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One month later

No one's pov

It had been a good few months since Morgana sent her witches to get the Mikaelson children yet her witches had not yet returned nor had she heard from them and she was growing impatient and very angry. She tried to reach out to her witches by magic but failed as her magic was blocked which infuriated her because she couldn't get through to her witches and get information on their whereabouts or their progress. After a few weeks of not hearing from the four witches she sent to retrieve the Mikaelson children she sent another three witches to find out where the witches were and see if they could get their hands on the Mikaelson kids themselves but Morgana hasn't heard from either and she's just about reaching her limits. 

"Arghh!" she yelled tossing her wine glass at the wall causing it to smash to pieces but she didn't care, she was too angry to care. She was angry because she had just failed to cast yet another location spell. She had attempted to locate her witches but got nothing it was as if her witches were untraceable, like they're being cloaked but Morgana would've been able to tell if they were cloaked which is what frustrates her because she knows for a fact her witches are alive because if they were dead she'd be able to tell as her power and the coven's power would've dwindled yet her power along with the covens still remains strong. "Morgana" a witch said walking into the room "what do you want?!" Morgana snapped in response glaring at the witch who dared to talk to her when she was angry. "I have news regarding your witches" the witch replied Morgana instantly straightened herself and looked at the witch "where the hell are they?!" she yelled "well two of the witches are hiding. They haven't made a move to find the Mikaelson children and the others were last spotted near New Orleans where the Mikaelsons reside but there's been no news as to whether they've got the children or not" she witch explained Morgana scowled "find the witches who are hiding and doing nothing and bring them to me so I can punish them! As for the other witches try to get hold of them and find out what the hell is taking them so long and tell them to move their asses and bring those brats back to me!" she yelled clenching her fists the witch nodded fearfully "yes Morgana. I'll get right on it" the witch replied before scurrying out of the room. Morgana took a deep breath and looked at the portrait of her mother hanging up on the wall "don't worry mother I'll get my hands on those children one way or another and I promise I'll do you proud and bring you back to life and together we'll become the most powerful beings on this earth" she said before a cackle escaped her lips as a devilish smirk appeared on her face. 

Meanwhile...In Mystic falls

Davina's pov

I smile softly as I watch Kol play baseball with the boys well he's trying to teach them as they haven't really played baseball before or any sport for that matter. Kol loves baseball if it wasn't obvious by his various selection of baseball bats. He decided it would be fun to teach the boys how to play baseball plus it gives them a chance to actually be normal children instead of practicing magic or worrying about psychotic witches who want to harm them. "Daddy!" Jace yells happily as he runs after hitting the ball that Kol gently threw his way "good job son" Kol cheers smiling proudly as he watches one of his sons run around the garden. Zander goes to retrieve the ball and tosses it to Kol.

I head back inside the house to start making dinner and I smile as I feel the baby start kicking "hello little one. Awake again I see?" I say rubbing my baby bump giggling as the baby kicks again in response. "Let's see what do you think your brothers will like for dinner?" I ponder as I enter the kitchen "they like chicken nuggets and they like sweet potato but they also really like pasta" I say as I open the fridge to see what we've got in. "Tomato pasta it is" I say pulling out some tomatoes and onions. I place the tomatoes and onions on the counter and pull out a pan along with some pasta and I proceed to start making tomato pasta for my boys. 


10 minutes later

Kol and the boys suddenly enter the kitchen "hi mommy" they beam making me smile "hi babies. Did you have fun playing baseball with daddy?" I ask "yes. I hit the ball really really hard and the ball went really really high" Zander replies making me giggle "I did too mommy and I threw the ball but it hit daddy in the boy area" Jace says making me smirk and hold back my laughter. "Oh ha ha very funny" Kol says rolling his eyes playfully "I'm sorry daddy" Jace says Kol smiles at him "it's okay son you didn't mean too" he replies ruffling his hair up making him squirm away and swat his hand away making me giggle. "What are you cooking mommy?" Zander asks walking over to me "tomato pasta its for you and Jace" I reply "it smells yummy mommy" he replies rubbing his stomach as he sniffs the air making me and Kol chuckle. "Alright boys head upstairs and get changed out of your dirty clothes, I'll meet you up there in a minute" Kol says the boys run out the room and Kol walks up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. "Is your boy area okay?" I ask "all is good. There might be a bit of bruising but I'm still functioning down there so I'm still able to make love to you" he replies kissing my neck as he places his chin on my shoulder. "It would be a disaster if you weren't functioning down there. I would've had to resort to pleasing myself with my vibrator" I retort teasingly "bollocks I still would pleasure you with or without my manhood. I'd still have my fingers and my tongue" he replies kissing my shoulder as my cheeks turn pink from his words. "Okay you should head upstairs you told the boys you'd be up in a minute and a minute is almost up" I reply "trying to get rid of me are we? Is this because my filthy words are having an affect on you?" he asks kissing my neck "no the boys need to get changed and have their dinner which is almost done" I reply he kisses my cheek and pulls away unwrapping his arms from around me. "Okay well we won't be long" he says before leaving the kitchen.


5 minutes later 

Kol enters the kitchen with the boys "alright boys take a seat" I say as I plate out the pasta "daddy can I have some apple juice please?" Jace asks as I put the plates down in front of them. "Of course buddy. Zander would you like some apple juice too?" Kol asks as he walks over to the fridge "yes please daddy" he replies Kol opens the fridge and retrieves the apple juice carton. He shuts the fridge and grabs two plastic cups from the cabinet and pours juice into both cups. Kol places the cups of apple juice on the table and the boys quickly pick up the cups and take a sip. "Made a bit for yourself have we?" Kol asks looking at me once he's put the apple juice in the fridge "the baby seems to like it" I reply as I take a bit of pasta and the baby kicks. "How is the little one? Hasn't kicked much today" he asks looking a bit concerned "must've been sleeping but all is good with the baby. You can hear the baby's heartbeat if anything was wrong I'm sure you'd detect it" I reply he smiles and walks over to me. "24 weeks pregnant and it wasn't long ago we found out you were expecting" he says placing his hand on my bump "only four months to go until the baby arrives" I reply he smiles and strokes my bump "it's going to be an exciting next few months. I just want him or her to be born already" he responds "don't jinx it now. I swear if I go into early labour I will scream" I reply he chuckles and kisses my cheek before going to the fridge for a blood bag. 

End of chapter. Sorry haven't updated in a while. Been really busy but I had this chapter half written so I decided to finish it off so I could upload it. I hope you liked it.

Morgana hasn't been receiving updates from her updates two are hiding from her and the others are in New Orleans. Are the Mikaelsons aware? Do you think Morgana or any of her witches know Davina's pregnant? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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