Family lunch

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Davina's pov

After I retrieve the twins from Hayley, I quickly get them ready "where are we going mommy?" Zander asks "we're going out for lunch" I reply as we walk out of their after I helped them put on their coats since it's a bit chilly outside today. "Will it be just us momma?" Jace asks as we approach Kol "just me, you two and daddy" I reply "yay" they cheer running over to Kol who chuckles at their excitement. "Ready to go for lunch boys?" he asks grabbing mine and Jace's hand while I hold Zander's so they don't run off or get separated from us "yes daddy" they reply as we walk out the compound. "Can we get ice cream please?" Jace asks "we'll see baby" I say he nods as we make our way onto the main street that's buzzing with musicians, artists and tourists making the boys look around in awe.  

Kol's pov

We arrive at some small cafe which is perfect because it doesn't attract a lot of attention and we need somewhere small and quiet so we can have a nice family lunch in peace without any interruptions. We take a seat by the back and Davina goes to order some food and drinks "daddy" Zander says "yes buddy" I say "is mommy going to be okay?" he asks making me frown "yes why do you ask?" I ask he looks down "I had a bad dream last night" he explains "what was the dream about?" I ask curiously yet concerned "mommy was being hurt" he says looking very sad at the thought of his mother being hurt. "Hurt how?" I ask "there was this lady and she was hurting my mommy. Mommy was screaming" he explains his bottom lip trembles as he sniffles. "Oh buddy come here" I say motioning him to come round to me since he was sat on the other side of me as he wanted to sit next to Davina. He gets off the booth and walks round to me, crawling onto my lap "your mommy is fine" I say rubbing his back as he lays his head on my chest "it seemed real daddy" he says clutching my shirt "is this why you didn't want to leave mommy this morning?" I ask remembering how he refused to leave Davina's side this morning. "Yes I wanted to know my mommy was okay" he says "well she's fine she's right over there with your brother" I say pointing to Davina and Jace who are at the till, Jace went to the till with her as he wanted to see what cake they've got in and make sure the apple juice they have in was the one they liked. Zander calms down as he sees his mother but he still seems unsettled "I just got scared daddy" he explains with a pout on his face "I know buddy I would too" I say honestly he sighs "what if I have the dream again?" he asks "if you have another dream like it then tell me and your mommy right away. Don't keep it from us" I say seriously he nods "okay daddy" he says before climbing off my lap as Davina walks over with a tray. "Hey so for the boys there's a toastie and apple juice" she says placing the boys stuff on the table in front of them "yay apple juice" Zander cheers grabbing his cup and taking a sip "there's a rocky road cake for them to share" she adds placing the cake in the middle of the table "for us there's soup and I got us water" she says "darling come on where's my bourbon?" I ask glaring at the glass of water in front of me "it's too early for bourbon mister" she says tapping my nose making the boys snicker "what else do you have on the tray there?" I ask as there's still quite a bit left on the tray "oh well there's a brownie, ham sandwich and a strawberry tart" she says as she sits down "who are they for?" I ask she blushes "me, I'm just really hungry and I couldn't make my mind up" she defends before digging into her soup making me chuckle.

We all eat quietly occasionally stopping to talk "love are you sure you're going to be able to have that strawberry tart?" I ask as I've just watched her scarf down her soup, brownie and ham sandwich like it was nothing and I've never seen her eat that quick. "Of course" she says as she takes a sip of water "okay well just eat a bit slower otherwise you'll give yourself heart burn" I say she frowns "are you trying to say I'm eating like a pig?" she asks her lip trembling making my eyes widen at her sudden mood change "no love. I just don't want you to end up giving yourself heartburn" I explain "oh okay" she says wiping her face before starting to eat the strawberry tart. The twins look at me confused "what was that?" Jace asks I shrug 'I don't know' I mouth to them so I don't upset Davina. 

I look up as the door bell chimes and Marcel walks in "hey" he says walking over to us glancing at the boys "hi Marcel" Davina says "mommy who's this?" Zander asks curiously "this is my adoptive father Marcel" Davina explains Marcel smiles and waves at the boys who slowly wave back "hi" they say "that basically makes him your grandpa" Davina explains the boys smile and launch themselves at him, attacking him in a hug. "Grandpa!" they exclaim Marcel chuckles "hi boys it's nice to meet you" he says smiling down at them as they pull away from him. "Why are you here Marcel?" I ask "I just wanted to check in on you guys make sure everything's okay and to meet these two little cuties" he says tapping the twins on the nose. "Okay well we're fine" I say wanting to be left alone with my family since this is supposed to be a family lunch "good I'll speak to you later D" he says before walking out the cafe leaving us. "So there's a street fair on next week, I think the boys will like it" Davina says "sure sounds like fun" I say she smiles "boys how would you two like to go a street fair next week? There will be a store that sells lots of candy and toys" Davina explains  "yes!" they exclaim making us laugh "very well then but you must be on your best behavior until then" she says "we're good anyway mommy" Zander says "I know you are baby" she says ruffling his hair making him groan and swat her hand away making me chuckle. I love family time when it's like this just me, Davina and our sons nothing could get any better than this and I hope that it doesn't get taken away from me because I need these people, they're my life now.

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What's up with Davina? Why did she suddenly get upset? Zander had a bad dream about Davina getting hurt, could that dream mean something? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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