The day after

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Here's another chapter for you all to enjoy. It follows after the previous chapter

The next day....

Kol's pov

I enter Nova's room and find Davina sat in the rocking chair breast feeding her and I can't help but smile at the sight of it. My beautiful girlfriend feeding and bonding with our daughter it's a beautiful thing to see and I don't mean that in a creepy perverted kind of way. I still can't believe we have a daughter, I never pictured myself having a daughter simply because girls are always so innocent and fragile but I have a daughter and I honestly couldn't be happier. "Hey" I say finally gaining Davina's attention who was too enchanted by our little girl to notice I was standing in the doorway. She looks up at me with a smile "hi" she says I begin walking over to her as she finishes breastfeeding Nova and covers herself up. "How are you feeling?" I ask crouching down on my knees in front of her "still a little sore but I'm much better than I was yesterday" she replies "you know I could've gotten Nova for you. I don't want you doing too much after giving birth, I want you to rest and relax" I say she smiles "it's fine, I'm perfectly capable of walking to our daughters room to feed her besides you were fast asleep and I didn't want to wake you" she replies I lean up and plant a kiss on her forehead. "Are the boys awake yet?" I ask "they're still asleep" she replies before looking down at our little girl who's fallen asleep in her arms after being fed. "She's so beautiful" I mutter my eyes completely fixated on her "she's perfect" Davina responds glancing at me as her eyes had also been fixated on her. I help Davina out of the rocking chair when she begins to stand up "do you want to put her in her crib while I go and wake the boys?" she asks "how about I go and wake the boys while you put her in the crib and then pop back to bed?" I suggest "Kol I don't need to go back to bed. I'm fine" she replies "I know I just don't want you doing too much. Yesterday was really stressful for you and I don't want you getting anymore stressed or overdoing yourself" I reply she gives me a small smile as she leans up on her tip toes and plants a kiss on my lips. "I promise I won't overwork myself okay but I don't want to stay in bed all day, it'll be boring" she replies "fine I'll make sure the boys are well behaved and take it easy for you" I reply she smiles and leans up to give me a kiss making me smile. "Thank you" she replies "you're welcome. Anything for you" I respond planting a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room as she places Nova in the crib.

A few hours later....

The twins are in the playroom upstairs while Davina's in the kitchen making a snack as she's feeling peckish. My ears perk up when I suddenly hear Nova start to cry and I vamp speed upstairs to her room. I walk over to her crib and peer down at her to see her crying quietly and moving her little legs around "hey sweetheart what's the matter?" I coo as I gently pick her up into my arms cradling her. Her crying halts abit as she looks into my eyes and a little smile appears on her face as I crinkle my nose as a unpleasant smell makes it way up my nose. "Oh bloody hell love. That stinks" I groan making her giggle "oh I'm glad you find this funny" I coo as I walk over to the changing mat in the corner of her room. I gently place her down and I grab a clean diaper along with a packet of wet wipes and a diaper bag to dispose of the dirty diaper. I take off her baby grow and the smell coming from her diaper makes me gag so I put a peg on my nose which probably won't help much but it does earn a giggle from her. "Do you find this funny?" I coo pointing to myself as she grins at me "you really stink little lady" I coo smiling at her as I slowly loosen the sides of her diaper and remove and I briefly look away as the unpleasant smell attempts to waft in my face. I quickly fold up the dirty diaper and pop it in the diaper bag, I quickly wipe her bottom and put the dirty wet wipes in the diaper bag and I tie it up before placing it on the side. I put the clean diaper on her and pull down the sides so it's on correctly "all better now" I coo removing the peg from my nose and placing it aside. I put a clean baby grow on Nova before picking her up in my arms making her coo "let's head downstairs to see mommy shall we?" I coo as I pick up the diaper bag containing the dirty diaper and wet wipes. I vamp speed downstairs and I dispose of the diaper bag in the trash bin in the kitchen. "Looks who's awake" I say as I walk over to Davina who's at the sink drying a plate. She turns to me and smiles "hi baby girl" she coos placing a kiss on Nova's head before leaning up to give me a kiss. "Mommy! Daddy!" Zander yells running into the kitchen followed by Jace "what's up buddy?" I ask handing Nova to Davina so she can feed her "aunt Bekah's on the phone" Jace says "I'll go and answer it" I reply leaving the kitchen to go and answer my sisters call.

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