Gonna meet Marcel

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Kol's pov

As soon as me and Davina explained to my siblings and Hayley about what Vincent told us they immediately started making assumptions about this witch Morgana and the Folklore coven. "I'm going to do some research see if I can find out something about this coven" Freya says getting up from the couch and motioning to Keelin who had been sat beside her, to follow her. Apparently Freya and Keelin have become quite close which to me is a bit odd considering Freya kept her hostage in case any of us get bitten by Marcel again. "I want to know who this Morgana is and I want to find her and rip her to shreds" Nik growls clenching his fists angrily "so do I brother" I say as I take a sip of bourbon which I nicked from the liqueur cabinet earlier. "Look we just need to find out what we can about her and be prepared for anything in case she tries to make another move to take my daughter" Hayley says "Hayley's right we need to be on the look out and be prepared, if this witch is desperate and so badly wants our children then she'll stop at nothing" Davina says from beside me. "I can perform a spell where nobody but blood relatives can enter the compound" Davina imposes "do you have any other spell that might come in handy?" Elijah asks "I have a protection spell and a safety precaution spell. The protection spell is one I created and I've used it plenty of times on my sons in order to protect them from people who wanted to do them harm" Davina explains "is the protection spell safe?" Nik asks making me scoff "if the spell wasn't safe then she wouldn't use it on the twins" I retort making him glare at me. "The spell is 100% safe Klaus I can assure you of that" Davina says Nik nods "we might need more than a protection spell" he says "of course I'll look at some more spells" she says getting off the couch and starting to make her way to the stairs. 

I finish my drink of bourbon before heading up after her and I find her in the boys room tucking them in and giving them kisses on the forehead. I watch as she stands in the middle of the room and starts chanting a spell under her breath and I suddenly feel magic fill the room surrounding it like a barrier. Davina stops chanting "goodnight my sons" she whispers as she backs away from their beds. "Hey" I say startling her a little "you have to quit sneaking up on me like that" she says playfully hitting my shoulder as she shuts the door "sorry love I didn't intend to sneak up on you. What spell did you just cast?" I ask curiously "just a protection and shielding spell so no harm will come to the boys nor will anyone but us be able to enter" she explains "good job mommy" I say giving her a smile which she returns. "Right I need to look through my grimoire for some spells before I go and meet Marcel" she says heading to our temporary room since we're only staying here until this whole Morgana and evil child napping coven business is dealt with.

1 hour later

Davina tosses aside the grimoire she had been reading "there's nothing in that grimoire that we don't already know. There's tones of different protection spells, barrier spells, danger alerting spells, illusion spells and trickster spells but we can always try them all and see which works best" Davina explains "what about spells required for if we get attacked?" I ask "there's like three spells that we can use, one spell makes a persons insides boil and melt, one spell paralyzes someone from the waist down even if they are vampires but the spell only lasts a couple of minutes when used on vampires and the third spell well that's more deadly than the other two" Davina explains flicking through the grimoire to show me the different spells she spoke of that can be used on anyone who dares try to attack us. "What's the spell?" I ask she sighs as she skips a few pages before stopping at one "this one causes instant death painful but quick" she says "I've never used it but from what I've heard of the spell you bleed out before your heart stops and it's agonizing" she adds handing me the grimoire. "What do you think this witch Morgana wants with our kids and Hope?" I ask as I read through the grimoire "well we know for one it's not good as she wants them dead but for what we don't know why but we do know it's something to do with their power" Davina replies as she gets off the bed and pulls off her top quickly grabbing my attention. "Well hello my darlings" I say with a smirk eyeing Davina's cleavage as she turns to face me "stop you perv" she says hitting me with a pillow "sorry love it's not my fault you just stripped in front of me" I say winking at her. "I'm not stripping, I was undressing there's a difference" she says I put the grimoire aside as I walk round to her "what's the difference between stripping and undressing?" I ask Davina smirks and pushes me down on the bed making me chuckle. "The difference is stripping is when you're undressing slowly yet seductively in order to turn a guy on while undressing is nothing sort of sexy" she says while swaying her hips in front of me as she pulls down the straps of her bra making me gulp as I feel myself harden. I grab her by the hips and pull her forward and onto my lap bringing her into a passionate kiss "mmh" she sighs into the kiss as I run my hands up and down her back as I slip my tongue in her mouth. I start to lay back bringing her with me but Davina breaks the kiss "I know what you want but I promised Marcel I'd meet up with him" she says making me groan in annoyance "can't you reschedule?" I ask as I kiss up and down her neck "not really this is something I need to do and get out of the way before it becomes a heavy weight on my shoulders" she says getting off my lap. I watch as she pulls a top out of the suitcase and puts it on much to my disappointment "fine how long do you think you'll be gone?" I ask "hopefully about an hour but this Marcel I'm seeing so who knows" she says facing me "if he starts having a go at you or tries to smuggle you out the city or attempts to lock you up in that damn church attic call me and I'll come and save you" I say she smiles and leans down to kiss me "don't worry I'll be fine and I promise when I get back you can do whatever like you to me" she says "anything?" I ask with a smirk she nods biting her lip "anything at all" she whispers in my ear sending hot shivers through my body which go straight to my cock. She pulls back and stands up giving me a smile before heading out the door swaying her hips knowing damn well that I'm watching. 

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