He's here

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So I wanted to post this tonight since it's my birthday tomorrow so I probably won't have time to write or upload tomorrow but I might surprise you with a new chapter of one of my stories who knows, anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Davina's pov

I giggle as Zander and Jace play cops and robbers "pew pew" Zander says holding his hands together and pointing two fingers at Jace like he's holding a gun "ahh!" Jace yells playfully falling to the floor clutching his leg as if he was bleeding "you're under arrest" Zander says dramatically gently pulling his brother up "aw man" Jace whines throwing his arms up in the air.

"Alright boys bath time" I say entering the living room where they're now sat watching cartoons after tiring themselves out from their game of cops and robbers "it's nearly finished" Zander says pointing at the tv "you can continue watching after your bath" I say Jace gets up from the couch and walks over to me "I'm ready for bath momma" he says I smile stroking his hair before looking back at Zander who's focusing on the tv "Zander come on" I say crossing my arms "hold on mommy" he says I walk over and and stand in front of the TV causing him to glare at me but I give him a stern look "don't give me that look bath now" I say sternly out of the two of them Zander is always the one with a tantrum problem he doesn't like it when things don't go his way typical Mikaelson trait "but mommy" he whines "no buts bath time you can watch TV for a bit afterwards and if you're good I'll take you to the bakery tomorrow for a rocky road cake" I say he smiles and springs off the couch running over to his brother "come on mommy bath time" he says giving me a cheeky smile before heading to the bathroom I follow after them shaking my head oh he's definitely his father's son.

After I've bathed the boys I get them into their PJs and put them on the couch to watch TV while I make them some milk, they always have milk before bed it helps them go to sleep. "Okay boys here's your milk once you've drank it and once this cartoons finished go brush your teeth then it's bed time" I say as I hand them their bottles "okay mommy" Zander says I nod and walk back to the kitchen to clean up before I supervise them brushing their teeth and put them to bed it's been another long day.

"Night night momma" Jace says as I tuck him in his bed, I've just put the boys to bed and am tucking them in "goodnight baby" I say kissing his forehead then I go to his brother who's tossing and turning trying to get comfy "I got it" I say taking his covers and tucking him in "thank you" he says smiling "you're welcome" I say "night mommy" he says a yawn escaping his mouth "goodnight baby" I say kissing his forehead before standing up and heading out the room closing the door behind me.

As I'm getting ready for bed I hear a knock at the door frowning as I let my hair down as I had it up in a ponytail all day, I walk over to the door and hestiantly open the door only for my eyes to tear up and a gasp to leave my mouth as I come face to face with the person who knocked it's none other than the love of my life and the father of my sons Kol Mikaelson is standing in front of me.

What did you think? Kol found them yay. Zander was being a bit naughty what did you think? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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