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No one's pov
Davina and Kol lay fast asleep in bed while their two boys were also fast asleep in their beds. Little did they know that there was a man lurking outside the apartment this man was a witch who was apart of a new coven of witches. The coven consisted of witches who were greedy and hungry for power they were full on evil, they sacrificed innocent men, women and children just to gain more power. This man was sent by the leader of the coven to steal the children of Davina Claire and Kol Mikaelson.

The man closed his eyes as he chanted "Deverrouiller et ouvrir Porte" (means unlock and open door in French according to Google translate) he muttered the door clicked and quietly opened allowing the witch to enter the apartment.

Kol's pov

My eyes snap open as my ears catch the sound of footsteps walking past our room and I know it's not the boys because the footsteps are too heavy. I shake Davina awake "Davina" I say she hums as she opens her eyes "what's wrong?" She asks "there's someone in the apartment" I whisper she gets out of bed and heads to the door, I get out of bed and quickly pull on some sweat pants as she heads out the room to investigate. "Stop right there get away from my son's room!" Davina yells I hear a crashing sound followed by a thump sound and Davina groaning in pain causing anger to rise up inside me. I vamp speed out the room and find Davina lying on the ground by the bathroom and I see an unknown man stood on the other end of the hallway standing right outside Zander and Jace's room I clench my fists as a growl erupts my throat. "You have one second to step away from that door and get out of here before I kill you!" I sneer he grins "I've come to collect what my leader wants" he says placing a hand on the door handle but he soon lets go as he groans and clutches his head in pain I look back to see Davina standing up holding her fist out towards him with a look of pure hatred and anger on her face "I'm afraid that won't be happening" she says clenching her fist tighter causing the witch to yell as blood starts pouring from his eyes. I smirk as I walk towards him cocking my head to the side "now why don't you tell us who you are and why you've come here?" I ask crouching down to his height "I'm not telling you anything" he coughs as more blood leeks from his eyes and beads of sweat form on his forehead "oh but you will tell me since you came here on the intent to get my sons and you hurt my girl" I say wrapping my hand around his neck and lifting him up.

I press him up against the wall tightening my hold on his neck, choking him "now tell me who the hell are you and why did you come here?" I ask "m-my names Jeff Clarke I'm from a new coven and the leader sent me to get your son's" he chokes "what is this new coven and why did your leader send you to get my sons?" I question "it's called Forklore and the leader......" He's cut off as he starts choking on his blood. "Why did your leader send you?" I ask "she wants to kill the twins" he says "what? Why does she want to kill them?" Davina asks walking over to us and glaring at him "I'm not telling you that" he says with a dark chuckle "oh I think you will" I sneer gripping his neck tighter. "They're powerful that's why" he says "who's your leader?" Davina asks "h-her names Morgana that's all I know and she's powerful" he says "well your leader is nothing compared to me and my girlfriend's power" I say he chuckles "you don't have any power you're just an original vampire" he says "an original vampire who's going to break every bone in your body until you beg for mercy and then I'll kill you" I sneer. "Whoever Morgana is no matter how powerful she may be we'll take her down just like every other enemy before you" Davina says folding her arms across her chest as she glares up at him "shall I kill him now darling?" I ask devishly "usually I'd say no but since he broke into our home and came after our sons you may do as you please and make it hurt" she says "oh I'll make it hurt alright" I say punching him in the face before plunging my hand through his chest and yanking his heart out and snapping his neck at the same time.

"We need to move" Davina says I nod in agreement "yeah we do" I say "I'm gonna check on the boys" she says "okay I'll clean up" I say she nods before heading into the boys room.

Twenty minutes later
I wrapped the body up in an old carpet Davina had and took it outside and out of the building, I threw it in the bins round the corner and set it on fire, I waited until there was nothing but ash left before heading back to the apartment.

I enter the apartment, shutting the door behind me making sure to lock it. I head to mine and Davina's room to find her looking at her back through the mirror I furrow my eyebrows as I notice a purple bruise forming "are you alright?" I ask "yeah it's just a bruise it'll go away within a few days" she says I walk up behind her and place a gentle kiss on her shoulder. "Are the boys okay?" I ask wrapping my arms around her from behind "yeah they're fine they were fast asleep when I checked on them"she says "good" I say kissing her shoulder another kiss. "Come on we should go back to bed" I say Davina shakes her head "I can't sleep after what happened" she says turning around in my arms "okay we don't have to sleep we can stay up and do whatever you want" I say "I want to look at houses I want us to get out of this apartment as soon as possible it's not safe for the boys" she says "okay I'll get the laptop and we'll look at houses" I say kissing her forehead "okay" she says I give her a smile before leaving the room to get the laptop.

End of chapter

Ohhh trouble. There's drama ahead, who's Morgana? What's the Forklore covens deal? What's gonna happen? Stay tuned for more

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