Play date?

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Continues from previous chapter...

No one's pov

Bonnie and Enzo arrived at Caroline's house "Care I got the stuff you asked for" Bonnie said as they walked through the front door. "Aunt Bonnie!" Lizzie and Josie squealed as they ran over to her and Enzo "hey kiddies" Enzo greeted as he crouched down. "Where's your mom?" Bonnie asked "she's puking in the toilet again" Lizzie explained taking a bag of candy from Enzo. 

"I'm gonna go check on her" Bonnie said to Enzo who nodded as he took the girls hands and took them into the living room.

Bonnie headed upstairs to the bathroom and she could hear Caroline clear as day gagging and heaving in the bathroom. She approached the bathroom and gently knocked on the door before opening it to see Caroline hunched over the toilet.

"Hey" she said Caroline looked at her with a weak smile "hi Bonnie hav...." Caroline started to say but was cut off as she threw up in the toilet. "Morning sickness sucks, oh I hate Stefan for doing this to me" she groaned as she leaned back, her face a sickly pale colour.

"You've been pregnant before, you should be use to it" Bonnie replied "well I'm not" Caroline retorted before eyeing the bag in Bonnie's hand. "Is that my stuff I asked for?" she asked her eyes lighting up slightly "yes, I got your pickles, nutella and marshmallows" Bonnie said with a slight look of disgust.

"Don't judge me I'm pregnant" Caroline snapped as she took the bag from Bonnie after flushing the toilet and wiping her mouth having felt a bit better. "I ran into Enzo at the grocery store" Bonnie said "you did?" she asked "yeah and he was with this witch, he was helping her with her groceries" Bonnie explained "so? Is there a problem with that?" Caroline questioned as she dipped a pickle in the nutella and took a bite out of it.

"No it's just he never mentioned her and apparently she's the fiancee of a friend of his. I don't know any other friend he has other than Damon" Bonnie replied "are you jealous?" Caroline questioned as she shoved a marshmallow in her mouth.

"No, I'm just curious about this girl and this mystery friend of his. She has this adorable baby girl and apparently has twin boys too" Bonnie said with a small smile "she has kids? Oh maybe I can set up a play date with my girls and her twins" Caroline piped up looking happy at the idea her girls could have kids around their age to play with since they couldn't play with normal kids since they were siphon witches and there weren't really any other witch kids for them to play with.

"Well I could talk to Enzo and see if he can talk to her and her fiance" Bonnie offered "yes please" Caroline replied eagerly she just wanted her daughters to have friends to play with. Bonnie smiled and helped her up off the floor "come on let's get downstairs I saw Enzo give the girls candy" she said making Caroline groan "why did he do that? He knows what the girls are like when they have sugar" she complained and Bonnie just laughed. "It's Enzo did you expect anything less from him?" she questioned making Caroline snort and shake her head as they went downstairs.


Davina's pov

I had just put Nova down for a nap after giving her a feed, the twins were upstairs playing in their room leaving me and Kol to have some time to ourselves. 

We were sat in the living room cuddled up on the couch, watching Harry potter and the philosophers stone "I love this series, I had all the books as a child and read them all" I say to Kol "really?" he asks as he runs a hand through my hair making me smile in content. "Yeah, I loved the books but my mother despised them she thought they were an insult to witches. I just laugh because I found nothing wrong with it and half the characters are better people than any witch could ever be. I mean Dumbledore is ace" I ramble making him chuckle.

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