The Twins Birthday

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So Kol and Davina's costumes are above incase you want to know what the costumes are like

Davina's pov

Today is Zander and Jace's 4th birthday and I planned a Spiderman themed birthday party for them, a surprise one of course. I booked the party at a function room at this cute little cafe near where where we live and I decorated the function room with Kol's help and I made the food and invited the guests. There's not many guests coming to the party only me, Kol, Rebekah, Josh, Vincent and Hope who Rebekah is sneaking to the party we know it's risky inviting her because of Klaus but me and Kol wanted there to be at least one kid at the party for the boys to play with and Hope insisted on coming to the party.

This party will be great and it will be fun for the boys. As an extra surprise for the boys I'm having someone come as Spiderman and that someone is Kol. At first Kol refused to dress up but because it's for the boys he caved and agreed.

"Everything ready?" Kol asks from behind me "yes now to get everyone here and get the boys ready" I say turning to face him "let's go then" he says taking his hand in mine and leading me out the building. "I have your costume ready it arrived this morning I placed it on the bed" I say as we near our apartment "great I'll put it on just before we leave" he says not sounding too happy "hey look at me if you don't want to dress up then don't I'll get someone else too I'm sure Josh would love to be Spiderman" I say he sighs shaking his head "no it's fine it's just my sister will never let me live it down" he says squeezing my hand. "so what? You're not doing it for her entertainment you're doing it for our sons" I say "I know" he says "then don't let what Rebekah will think get to you today is about our boys and nothing else" I say he smiles "I know you're right" he says placing a kiss on one of my hands "besides I bet you'll make a pretty hot Spiderman if all goes well there will be a treat for you tonight" I say giving him a smirk. "Really? What would this treat be?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows making me giggle "you'll have to wait and see" I say with a wink before heading into the apartment building swaying my hips knowing he's staring.


One hour later
Everyone is at the party and I'm now heading there with Zander and Jace. Kol is already at the party but he's not dressed as Spiderman yet he's going to put the suit on and make an appearance when the boys open their presents, infact Kol's going to bring in the presents as Spiderman.

"Mommy what's this about?" Zander asks as we stop outside the cafe where the party's being held "me and daddy have a little surprise for you two waiting inside" I say "what's the surprise momma?" Jace asks "now if I told you that it wouldn't be a surprise" I say giving him a smile. We enter the cafe and I lead them towards the function room "is the surprise in here mommy?" Zander asks pointing to the door in front of us "yes it is why don't you two open the door and see what's inside?" I suggest they nod and push the door open. "It's dark momma" Jace says as we enter the room "let's turn the light on" I say walking over to where the light switch is and flicking it on "SURPRISE!" Everyone yells and the boys get all giddy "oh wow" Jace says "is this for us mommy?" Zander asks "yes baby happy birthday" I say "is all that food ours?" Jace asks pointing at the buffet table making everyone laugh "no it's for everybody" I say Kol steps forward "let's get this party started" he says "Yes!" The boys yell and run over to the others.

Kol walks over to me "They seem to be having fun" he says I look over at them and watch as they play with Hope while occasionally chatting to Rebekah "they are" I say smiling. "So I think it's time the presents were brought in" I say "now?" He asks "yes go get ready I promise it will be fine the boys will love it and you'll get a special treat tonight" I say biting my lip he grins "I'm holding on that" he says placing a kiss on my cheek before walking away to get changed. While he does that I head out the other way to get changed into my own costume

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