Theme park

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New chapter for you. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have major writer's block with this story at the moment, so if anyone has any ideas for what I can do for the story then please feel free to tell me. Anyway enjoy..

Two weeks later...

Kol's pov

It's been two weeks since Rebekah left to go back to New Orleans, leaving me and Davina with our kids. Everything has been peaceful good for the last two weeks. We spend a lot of time with the boys and Nova and we spend time together as a couple, it's great and there hasn't been any drama. Nik hasn't called or stormed his way over here to badger us into coming back to New Orleans and Elijah and Freya haven't pestered us either which is also great. There hasn't been any witch attacks from Morgana which has put us on edge since we know she's still out there somewhere and she wants our children and my niece in order to sacrifice them for power but obviously we're prepared and on the look out for for any signs of a potential attack coming from her and we even have Enzo listening out for any news of Morgana.

Me and Davina are currently getting ready to go out with the kids. We're going on a little family day out just the five of us. I've already gotten Zander and Jace ready and they're sat in the living room watching cartoons while Davina is giving Nova a feed in the kitchen and I'm just getting shoes for the boys to put on before we leave.

"Kol" Davina calls from the kitchen so I vamp speed into the kitchen and smile as I see her patting Nova on the back as she tries to burp her. "Yes love" I say "could you get me a clean baby bodysuit for Nova? She got a bit of milk and dribble on her current one?" she asks "of course love" I respond just as Nova burps making me chuckle as I leave the kitchen and vamp speed upstairs to her room.

I grab a clean baby bodysuit from her set of draws and vamp speed back downstairs to the kitchen. "Here you go love" I say as I walk over and hand Davina the bodysuit "thank you" she replies giving me a kiss on the lips before leaving the kitchen with Nova. "Now what was I doing before I got called in here?" I ask forgetting what I was doing prior to getting called by Davina "daddy where's our shoes?" Jace asks poking his head in the kitchen "ah yes that's what I was doing" I mutter clapping my hands as I walk over and pick up Jace as I leave the kitchen. "Come on, you can help me pick out shoes for you and your brother" I say as I vamp speed upstairs to his and Zander's room making him laugh. "Aw" Jace whines with a pout on his little face as I place him down making me chuckle "sorry bud. I have to get you and your brother fully ready so we can go out" I respond as I walk over to the shoe closet in the room. Yes my sons have a shoe closet, it's so we don't mix shoes in with clothes. Davina likes to keep shoes and clothes separate. 

"Okay what shoes do you want to wear?" I ask Jace who runs over and peers inside the shoe closet "those ones" he says pointing to a pair of red sneakers "are you sure?" I ask "yes daddy otherwise I wouldn't have picked them" he replies cheekily making me chuckle and I lightly tickle him making him laugh before I grab the shoes and hand them to him. "Go put them on and I'll help you with your shoe laces" I say "okay daddy" he replies "first help me pick out some shoes for your brother" I say "the blue ones" he replies pointing to a pair of blue converse which are identical to the red ones he picked but they're obviously just a different colour. "Okay" I respond pulling the blue converse out as Jace puts his red converse on. I then help Jace tie his shoe laces while teaching him how to tie them. "Alright come on. Let's get back downstairs" I say as I get up from the floor "pick me up daddy" Jace says holding his arms out to me "aren't you a little big to be carried downstairs?" I ask "I'm only 4 daddy. I'm still a baby" he replies making me chuckle "no your sister's a baby. You are a big boy" I respond "I'm still little though daddy. You carried me before" he responds making me laugh as he gives me the puppy dog eyes. "Oh not the puppy dog eyes. Your mother gives me those" I say "who do you think I learned it from?" he asks cheekily "you're starting to act more and more like me. You and your brother are my little mini me's" I respond as I pick him up and carry him out the room. "Cool" he says making me chuckle. 

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