What did you want to do again?

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Davina's pov

I arrive at the compound "alright everyone gather around I have news" I say as I enter the building everyone immediately appears in the main compound room. "What's the news? Are you going to admitt those kids up there aren't my brother's?" Klaus asks pissing me off "shut up Klaus" I snap glaring at him "what's your news Davina?" Hayley asks "I went to meet Marcel and he might know know something about Morgana" I explain "you told him?!" Klaus yells glaring at me along with Freya. "I didn't tell him right away. I told him because despite what he did I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt me and Marcel knows something about Morgana he claims he knew her mother and he's finding out what he can about Morgana and he's going to fill us in tomorrow" I explain sternly not letting them intimidate me. "How could you be so stupid? Marcel will kill us and you'll be responsible for your children growing up without a father" Freya remarks offending me and pissing Kol off "back off Freya! Don't talk to my girlfriend like that at least she's actually doing something instead of just sitting in her room reading the same old grimore and making flirty eyes with her hostage!" Kol snaps as he stands next to me. "Marcel might be an ass but you can't deny the fact he cares about Davina and even Hope. You know Marcel won't hurt a child even though I myself thought it at some point but he won't cause any harm to the kids, I may hate him and he may hate us right now but I believe he will do right thing to help our kids" Kol adds making me smile as he takes my hand in his. "Fine when is Marcel planning on telling us what he knows?" Klaus asks "tomorrow morning he's gonna drop in here at the compound" I reply he nods "very well then" he says before disappearing up the stairs followed by Freya and Elijah.

"Did I do the wrong thing?" I ask once Hayley leaves the room to check on Hope upstairs "no of course not love you did what you thought was right. Marcel is your father figure and I understand you're desperate to find out all you can about this evil witch and her stupid coven and why she wants our children and Hope dead, I'm desperate too so don't let my siblings get to you" he says rubbing my back to comfort me. "You're right now let's go upstairs I believe I promised you that you could do anything you like to me" I say turning to him and flashing him a grin which he returns "oh yes I remember" he says pulling me close to him before vamp speeding up to our room before I could even blink. Kol kicks the door shut before kissing me passionately gripping my hips tightly as he holds me close to him, I moan as he swipes his tongue across my bottom lip which I happily grant him and he shoves his tongue in my mouth and our tongues engage in a heated battle for dominance which he soon wins as he pushes me up against the wall and pins both of my hands above my head. He grinds his hips against mine making me whimper as I feel his hard length poke me "oh Kol" I moan as he kisses up and down my neck occasionally sucking on a certain spot probably leaving a mark in it's place. "Davina" he groans against my neck as I buck my hips against his "Kol I uh ohhh!" I moan as Kol slips one of his hands in my jeans and panties and starts rubbing my clit as he slides one finger up my slit smearing my arousal. "You're so wet" Kol groans slipping his finger inside me and I lean my head back against the wall in response as a moan escapes my lips. We pull away abruptly as someone starts banging at the door "enough! People are trying to sleep in this house!" Klaus yells Kol growls in annoyance "oh like you can talk Nik! I've heard you going at it many times with many different women!" Kol snaps "my daughter is like two doors down from you!" Klaus yells "that hasn't stopped you from getting any action!" Kol remarks "so what this is my house and nobody is aloud to have sex under my roof!" Klaus yells "funny because I know full well Hayley and Elijah have had sex in this house!" Kol retorts making Klaus go quiet. "It's not like we're being loud or anything. If anything your shouting is gonna wake up everyone" he adds "sod off" Klaus mutters and I hear him walk away "he doesn't like the fact I'm right. Now where were we?" Kol ponders as he looks down at me "to be honest your brother just killed the mood" I say he scoffs "of course he did" he says pulling away from me and sitting down on the bed. I walk over to him biting my lip "if your brother doesn't want to hear us having sex I can always sound proof this room so nobody can hear us" I suggest as I climb on his lap Kol immediately grins at me "I like that idea" he says squeezing my ass with both hands before kneading it making me moan.

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