm embrace.

"Why is Wei Ying troubled?"

The rumbling deep sound of his voice soothed better than any balm. Wei Ying looked into his golden eyes once before sinking into him again and kissing his neck.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been myself lately." He whispered.

"Mn." Lan Zhan agreed.

"It's because I can't get something out of my mind." He stopped talking to collect his thoughts. "You know...the night of that last attack?"

Lan Zhan couldn't help stiffening in apprehension. "Mn?"

"I...that woman...she told me something." His breath stuttered as he tried to get the words out. "About our daughter. She said Li XiWang shouldn't be alive, that her existence will 'prove fatal'. I've been thinking on what she could have meant."

"Maybe she was lying? She lied about being your sister." Lan Zhan tried to comfort him.

"I really want to believe you." Wei Ying closed his eyes against the hurt he was feeling.


"But I get the feeling that she was telling the truth. Not like when she said she was my sister, no, I knew she was lying then, but I wanted to believe XiChen-ge."

Lan Zhan stroked his hair, the silky strands flowing smoothly down his back. He hummed in appreciation.

"As her parents, it's our duty to protect her. I don't want this to come out in the future and hurt her as well." Wei Ying absentmindedly kissed the closest part of him, the gap where his robe opened, a tiny patch of ivory skin.

"Mn. What does Wei Ying want to do?"

Big, warm palms held him closer; Wei Ying felt safe. "I want to find out more. About her, but I don't want her to know what we're doing, or why. I don't want her to get the wrong idea."


"I want to catch my grandmother while she's still here, if she can tell us anything more." Wei Ying sighed, feeling sleepy.

"Wei Ying can talk to her tomorrow." Lan Zhan kissed his temple, lips lingering in the sweetness. "Rest for now."

Wei Ying smiled and fell asleep.


So this is it, beautiful people, end of Book 3.

Can you guess what book 4 is going to be about? I will present you with a challenge, and be warned, this plot is going to be harder to guess!

The chapters are getting longer and more in number (80 is a lot for me) but I'm so happy, I hope you can feel it too!

Thank you for sticking with me, I love you all. My days begin and end with your comments, so please feel free to let me know what you think.

Have a great evening/day wherever you are, and let's start fresh tomorrow!

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