Grocery store

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Continues from previous chapter...

Kol's pov

As soon as Davina leaves Zander and Jace come running up to me "daddy is it baseball time?" Zander asks as I shut the door and lock it before turning to them and chuckling as I find they've attempted to put on the baseball kit I got them but Zander has his shirt back to front and Jace has his shoes on the wrong feet and he appears to have pulled up his shorts too high that he's now sporting a wedgie. "Daddy I don't like these shorts" Jace complains as he does a little wiggle dance as he attempts to sort out his shorts making me stifle a laugh.

"That's because you've pulled them too high and now you have a wedgie" I explain as I walk over to him and see to his shorts so they're not riding up his bottom. "Aww that's better" he sighs making me chuckle and shake my head as I turn to Zander. "Jace take your shoes off and put them on the right feet while I help your brother" I say to him as he sits himself down on the stairs on the bottom step.

I help Zander take off his shirt and I turn it the right way round "okay arms up" I say he lifts his arms up and I put the shirt over his head and arms and he pulls it the rest of the way down.

"There that's better" I say ruffling up Zander's hair "not the hair daddy" he complains pushing my hand away and starting to fix his hair making me chuckle as I turn to Jace and help him with his shoes which he now has on the right feet. "Okay watch how I tie the laces" I say making sure Jace is looking at me and paying attention so he can learn how to tie his laces, he already knows somewhat how to tie laces but he still needs a little more practice, Zander on the other hand can tie his laces just fine. 

"There you go now you do the other shoe" I say to Jace after I tied the laces of one shoe "okay daddy I got it" he says reaching down and starting to tie his laces which takes him a good minute or two to do but he does it. "I did it!" he cheers looking very proud of himself making me chuckle "well done buddy, now let's go play some baseball" I say grabbing his and Zander's hand as he jumps up "yay!" they cheer making me chuckle as we head for the back garden.

Meanwhile with Davina.....

Davina's pov

I reach the grocery store and see Enzo stood outside "hey Enzo" I say as I walk over to him making him look up "hello love" he greets with a smile. "Thanks for meeting me, you really didn't need too" I say making him shrug "you're Kol's girl and what kind of gentleman would I be if I refused to help a young mum do her grocery shopping" he responds before opening the door for me making me smile. "Thank you" I respond as I walk into the grocery store and grab myself a trolley. 

"So how have you been doing Enzo?" I ask as I stroll along the bakery isle, grabbing a fresh loaf of bread and putting it in the trolley. "I've been quite alright. How are you and the kids?" he asks "I'm fine and so are the kids. The boys are getting a little more mischievous these days" I respond making him chuckle. "Well Kol Mikaelson is their father so it's only expected" he responds making me laugh slightly "yeah good point" I respond as we head down the dairy isle and I grab two cartons of milk from the fridge and put them in the trolley.

I look at Enzo as his phone keeps going off "someone's popular today" I tease making him chuckle "no, it's just this girl" he responds "ohh and who is this girl? Do you like her?" I ask making him playfully roll his eyes. "Yes and I have a date with her later tonight. I'm nervous because I've been trying to get her to go out with me for weeks and always got turned down until now" he responds making me smile.

"Aw that's cute. What's her name?" I ask "Bonnie, she's a witch and very beautiful much like yourself. She is a nice gal" he explains with a smile on his face. "Aw well I hope to meet her one day" Davina replied as she head down another aisle.

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